It's just that her body has a hole that runs through her body, and the heart that was beating inside has also disappeared.Moreover, her left arm was also lost in the brutal fighting before her death.

Due to the contact with the jade, Cuizi's softened body fell from the pile of the monster's corpse.

Inuyasha gently caught her and stroked her cheek with some pity.

"Thank you for redeeming my soul, the descendants of Tengu." Tsuiko looked at Inuyasha's movements, it was her own body, and Inuyasha's touch seemed to feed back to her soul.

It's a pity...she is in the state of soul, and there is no such reaction as blushing.

"You are a respectable witch, don't be polite to me." Inuyasha smiled at her.

Inuyasha wouldn't tell himself that he coveted her beauty or something, that would bring down the first image, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Kikyo looked at Cuizi's soul body. Although strictly speaking, she had not accepted the practice of a witch, but wearing a witch costume for so long, Kikyo had long regarded herself as a witch.

Moreover, in fact, she knows all the witches, but the skills of those witches are taught by Inuyasha...

In a way, Inuyasha can also be counted as a shrine maiden, er, shōnō?

For the most legendary witch like Cuizi, Kikyo naturally admires it very much. After all, Cuizi has driven the development of the witch industry.

"Miss Cuizi, hello~" Kikyo took the initiative to greet her.Don't look at her soft and cute in front of Inuyasha, but she is actually very cold outside, and it seems that it is the first time to greet her like this.

"Hello, the witch with the power to break the magic." Cuizi nodded gently.

Cuizi was obviously very happy that such a capable witch could appear among the witches after her.

However, when it was shown on his face, only a faint smile remained.

Such a smile Inuyasha is very familiar!The Kikyo in the original book, who lived only for the identity of a witch, often showed this kind of smile.Although it was a very happy moment, she still had to maintain her consciousness as a priestess.

And witches represent a heavy responsibility.

"I think I can be reincarnated with peace of mind..." she said to Kikyo.

Cuizi felt that she was very tired. She had fought endlessly with monsters for hundreds of years in the Jade of Four Souls. She was really tired.

After seeing an excellent witch like Kikyo and feeling that it doesn't matter if she doesn't have herself, Cuizi has the idea of ​​returning to the underworld directly.If possible, she just wants to be an ordinary girl in her next life.

"Actually, I think... you can still rescue it~" Inuyasha said.

Just kidding, if Cuizi was reincarnated like this, why wouldn't he be busy working in vain?

Cuizi's soul set her sights on her body, and said that she had no attachment to this body, that was impossible.


"Useless boy, this body is broken." Cuizi said.She knows her body, if it is not on the verge of collapse, she will not choose this kind of death.

"I said yes, yes~" Inuyasha said very domineeringly.

His right index finger lightly tapped between Cuizi's three-dotted eyebrows, and the rich energy of life belonged to Cuizi's body.

The originally lifeless body immediately gained a touch of vitality. …

Inuyasha didn't stop at all, his fingers tapped on Cuizi's body like he was playing a piano.At this time, he clearly knew how hard Cuizi's battle was, and his body had been completely destroyed.

Even if Cuizi didn't do that at the beginning, her body would collapse directly in the next few days!

Cuizi's body needs a life force far beyond that of ordinary masters.


Inuyasha is really rich and powerful now, and has no scruples at all, and a large amount of life force is passed into Cuizi's body.Death is expelled little by little, while vitality is restored little by little.

Where the left arm was originally bitten by the Red Flame Flood Dragon, the flesh and blood began to move, and it quickly grew into a new arm.


In the big hole in her mouth, a new heart could not grow.

"Thank you boy, but please don't waste your life force for me." Cui Zi's voice was a little lost.Sure enough, she still wanted to return to this body again.

"It's not a waste, it's worth it for you~"

Inuyasha smiled, what are you doing?This is the best time to brush up on your feelings!


After listening to these short and powerful love words, Cuizi's expression changed.When she was alive, although everyone respected her very much, it was precisely because of the respect that she always felt lonely.

But what Inuyasha just said in 4.9 was entirely because she was a woman!

Emotions of respect are unequal from the beginning.The emotions between men and women are equal.

"The Jade of the Four Souls is my heart, and my body can no longer regenerate a heart..." The existence of the Jade of the Four Souls regenerates the heart of the disruptor Cuizi.

"Then change the heart."

"No, I will never allow someone else's heart to be taken away for me," Cuizi said firmly.

For her, her life's mission is to redeem humanity.Now, to snatch someone else's heart for his own resurrection, Cuizi would never be able to do such a thing.

"Then what if it's... mine?" Inuyasha pointed at his mouth!

Chapter [-] The one under the broken Hungarian armor...

"Master! What are you talking about!" Kikyo was anxious at the time.

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