Looking at Feng Hao's slow-moving tattoo, it was tattooed with the blood of a fierce beast, and the purpose was not simply to look good.

But because they can further enhance the strength of the body through this method.


Feng Hao's father can be said to be a wonderful flower on the ancient continent, in present words.If it sounds good, it is a pioneer, but if it sounds bad, it is a rebellious young man.

Instead of taking the old path left by his ancestors, he turned to develop a new path.

Didn't you use the blood of beasts to stand in for your strength?Then I will use the soul of the beast to improve my strength.

However, the soul of the beast obviously cannot be directly integrated into the body, which will definitely make his reason collapse.So he chose a carrier, that is, Ding Qin Jian, no!It's [Ferocious]!

And he is too rebellious, originally physical training and sword training can be carried out at the same time.

After all, the blood and soul of beasts are two substances.

In the end, he only cultivated fierceness, and as the days passed, fierceness became a peerless weapon.And because it is a weapon forged and upgraded by Feng Hao's father, it will never betray its master.

With this weapon, Feng Hao's father also led his clan to thrive on the ancient continent where beasts were rampant.

But one day...

A king of beasts has entered their tribe, a rare beast that is shaped like a tiger and has wings on its back!His father was unfortunately lost in the battle, and in the end, he lost.

Fierce suffered heavy losses and disappeared from the eyes of human beings, and Feng Hao's father also died.

"No wonder you don't believe in weapons so much, it's really... a sad experience." Inuyasha wanted to pat Feng Hao on the shoulder.

As a result, he gestured for a long time, and finally fell on his arm.

Can't get enough!

This giant, who is nearly three meters tall, made Inuyasha experience the feeling of childhood again.Because of being short and unable to reach all kinds of things, even fighting has to jump up to beat others' hearts.

Because of this experience, Inuyasha understands Feng Hao's mentality very well, and does not believe in foreign objects and concentrates on tempering his body.

"Then why don't you both cultivate both? Anyway, you originally wanted to hunt down beasts to get blood." Inuyasha asked. In his opinion, cultivating both is simply a perfect existence!

"Because the human race at that time was not the master of this continent." Feng Hao said helplessly.

When he said that, Inuyasha understood.

In the desolate continent at that time, human beings could only survive in the cracks of various beasts, instead of ruling the world as they are now.

Destroying people's souls is a big taboo!

It is estimated that it is precisely because Feng Hao's father has gone too far, which led to the attack of Qiongqi.And eventually led to his own death, as well as the death of a large number of people.

"Now, have I passed the test?" Inuyasha asked.

They had a very pleasant conversation just now, and Inuyasha felt that even if it was useless, Feng Hao opened a back door for him, right?

After all, this is a society that relies on face, he is so handsome~

"Of course... no!" Feng Hao just smiled and gave him a fist!

"Damn it, I'm a woman if I don't beat you today!"

The second chapter thirty-five chapters me, social people, tattoos!

"Hu, hu, hu..."

Inuyasha was breathing rapidly, but he was laughing, laughing very arrogantly!

Just now, he finally beat the bastard Feng Hao hard, although the price was that he was beaten hard too.But that's also beating Feng Hao, isn't it?


Inuyasha pulled out the fierce sword that had pierced into Feng Hao's abdomen and penetrated directly into the altar, and then fell to the side weakly.

At this time, a group of sisters flocked to his side, and the trial was over.

"Ah... It's still degenerate and happy." The gentle little hands of the sisters made Inuyasha quickly forget what iron blood was, and now he only wants tenderness.

Soon, the traces of sweat and blood on Inuyasha's body were gently wiped off by them.

Just when the girls were about to put on fire rat fur for him, Feng Hao spoke.

"Well..." He sat up from the altar at once, and looked at Inuyasha surrounded by beauty, "No need to put it on, you will have to take it off later."

"Old man, have you tasted the power of the young man's fist?" Inuyasha looked at him with a smile.

"Humph! Old man, I wasn't serious!"

The wound that had penetrated Feng Hao's abdomen just now had long since disappeared, and with his non-human recovery ability, it has been restored to its original state.

In the true sense of life and death, Inuyasha may not have just won this old guy.

Of course, use "just"!

If it is really a life-and-death fight, Inuyasha will not estimate any honor, inheritance... and the like.He will use everything to the extreme, and use all the indiscriminate methods.

With the means of moving in space like the end of the world, Inuyasha is already invincible.

Coupled with the assistance of the Life Orb, even if Inuyasha used it for hundreds of years, it would consume energy to kill this old guy.

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