At that time...

Human beings can compete with wild and sturdy men of different species, aren't they all physique-training?Why did a weapon suddenly appear?And how did Qin Shi Huang get it?

Mystery, a large group of incomprehensible mysteries is pressing towards Inuyasha.

"033 Mistress, these are not things you should consider now, I will teach you a lesson, don't be distracted when fighting!"

"I wipe!"

Feng Hao, before he finished speaking, he smashed his fist at Inuyasha.

Normally, Inuyasha would never dodge this attack.But when he stared at Feng Hao's infinitely enlarged fist, Inuyasha suddenly found that the fist became slower and slower.

Until it got to his face, Inuyasha felt like it was running like a snail, slow!

"Hmph~ Really... interesting."

Inuyasha calmly glanced at Ding Qin Jian, whose hand was already full of veins, and felt it vibrate gently.At this moment, Ding Qinjian finally completely admitted that Inuyasha is its owner!

"For the rest of my life, please give me more advice." Inuyasha whispered to it.

"Ding!" Ding Qinjian trembled slightly, as if responding to his contract.


Inuyasha placed Ding Qin Jian in front of Yue Hung, blocking Feng Hao's fist.Under such a powerful blow, Inuyasha didn't even retreat half a minute, but the knees under his feet bent slightly.

The same is true of Ding Qin Jian, the sword body is bent to block Feng Hao's fist, and at the same time, he is still groaning slightly.

It's like saying: trivial, but so...

Chapter [-] Fierce, fierce!

"Let you speak ill of it!" Inuyasha used both hands, and the anti-shock force of the blade actually pushed Feng Hao away.

You must know that in the battle so far, Inuyasha has never been able to let Feng Hao move half a step!

But now, Feng Hao not only moved his footsteps, but also began to retreat due to the powerful force.In other words, Inuyasha was finally free from Feng Hao and had the power to fight back.

"Hmm..." Feng Hao nodded noncommittally and waved to Inuyasha.

The trial is not over yet, the battle will continue!

Inuyasha's original martial arts are becoming more and more pure, and the Ding Qin sword is also sharper than before, I don't know how much, and...

The bloodline belonging to Zulong kept whispering in his body.

The dragon family was not like this before, it was like a totem like a mascot.It represents strength and power, and it is one of the three beasts that once ruled the entire flood.

The blood it has passed down is naturally full of bellicose factors.The Tengu bloodline is even more belligerent!


The iron fist and the long sword clashed again, making a crisp collision sound.

Only this time, Ding Qinjian no longer returned without success as before, but left a small scratch on Feng Hao's iron fist.Inuyasha could see the golden blood inside, although it quickly healed under his powerful resilience.


Inuyasha looked at Ding Qin Jian, the original silver-white sword body was actually full of various lines at this time, like...

It's like, the inscriptions of the beasts!

It is very similar to the beast tattoo on Feng Hao's body. The strange lines are connected with the inscriptions of various beasts, but the light emitted by the sword body is not blood red, but gold.

"Its name is [Ferocious], the fierceness of the beast." Feng Hao said suddenly.

He let go of his posture and sat on the altar with a relaxed expression, as if he had no intention of continuing to fight.

"What are you doing standing there, come and rest for a while."


Inuyasha looked at the giant speechlessly, he couldn't understand what this guy wanted to do.

Literally understand this trial, that is, Inuyasha has to defeat Feng Hao, but now it's just a small hole, and it's not even an injury at all.

Unless...he got tetanus and the wound got infected.

But to let a person who has already stepped into the realm of God and other tetanus, the probability is less than or equal to zero!

"You know it?" Inuyasha still took his side.

"It was my father's sword."

"Meow meow meow?"

Inuyasha stared blankly at Feng Hao, his father's saber?In other words, his father cast this "fierce"?But... Feng Hao obviously disdains weapons, didn't everyone at that time train in the body?

Seemingly seeing Inuyasha's doubts, Feng Hao smiled helplessly.

"How should I put it, my father is a perfect being. He is valiant, smart, and kind to the people of his tribe..."

It is indeed a very interesting thing to listen to the story of the old guy going to the ancient times.

Feng Hao's father was a tribal leader.

They have a practice that has been handed down long ago, which is Feng Hao's practice of this kind of physical exercise.Not only can the potential of the human body be fully tapped, but also...

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