A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 309 What is prophecy

Black reluctantly asked the house elf at home to go to Gringotts to get the money. Charles took the money and ran back to the villa.

Charles gave the money to Dobby and asked him to be responsible for financing the renovation of the restaurant.

The next morning, Charles visited the centaur tribe. When he returned to the castle, he saw that there were particularly many dementors in the Forbidden Forest.

The dementors recognized him, greeted him and let him in.

Dumbledore was at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. As soon as he finished talking to the leader of the dementors, Charles returned.

"Charles," Dumbledore said with a solemn expression, "Has there been anything strange among the centaurs recently?"

Charles thought he was worried about Black running to the centaurs, so he said: "I told the great elder not to disturb or cause conflict with strangers. If he wants food, give it to him. If you have a chance, turn over the flax and tie it up and let me know." , let’s share the bounty together.”

Dumbledore was silent for a moment and said seriously: "Charles, promise me not to take the initiative to find Black."

Charles didn't know whether he was worried about killing Black himself or being killed by Black, so he just agreed at this time.

Charles came back in time for lunch. On the way back to the castle, Dumbledore said: "Last night, three dementors were attacked and knocked unconscious by Black. They decided to bring more dementors from Azkaban."

Charles frowned, he just knocked out one of them, who did the other two?

"Principal," he said thoughtfully, "I have an immature idea."

"Could the attack on the Dementors be done by Voldemort? He wanted more Dementors to come to Hogwarts and then release the Death Eaters imprisoned there."

"Should we send all the Azkaban prisoners to Australia first?"

In his opinion, this may be an obvious deviation.

Dumbledore said: "We stopped sending prisoners to Australia many years ago."

"What you said makes sense, I will mention it to Fugit."

When Charles came to the cafeteria, other students arrived, but after just saying hello, the atmosphere was a little weird.

The two girls, Lavender and Parvati, looked at Harry with regret in their eyes. Ron would put a chicken drumstick on Harry's plate from time to time, asking him to eat more good ones.

Seamus and Neville chatted quietly from time to time, and looked at Harry from time to time.

Hermione looked as if nothing had happened, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her.

After lunch, everyone returned to the common room, and then Charles asked Harry: "What happened to you?"

Harry said helplessly: "I'm going to die."

Charles adjusted his glasses, looked left and right, and asked him: "What are you going to write on the tombstone?"

Harry gave him a roll of his eyes.

Others heard that Charles was teasing Harry, and Lavender said to him: "Charles, in the divination class, Professor Trelawney predicted that Harry would die when he saw a big dog."

Parvati continued: "Harry saw a big black dog on the way to your castle yesterday."

A lot of things happened in the divination class that day, and Professor Trelawney predicted a lot of things, but no one thought about it after Seamus caused the explosion.

This morning, Harry talked about seeing a sneezing dog in Hogsmeade yesterday, and everyone remembered such a thing.

Charles was a little surprised and turned to look at Harry.

Harry said expressionlessly: "Yes, I saw a big black dog, and I also saw the dog sneezing."

After hearing this, Charles thought about it and realized that this involved a philosophical issue. Is a wizard considered a human or an animal in his Animagus form?

Everyone knew that he had a talent for divination. Professor Trelawney made it clear during class that she regretted that he did not choose his class. Now that she saw him thinking seriously, she wondered if he might have something surprising to say.

Hermione originally felt that this kind of thing was unreliable after taking a divination class and did not believe in divination, but she was a little shaken when she saw Charles's reaction.

She asked with some uncertainty: "Charles, do you also believe that Harry will die?"

Charles found that everyone was looking at him, adjusted his glasses, and said seriously: "Let me tell you my views on divination."

Everyone immediately focused their attention.

Charles said: "There are real divination and false divination."

"Let me tell you the lie first. This kind of divination usually tells something that everyone knows but has not noticed in the past. For example, I predicted that Ron's children will all have red hair."

The classmates burst into laughter. Everyone knew that the Weasley family had red hair.

Charles continued: "There is also a kind of fake divination that tells something that has a high probability of happening. For example, Ron's wife will be a Gryffindor student in the future."

This time, it was not only the third grade students, but also the students from other grades nearby who were attracted to make noises. Fred and George rushed to them immediately, and Percy appeared quietly. As a result, more people came to watch the fun. .

Ron's face suddenly turned as red as his hair.

Charles smiled and said: "The reason is actually very simple. Until now, Ron hasn't known many girls from other houses. I'm afraid the possibility of knowing him after graduation will be low, so the most likely one is a Gryffindor girl."

"Of course, this may not be accurate, but it happened many years later. If it is wrong, everyone will forget it. If it is right, they will soon remember that there is such a so-called prophecy."

The onlookers thought it made sense.

Charles continued: "Now let me talk about the real prophecy."

He raised his wand and passed it over everyone's heads, and an image of a rushing silver river appeared on the long table.

The first-year freshmen who were watching suddenly exclaimed, their eyes filled with admiration.

The older students realized that they had never heard of the spell that Charles recited just now.

This is a projection spell used by professors at Beauxbatons to give lectures. It can project what is thinking in the mind. Lady Angelina learned it when she was a professor of history of magic there. She taught it to her son-in-law, and Charles learned it from the side. .

"Time is very complicated," Charles said seriously. "Wizards have been studying time and have achieved some results. At the same time, many serious accidents have occurred, and some wizards have suffered irreversible damage."

"We simplify the passage of time and think of it as an endless river of time, and everything flows in the river."

Many of the onlookers understood and nodded.

Charles clicked the river of time with his wand, and it froze, and then a picture appeared on it - everyone was in the common room now, the Gryffindor Quidditch team was walking into the stadium, and the snow-covered castle , and everyone is boarding the train to go home for the holidays.

"Suppose this is the time we are in now." He pointed his wand all the way to the past. "These are things that will happen in the future."

As his wand moved, several golden threads stretched out from the "now" and connected to different "futures" one by one.

"This is real divination." Charles pointed to the golden thread and said, "Foretellers use various means to peek into the future and predict what will happen in the future."

There was a lot of "I see" voices all around, many of them were senior students, and it was obvious that this had not been explained in class.

"But!" Charles' voice was a little louder and he waved his wand a few times.

The golden thread leading to the "future" disappeared, and the part from the "now" back was shrouded in black clouds as thick as ink, with lightning and thunder in the clouds, and bursts of thunder.

"Time is very complicated." Charles emphasized again, "Peering into the future requires going through a dangerous fog."

At this time, "now" stretches out more new golden threads, some thick and some thin.

You can see that the thin golden wires have no strength to penetrate into the black clouds. Some of them penetrated and some stopped. Some seemed to have lost their way and were running around without finding the target. Some were struck by lightning continuously. Among them, a few thick gold threads can reach the "future" without fear of dark clouds and lightning.

Charles continued: "Actual divination will encounter many difficulties, there will be a lot of interference, sometimes the vision will not be clear, and sometimes we will only see fragmented fragments, just like a table where we only touch the corners."

"So sometimes the predictions have some deviations, such as one or two days earlier or later."

"Sometimes only fragments can be seen, and interpretation based solely on these fragments is likely to be wrong."

"In addition, there are some weird problems. Well... I remember hearing about someone whose predictions about the weather were wrong 100% of the time."

"Of course, the examples I have here are just simplified models, and the actual situation will be much more complicated."

"And divination is very about talent. The dark clouds in front of people with talent are just thin morning mist, while those without talent have a solid wall in front of them."

After he finished speaking, there was a burst of thunderous applause.

This statement quickly spread on campus, and Professor Trelawney gave Charles an unprecedented 10 points without taking this course.

Everyone also thought that Harry might not die, but be in a coma or something. Professor Trelawney was wrong.

This made Gryffindor Quidditch captain Oliver Wood a little nervous, because the Quidditch team was about to start training. He was seriously considering whether to ask someone to guard against Harry falling off the broom and falling into the hospital. After all, this happened last school year.

This made Harry very dissatisfied, thinking that he did not trust his flying skills, which was worse than everyone thinking that he would die.

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