A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 308 Asking you to borrow money

The wind picked up at night, and there was a whirring sound from the entrance of the cave. The only sound in the cave was the crackling of burning wood.

The wand in Black's hand was still pointing at the uninvited guest, remembering in his mind which famous dark wizard he was.

But after thinking about it, I really can't think of any dark wizard who has not been captured by Dumbledore in these years.

"I came to you today for one thing only," said Charles.

Blake hissed in a low voice: "Don't think of me as a scum like you, I won't go along with you!"

In his opinion, the wizard in front of him might have a group of villains as subordinates like Voldemort's Death Eaters, and when he saw that he was wanted, he came to join him.

Charles smiled and said sincerely: "I would like to ask you to borrow one hundred thousand galleons for five years, with an annual interest of 5%, and the interest will be paid within three days after Christmas every year."

Black's face seemed to be cursed with petrification. His face became even stiffer than Snape's. It was obvious that his brain had shut down.

"Say it again...please."

He felt that this person didn't have any ill intentions towards him. He could obviously use it to rob it, or threaten to report it to the Ministry of Magic, but he was just borrowing it with interest.

Charles said it again.

He originally didn't want to borrow so much, just enough to open a restaurant.

But Grindelwald disagreed, saying who he was and that having too little funds would embarrass himself.

Moreover, he knew very well how much money those old wizard families had in their treasury. He had investigated it back then, so he provided an amount that was not low, and the other party did not need to consider too much when taking it out.

Blake was silent. He had never thought about money since he was a child, and the least valuable thing in the family treasury was gold coins. It was not a problem to get one hundred thousand Galleons out.

Moreover, the man in front of him asked him to retrieve his brother's body, and later found out what he had done back then. In this regard, borrowing some money was nothing.

Charles continued: "As a token of my sincerity, I can tell you a piece of news."

"Voldemort made more than one Horcrux. The locket in your hand is one of them. The other is a notebook from his student days. The others may be related to the founder of Hogwarts."

"Horcruxes have a characteristic. When exposed to them for a long time, the soul inside will possess them and seize the body of the person in contact. Last year, the Weasley family lady was controlled by a notebook and released a basilisk."

"Wait!" Blake's originally surprised face suddenly became distorted, "You mean, a mysterious man is possessing a young lady?"

The newspaper only said that a descendant of Slytherin controlled the students through dark magic items such as the Imperius Curse, but did not go into details.

He was a little worried, what if he was controlled by the locket?

"That's right," said Charles, "Dumbledore knew about this and Voldemort controlled Ginny Weasley."

"Oh, by the way, Miss Weasley is related to you."

Black immediately waved his hand and said, "Don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, I'm not familiar with Mrs. Weasley!"

This time it was Charles' turn to be stuck, and said helplessly: "No one who has seen Miss Weasley's hair would think that way. What I want to say is that she is Harry Potter's girlfriend."

"What?!" Blake was surprised and happy, "Harry has a girlfriend?"

"Haha...Harry has a girlfriend?!"

"Hahahaha! That Harry who is riding a broomstick and banging his head on the table has a girlfriend!"

Charles realized that he had heard something interesting.

He thought for a while, and the broomstick that a child played with could only fly at that high level. A one-year-old child riding on it could hit his head on the table.

Blake smiled and laughed, then suddenly fell to his knees and howled, obviously thinking of James Potter.

Charles just stood aside quietly.

There is no room for cleverness in the cruel struggle, and the slightest mistake will cost your life.

Blake cried for almost an hour and stood up with a ferocious look on his face, obviously thinking of Peter.

Charles said calmly: "It seems that the person who betrayed the Potter family was not you, and that person named Peter, blowing up that street was actually your revenge."

Blake was stunned. He didn't expect that he would know the truth back then, and couldn't help but ask: "How did you know?"

"It's very simple." Charles shrugged, "When you mentioned Harry Potter just now, that happy look was not fake."

"If you were the one who really betrayed the Potter family and wanted to find him to avenge Voldemort, it wouldn't be like what it was just now."

"I speculate that your and James Potter's plan back then was to make everyone think you were the Secret Keeper, but actually Peter, and then you lured Voldemort away."

"But you didn't expect that Peter betrayed the Potter family."

Blake nodded sadly and said, "We thought no one would be able to see our plan, but we didn't expect you to be able to see it."

Charles sneered and said, "Boy, you are still young. I experienced much more danger than you did back then."

"If it were me, I would make it appear that the Potters were still in the House of Secrecy, and actually live in the Falkland Islands. That house would be filled with traps, such as being filled with carbon monoxide, and erasing your memory of the incident. "

Blake thought he had a point.

"Don't you find it strange?" Charles continued, "Why did Voldemort suddenly want to kill the Potter children?"

"Is there any reason why he had to be killed?"

"Did he come up with this reason, or did someone tell him he had to do this?"

Charles thought about asking Black to find out about Snape's eavesdropping on the prophecy, and then tell Harry and then Petunia to see what would happen then.

Blake thought about it, but suddenly discovered a question: "Who are you? Not many people directly say the name of the mysterious person!"

He wouldn't shiver at Voldemort's name, but he wouldn't be able to say it either.

Charles took out a piece of parchment and pen from his windbreaker and handed it over, smiling and saying, "Voldemort is just a playful child in my eyes."

"As long as you agree to lend me money and sign on it, you will know who I am."

"However, for the sake of confidentiality, you are not allowed to disclose any content of our meeting today or the borrowing of money through any means to any person or object before I pay back the money, including but not limited to animals and plants, oil paintings, ghosts, Peeves, etc. .”

This was requested by Grindelwald as he did not want to be troubled by Dumbledore.

"No problem." Blake quickly made a decision, "You help me far more than money."

He took the parchment and studied it carefully. It was just a simple loan agreement and a somewhat complicated confidentiality agreement. He signed it with the lender when he thought it was OK.

When Blake finished writing the name, Grindelwald's name appeared as the borrower.

"It's you?!" Blake was shocked.

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