A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 280 Cursed

In Marseille in July, there were many tourists from all over the world. After Charles arrived, he inquired for a while before he found out where the Delacour family was.

The place where the Delacour family currently lives is a B\u0026B on a mountainside by the sea near Marseille. The owner is a wizard and a Muggle couple. There is a beach and a small pier at the foot of the mountain.

Charles called a taxi and finally found a place that was not visible to Muggles.

This is a white two-story building facing the sea. Half of the roof is a terrace with a blue awning.

As soon as Charles walked to the door, before he could ring the doorbell, the door opened by itself.

Ruby opened the door and squealed happily when she saw Charles.

Then Charles closed the door, and Fleur stood in the living room wearing clothes with very little fabric, turning her head to look at the door.

After a while, the door opened, and behind the door was Furong's cold, slightly twisted face.

The tone of her voice reminded Charles of Snape: "Did I scare you?"

Charles closed his eyes and said, "Clothes."

Fleur's expression softened a little and she said, "Come in, this is a swimsuit, it's okay."

As the saying goes, "Whatever I give to you in heaven and earth is yours. If I don't give it to you, you can't take it away." Since she said this, Charles entered the room and closed the door.

Charles ignored Fleur's white bikini and the necklace around her neck. He looked at her with a frown and asked, "What's the matter with the scars on your body?"

Fleur's originally white and smooth skin now had a large dark red and twisted scar covering her entire back and left shoulder, front, neck and part of her cheek, which looked scary.

"It's okay." Fleur said calmly, "It's been like this for a year, I'm used to it."

Charles suddenly remembered that when he went to Australia last year, he passed by France and went to their house to deliver Christmas gifts in advance. Mrs. Delacour did say that Fleur had been injured at Mount Velebit, the hometown of Veela, last summer, but at that time and Later they all said it was not a big problem.

He looked at Ruby, who understood what he meant and shook her head helplessly.

Fleur continued calmly: "It was a curse, and it's much better now."

"Gabriel and the others just went to the beach to play. Please hurry over."

Charles glared at her hard and said angrily: "How could I be in the mood to play when I see you like this!"

Furong was stunned for a moment. She had been born with beauty since she was a child, and it was obvious how others looked at her. She had never been stared at like this before.

Charles sat down on the sofa in the living room, took out the bag from his trouser pocket, and began to look through the specially hidden things.

He first took out the dancing grass and looked very angry and said: "Durmstrang's friend planted it. I originally wanted to give it to you, but now I won't give it to you. I will give it to Gabrielle."

Fleur went to pour a glass of lemonade and put it on the coffee table in front of the sofa. She looked at Charles with a complicated expression as he continued to put his hand into the bag to look for something.

She sat next to Charles and said nonchalantly: "The school doctor at Beauxbatons said this curse is very powerful, extremely rare, and cannot be cured."

"Anyway, this is another reckless mistake I made, and I am responsible for it myself."

Charles took out something from the most hidden corner of his bag. When he turned to look at Fleur, he was a little annoyed and said without emotion: "If you say that the poison leopard was also a mistake you made because of your recklessness, I will immediately leave."

For Charles, the closest link between him and Fleur was saving her from the poisonous leopard last year. Otherwise, the two were only indirectly related through Gabrielle and Lady Angelina.

Fleur bit her lip and stopped talking.

Charles no longer looked angry and said calmly: "It was what happened that day that made me see your sense of justice and bravery, and I felt that you were someone I could get along with."

"Otherwise you think I'm just coveting your beauty. It's not like there aren't people who are prettier than you."

Fleur lowered her head and said, "But I almost killed you."

That night they were surrounded by poisonous gas from the Poison Leopard. From Fleur's perspective, there was only one gas mask at that time. After he used it for himself, he was in danger and his life was hanging by a thread.

The main reason why Fleur had this idea was that Phoenix Tears were too precious and few people knew that they could last for a long time. So she thought that Charles and herself would be poisoned at that time, otherwise she would not have taken out the gas masks. She felt that this effect was what Charles later comforted herself. of.

Charles said angrily: "Do you think that you were harmed by those who let the poisonous leopard kill and hurt you?"

"I told you at the time that the Phoenix Tears have a lasting effect. I was worried that your body had just detoxified and the effect would not last long, so I gave you the mask."

"If you don't believe me, ask Ruby."

Fleur blushed when she saw Ruby nodding.

Charles didn't think about whether the time they took turns using gas masks was indirect lip communication. After speaking, he handed a crystal bottle in his hand to Fleur: "Drink."

Fleur took the bottle and saw that the red potion inside looked like crystal, and asked curiously: "What is this?"

Charles replied: "This is a dragon's blood potion invented by Nico Flamel. It is good for the skin and can remove scars. You can try it."

Produced by Nico Flamel, it must be a fine product.

In the eyes of Fleur and other Beauxbatons students, Nicol Flamel was a being that was almost like a god, just like the students in Hogwarts looked at Dumbledore, everything related to him was unattainable.

Many people know that Flamel has collaborated with Dumbledore, and it is not surprising that students at Hogwarts can obtain his formula.

From Fleur's point of view, the potion that Charles took out was extremely precious. It was naturally not worth a fortune based on the current real estate prices, but there was still no problem in buying a luxury house in Paris.

As for what Charles said was only about skin care and scar removal, Fleur didn't believe it. How could Flamel's work only have this effect?

"No need." Fleur put the bottle back into Charles' hand, "This is too precious, leave it to other people in need."

Charles said: "Now it looks like you are just the person needed."

"Don't say you don't care. If you really don't care, you will put on your swimsuit at home when your family goes to the beach to play?"

Fleur was struck by what she said, biting her lip and turning her head away.

Charles opened the cap of the crystal bottle and said, "If you don't drink it, I will force you to drink it."

Outside the house, Gabrielle ran back alone, wearing a beautiful little skirt and holding a sunhat filled with shells, to show her sister the shells she had picked up.

As she was about to open the door, she heard the voices of Charles and her sister coming from the house.

"Drink quickly!"

"don't want!"

"Be obedient!"


"Drink it all!"

When she heard that it was Charles coming, she opened the door immediately, and the sound alerted the two people inside.

When Gabrielle walked to the living room, she found her sister and Charles sitting upright on the sofa.

Gabrielle asked curiously: "Sister, why are your face so red and your neck red too?"

Furong said: "It's hot..."

Veela's physique is still somewhat different from that of humans, and the same goes for girls with Veela blood.

Charles' dragon blood potion is a formula for human use, and Fleur had some side effects after drinking it.

"Wow!" Gabri almost jumped up with joy, "Sister, you can do acrobatics!"

Fleur was startled by the half-meter-long pillar of fire that came out of her mouth, and turned to glare at Charles.

Charles scratched his head and said: "There are some side effects at first, just wait and see."

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