A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 279 Dancing Grass

Marlene is a beautiful girl. She first learned dance and then musical instruments in school. She has an outstanding figure and temperament. It is normal for someone to pursue her.

Charles saw that the person coming was a young man about the same age as Marlene. He was quite handsome and 90% as handsome as himself. He was wearing a well-tailored suit. The smile on his face was reminiscent of a man who almost became a black magician in Azkaban. The person who teaches defense.

Judging from their appearance alone, many people would say that the two of them are a match made in heaven.

But, now that Marlene has a girlfriend, this little brother is out of luck.

Erica gritted her teeth and whispered to Charles: "He is Rudolf Otto, who has been pursuing Marlene. His grandfather is a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic."

Charles nodded slightly, it turned out that he was here to pry her off.

Otto saw Erica and Charles whispering, so he said to Marlene: "Erica is with her boyfriend, let's go somewhere else so as not to disturb them."

Marlene went over to hold Charles' arm, quickly kissed him on the face, glared at Otto and said, "He is my boyfriend, you can leave now!"

Charles helped with the acting, and naturally put his arm around Marlene's waist, and asked slightly: "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"By the way, I'm a student at Hogwarts. If you want to see the phoenix, all you need to do is prepare a piece of cake."

Otto's face turned white and red, and the wand slipped from his sleeve into his hand.

The smile on Charles's face remained unchanged, but his eyes suddenly became cold and terrifying, and he said without emotion: "If your wand is raised, I guarantee you will regret it."

Otto suddenly felt as if he was in a snowstorm, and the coldness penetrated to his bones.

He had heard his grandfather mention it before, and that was how he felt when he faced Grindelwald.

At this time, the bosses setting up stalls around him pointed at Otto with their magic wands.

A bearded boss said to him seriously: "Boy, if you dare to disturb our business, I will make your life worse than death!"

A MILF boss lady next to her said with a smile: "Such a reckless young man, if I were you, I wouldn't like you. Instead, I would like that gentleman from Hogwarts, and he is more handsome than you."

After she finished speaking, she blew a kiss to Charles.

Charles politely bowed to the proprietress in return, and said sincerely to the bosses around him: "I'm very sorry for disturbing you, we will leave now."

People set up stalls here to support their families. If someone messes up, business will not be done today or even for several days. If you damage your goods, you will lose a lot of money for no reason. Destroying someone's wealth is like killing your parents. Don't expect them to give troublemakers a good look.

Not to mention that none of the bosses here have ever been younger. It can be seen at a glance that they are young people who are jealous.

This bastard who took out the magic wand first started this matter because he wanted to poach someone else's corner. How could he let such a thing delay today's business?

On the contrary, he is the victim. He looks very polite, speaks nicely, and makes people feel good about him. No wonder there are two beautiful girls following him.

So the bosses who gathered around pointed their wands at Otto, and some of the hot-tempered ones were already cursing and telling him to get out immediately.

Seeing this situation, Otto had no choice but to give up. Grandpa couldn't help him if things got serious, so he took back his wand and left.

Before he left, he asked Charles: "What's your name?"

Charles smiled and replied: "Seamus Finnigan."

Otto turned and left, and Charles waved his hand seemingly casually, as if to shoo away flies.


Otto suddenly screamed, and his little toe hit the wooden pole supporting the shed next to the stall. It looked like it was in great pain.

Then he became miserable. Every few steps he took, his little toe would kick something, alternately kicking the left and right sides. He was limping when he walked.

By the end, there were no stalls around him, but there was a swallow-tailed dog...

One of the bosses saw that it was "Seamus Finnigan" who was pulling the prank, but he was the one who was provoked by others, so everyone just laughed at such a harmless prank.

Charles and his party continued to wander in the market and gained something.

The proprietress just now sold a kind of thorn bark, which can treat some negative conditions.

The proprietress promised to give Charles some old branches to take back cuttings, and left her home address waiting for him to come.

It’s just that Marlene seemed to have something on her mind and kept pretending not to care, but both Charles and Erica saw it.

The two asked her what was wrong, but she just shook her head.

The sun gradually rose, the surrounding thick fog slowly dissipated, and the market began to close its stalls.

They had lunch in the city. Marlene asked Charles to get the thorn bark wood, and she and Erica returned to the vampire village first.

For the next two days, Charles stayed at Erica's house and helped take care of the flower fields around the house during the day. Plants that needed cuttings were planted here first.

It's just that Charles found that Marlene was acting strange after coming back from the medicine market, and Erica also started to feel a little strange. The two of them often whispered together with serious expressions, and glanced at him from time to time, but as soon as he passed by, the topic began to change. How to fry pork trotters.

The night of the full moon arrived, and the three of them got busy. They picked flowers, made wine, canned food, and cleaned tools. They worked all night. Erica relied on these for half a year's living expenses.

When preparing to leave, Erica put a small pot of plant on the table to give to Charles.

This is a palm-high grass that looks a bit like bamboo with thin and long leaves. It is planted in a small pot the size of a water glass.

Charles asked curiously: "What is this?"

"Dancing grass," Erica said, "it dances when there is music around it."

"I got some seeds from a professor in Durmstrang. This one was specially planted for you."

Marlene then said, "Try singing to it."

Charles had heard that there were many plants that could dance with the sound. Curious, he stretched his head over and sang: "They told him don't you rver come around here. Don't..."

During the song, Dancing Grass hugged a ball and shivered. Marlene held his hand and cried, "Stop singing, stop singing, Michael Jackson is not guilty of this."

Charles said seriously: "It may not understand English. I'll try again and get used to it."

Then he sang again: "Trying hard now. It's so hard now..."

This time the Dancing Grass reacted differently and began to squirm darkly.

As if possessed by Rocky, Marlene dragged the guy aside and started beating him. It looked like he had practiced boxing. His level was lower than Harry's, so Dudley shouldn't be able to beat him.

Charles returned to the table and continued to say seriously: "It has just started to adapt. I will try again."

Marlene pinched his neck, revealing a pair of sharp and long fangs, and said viciously: "If you sing again, I will drain your blood!"

Erica scratched her head and finally said to Charles: "Dancing grass is very delicate. Give it to Miss Delacour. She should like it."

Charles thought so, Gabrielle should like it.

He said goodbye to the girls and left for Marseille.

When Charles arrived in Marseille, the British Ministry of Magic received an official document from the German Ministry of Magic, requesting the British to arrest Seamus Finnegan, who had harmed an innocent wizard in Germany with an evil spell.

The British side immediately responded and asked if the deceased was intact.

Fudge and Scrimgeour are currently too busy catching Black, who has escaped from Azkaban, to care about this mess.

As soon as everyone saw the official document, they knew that the German side was talking nonsense.

Just kidding, if Finnigan really did it, how could the person who was beaten remain intact?

Later, this matter was submitted to the joke column of the Daily Prophet, and it was selected as the best joke of the month. The contributor received a bonus of 10 Galleons and sent 5 Galleons to Seamus.

Somewhere in London, a little girl asked her father after reading the Daily Prophet: "Is Finnigan really that powerful?"

Her father replied: "I will take you with me next time I go to Mr. Smith's house. You can ask Charles, he is Finnigan's classmate."

The little girl looked at the calendar on the wall and said with great anticipation: "We will see him next year."

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