A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 265 Destroying the Basilisk

If someone said that the professors at Hogwarts wanted to kill Dumbledore, no one would believe it. Most professors had no motive for committing the crime. At most, they would tease Professor McGonagall about whether she was eager to become the principal.

But some people know that one of the professors at Hogwarts may have a real motive. This is Severus Snape, a former Death Eater.

No need to say anything more, just being a former Death Eater is enough.

The other three deans just looked at Snape. Bell silently moved behind him at any time and could take action at any time. The three Harrys had already raised their wands and pointed at him. Harry was still a little excited.

Snape just looked at Dumbledore and said nothing.

Dumbledore studied the writing on the wall carefully and said after a while: "The last line was added later. The handwriting is a little different. I think the heir of Slytherin wanted to change the headmaster."

"It's important to save Miss Weasley now. Potter, please open the door. Once it's opened, go to the back immediately."

After he said this, everyone stopped worrying about it.

Harry stood in front of the door again, focusing on the two snakes on the door and making a "hissing" sound from his mouth.

The two snakes on the wall came to life and swam to the side, and a door slowly opened.

The door is not completely dark, but there is a faint light, and you can see the scene inside.

Ginny lay on the ground deep in the chamber, motionless, wondering if she was still alive.

The basilisk was right next to her, and when he saw the door open, he immediately looked like he was going to devour her.

Harry's hands and feet suddenly went cold. When he saw that Ginny was about to be eaten by the basilisk, his brain buzzed and he gave up thinking. He shouted "Ginny" and rushed in.

Dumbledore on the side did not expect that Harry would suddenly rush in, and was caught off guard and did not hold him back.

Harry ran forward and Ron followed him into the secret room.


Tom cast a spell on the door to the secret room. It began to close immediately after the first person entered. The door was already halfway closed when Ron entered.

Professor McGonagall immediately turned into a cat and tried to get in before the door was closed. However, she was a step too late and bumped her head against the door. Someone secretly felt distressed.

Just when the door was about to close, Hermione suddenly rushed to the door, holding the stone door tightly with both hands. Lightning flashes appeared on her body that frightened Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick. She just held the door open with only her fingers. The head-wide gap is not closed shut.

Dumbledore turned around in a circle, and then was dumbfounded. There was no way to use Apparition here. Space magic within

Bell said: "Quickly, learn Potter's voice just now!"

However, Tom was determined to kill people and make some people helpless and helplessly wait for others to die. Therefore, no matter how well the people outside the door learned, the door to the secret room had no intention of opening. Min held on to leave a gap.

In the Chamber of Secrets, Harry ran at the fastest speed in his life. He was not as fast as he was when he was chased by dogs when he was a child. He rushed over to protect Ginny before the basilisk bit her, protecting her.

The basilisk's bloody mouth was right in front of him. Harry didn't care so much and kicked the basilisk's fangs.

This kick also had the sound of piercing lightning, and was so powerful that the basilisk's fangs were broken off, leaving only a little bit of flesh attached.

"The flames are blazing!"

Ron closed his eyes tightly, using one hand to use the magic spell to sense objects in the dark that he had learned in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class to determine the location of the basilisk, Harry and Ginny, and the other hand towards the basilisk. The body casts a spell.

However, his spell hit the basilisk and jumped away, without any effect.

At the same time, Dumbledore cast a spell into the crack of the door, and a three-meter-tall stone giant appeared on the ground, rumbling towards the basilisk.

The basilisk had just been kicked in the teeth and rolled over in pain. When it felt something approaching, it swept it with its tail.

The stone giant was whipped to pieces by the basilisk's tail, and Harry was almost hit by a rock as he limped away with Ginny in his arms.

Two phoenix calls came from the secret room, and Ruby appeared with Fox.

The two of them pounced on the basilisk, one on the left and the other on the right, aiming at the basilisk's eyes, and when they crossed the snake's head, they exploded with their hard and sharp claws.

Being blinded was more painful than having a fang kicked out. The basilisk kept twisting and rolling on the ground, and the black blood it shed stained the ground.

Ruby yelled, and Fox flew towards Harry. He jumped on the basilisk's head and scratched and pecked it. More black blood soon oozed from the snake's head.

The basilisk tried to bite Ruby by its sense of smell, but Ruby was a flexible fat phoenix and could nimbly dodge every time.

Outside the door, Professor Sprout rolled up his sleeves, took out a branch from his arm and stuffed it into the crack of the door, and then cast a spell on it.

In the blink of an eye, this branch turned into a whomping willow more than two meters high.


Dumbledore understood what Professor Sprout meant and cast the spell again. A thin and long flame rope flew out from the top of the Elder Wand and wrapped around the branches of the Whomping Willow like a vine.

The roots of the Whomping Willow are like legs, and it runs towards the basilisk. The flaming branches make the basilisk snap, and there is a faint smell of roasted meat.

Ron didn't stop, and his wand kept shooting fist-sized rocks, hitting the basilisk hard.

The basilisk became more and more crazy, smelled Ron's scent, no longer cared about the ruby ​​​​and the Whomping Willow, and opened its mouth and rushed towards Ron.

Hermione saw Ron standing there steadily through the crack in the door. She thought he was frightened and shouted anxiously: "Ron, run over here!"

Dumbledore was about to cast a spell, intending to use the flying spell to bring Ron over, when suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist.

"Wait a minute, Ron can do it."

Dumbledore turned his head and said in surprise: "Charles, Seamus, why are you here?"

"Ruby brought me here," said Charles.

Just as he was about to walk out of the secret passage, Ruby suddenly appeared and grabbed him to the bathroom.

Seamus scratched his head and said, "I was in the common room, and Fox took me to the bathroom..."


At this moment, Hermione ran out of energy, and the door to the secret room finally closed, and no sound came from inside.

Charles saw the words written in Thestral blood on the door, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

He supported the helpless Hermione as she ran as far as she could, and then rolled his eyes toward the dark place nearby where no one seemed to be.

In the secret room, Ron swallowed a gulp of saliva to calm down, and suddenly shouted: "Ruby, get out of the way!"

Ruby was trying to stop the basilisk from jumping towards Ron, but immediately flew away after hearing Ron's roar.

Ron saw that the basilisk's mouth was only three meters away from him, and waved his wand to use the spell he had obtained in Merlin's trial.

"The Cruciatus Sword!"

A magic spell in the shape of a long sword shot out from the top of his wand. The color of this magic spell was as red as the Cruciatus Curse, and it pierced directly into the mouth of the basilisk.

This spell is an enhanced version of the Cruciatus Curse. To use this type of spell, you need to have hatred for the target and have the idea of ​​torturing the other person in your heart.

Ron just saw Harry and Ginny lying motionless not far away. This was all caused by the Basilisk and the Slytherin heir, and his hatred value had already exceeded the upper limit.

The basilisk was cursed, and the pain exceeded the unbearable level, and it died from the pain.

Outside the secret room.

"Open the Alaho hole!"


The door to the Chamber of Secrets, which was strengthened by a spell cast by Slytherin and Tom, was opened by Seamus.

The professors rushed in and found that only Ruby, Fox, and the Whomping Willow were still standing.

When Harry kicked off the basilisk's fangs, his shoes were punctured by the fangs and the soles of his feet were punctured.

There was a string of bloody shoe prints on the ground, all left when he carried Ginny away from the basilisk.

Harry was poisoned and fell down. Fortunately, Fox dropped two tears into his mouth just now, so he would not die.

The basilisk lay on the ground, motionless, letting the Whomping Willow beat its body. The empty eye sockets looked scary.

Ron was lying in front of the basilisk, his head less than a slap away from the snake's mouth, motionless. He was hit in the back of the head by a stone when he opened the door.

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