A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 264 The Door to the Secret Room

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

In the bathroom, everyone found a magical faucet.

Harry shook his head and said, "Why didn't we notice it last time?"

Ron and Hermione nodded together. They had searched every inch of this place before, but they couldn't find the snake symbol on the faucet.

Dumbledore studied the faucet for a while and then said: "It has been cast with a confusion spell to make people ignore its existence."

Finding the faucet is still the first step. The key is how to open it.

Dumbledore and the professors had been studying for a long time, but the curse arranged by Slytherin himself could not be solved in a short time, and they suddenly reached a deadlock.

The Harry trio were whispering not far away, and were also discussing how to open the door to the secret room.

Ron whispered to Harry: "Slytherin speaks Parseltongue. You can try and say a few words to the snake in Parseltongue."

Harry only told Charles, Ron and Hermione that he was a Parseltongue, and no one else knew.

Ron continued: "Many ancient families have set up methods to open the Chamber of Secrets based on blood. The Slytherin family has been a Parseltongue for generations."

Saving people was important, and Harry didn't care whether the secret would be leaked. He nodded and walked over to Dumbledore and said, "I think I have a way to open it."

Snape turned his head and said coldly: "Now is not the time for you to be clever."

Now Harry had learned to ignore Snape and continued to say to Dumbledore: "Headmaster, just let me try. If it doesn't work, it will only take a minute."

Dumbledore thought for a moment and said, "You can try it, but be careful. There is a counter-enchantment on it. If it doesn't feel right, stop immediately."

Harry was a little scared. It turned out that there was a counter spell. Just now the three of them were discussing whether to let Seamus come to "open" the passage.

He stood in front of the faucet and focused his eyes on the snake on the faucet.

Professors gathered around, wands raised, ready to rescue.


Harry was a little nervous when he spoke and spoke humanly.

Snape immediately became angry: "Potter..."

His reprimand was interrupted by what happened next.

Harry calmed down and kept thinking that the snake on the faucet was real, and it would shake his head, and then hissed in his mouth.

The faucet suddenly emitted a white light and rotated rapidly at the same time. Soon the entire sink also rotated, and finally disappeared, revealing a pipe through which people could enter.

The professors looked at Harry with strange expressions. This gossip was too explosive.

The Parseltongues here in the UK are basically descendants of Slytherin. I have never heard that the Potter family has Slytherin blood. Could it be...

Snape's face suddenly turned colder and whiter than dry ice. Lily's family definitely did not have Slytherin blood. If James Potter had Parseltongue, he would have used it against him before. During the period when Harry was born There was only one Parseltongue in Britain at that time, could it be...

Far away, Voldemort sneezed, startling Lucius Malfoy.

Dumbledore glanced at Harry thoughtfully, settling the matter at hand first, then said, "I'll go in first."

"Wait!" Professor Flitwick suddenly stopped Dumbledore, "I'd better go in first, I'm worried that you will get stuck halfway."

Everyone looked at the very short Flitwick, then at the tall Dumbledore, and then at the pipe. It made sense.

If Dumbledore is stuck in the tube, and someone from behind bumps into him, the jam will become even tighter. Professor McGonagall can turn into a cat and escape, but he can't turn around even if he disapparates, so there's nothing he can do.

Professor Flitwick got into the tube, and then let out a scream. The scream became farther and farther away, and quickly became smaller.

"Filius!" Dumbledore shouted hurriedly at the mouth of the pipe, "What's wrong?"

There was no response inside. After a while, a raven Patronus flew out, and it made Professor Flitwick's voice: "Come down, legs in front."

Everyone quickly went down one after another. The pipe was very slippery. Everyone else went in with their legs first and finally went down the slide. Professor Flitwick, who was short, stooped down when he walked in, fell down and slid down face forward.

Ruby followed and stood quietly aside. She looked at the entrance of the cave, shook her head, flew up in the bathroom, and then disappeared.

Dumbledore said to Harry and the others before going down: "You guys wait here."

But how could the three of them be so obedient.

Snape was the last professor to go down. The pipe was dirtier than his hair. He cleaned his clothes after coming out of the pipe.


Harry rushed out of the tube and knocked down Snape with a sliding shovel. The two rolled into a ball.

"I'm worried that Parseltongue will be used next."

Harry explained this way, and was immediately tackled by Ron who flew out, followed by Hermione.

Ron: "Ginny is here."

It's hard for professors to say anything.

Hermione said cautiously: "Sorry, I was frightened by Myrtle and slipped and fell into the pipe."

Professor McGonagall stood up first and said: "You will deduct one point from Gryffindor for disobeying instructions."

"This is not a place for fun. If you don't obey orders, you will be fired immediately!"

The deans of the other three colleges rolled their eyes together.

Dumbledore had already taken out the brow-level wand given by Nico Flamel. The top of the wand now glowed white, like a torch.

He said: "Let's go, everyone be vigilant."

The corridor was very damp, the surrounding walls were wet, the floor was slippery, and the gray bones of mice could be seen from time to time.

Ron's hands were shaking, afraid that Ginny would become like this.

The group of people walked slowly, observing the surroundings vigilantly, for fear that some mechanism might appear.

There was a turn ahead, and Dumbledore stopped there after turning around. Others let out a burst of exclamation after passing by.

There is a huge snake skin coiled in the middle of the corridor, which is green and looks quite gorgeous when the light shines on it.

Dumbledore said in a deep voice: "The skin it sheds."

Bell stepped forward to observe carefully and said, "It doesn't take long for it to shed its skin."

Professor McGonagall said: "Could it be that the jellyfish in the girls' collective bathroom is what it looks like after it sheds its skin?"

Bell said: "Generally speaking, ordinary basilisks won't be like that, but it's hard to tell if one is raised by Slytherin."

The group of people continued to move forward. There were many turns on the road, and there seemed to be no end in sight.

Everyone turned the last corner, and in front of them was a stone wall with two intertwined snakes carved on it. The snakes' eyes were made of emeralds and glowed green.

Harry felt that he was about to open the door in Parseltongue again, so he stepped forward and looked at the lifelike snakes on the wall. The professors all gave up their positions.

"Huh?" He suddenly pointed at the wall and said, "There are words here!"

The professors immediately went over and looked where he was pointing.

Professor Sprout didn't see any words, so he frowned and asked, "Where are the words?"

"It's the Thestral's blood." Dumbledore explained and then read the above content.

"I'm here to find you"

"Maybe you didn't come, maybe you missed time and space."

"I'm gone, and the search for you will never stop."

Dumbledore stopped suddenly, and his face was a little distorted by the content that followed.

Harry read out the last words:

"The one who killed Dumbledore was Snape"

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became weird.

Snape:? ? ?

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