A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 217 Valentine’s Day Gift

Valentine's Day is full of feathers.

Even couples who sit at the same long table for dinner will have some fun on Valentine's Day and give gifts through owls.

At the end of breakfast time, a large group of owls flew into the canteen. Some landed on the table, and some dropped directly from the air. It was noisy for a while.


Harry's head was hit. It was a fist-sized box, wrapped in blue silk and tied with a pink ribbon.

"Here you go." Harry picked up the box and handed it to Charles sitting next to him. "This owl is not very smart."

Charles rolled his eyes at him and said, "I'm sure you're dumber than an owl."

Harry was stunned for a moment, then said in disbelief: "Is it for me?"

"If it doesn't have a bill for you to pay, it's for you," Charles said.

Harry was surprised and curious and said, "Someone would actually give me a Valentine's Day gift?"

"Who could it be?"

"Ron, did you know...?"

He turned to look at Ron on the other side and found that Ron's classmate's face was terrifyingly dark.

Ron wanted nothing to do with him.

Harry couldn't wait to open the box, and a heart-shaped Golden Snitch flew out of it and circled around him.

The people around him were astonished, thinking that this gift was of a good quality and that it suited Harry's hobbies.

Harry's face turned as red as the gift-giver's hair.

Just when Charles was about to make a joke, another rose-red box soared into the sky and landed in front of him.

The onlookers stretched their heads curiously, and Simo asked excitedly: "Who gave it to me?"

Neville saw a line of words written on the pink ribbon and asked, "What's written on the ribbon?"

"wǒ pà méi rén sòng lǐ wù gěi nǐ jiù gěi nǐ mǎi liǎo liǎng bàng tài fēi táng, bù yòng xiè wǒ."

Charles looked at the black line on the pinyin on the ribbon. As always, the old man couldn't tell the difference between "le" and "liǎo".

He took the box back and said calmly: "It's nothing, it was sent by mistake."

Charles thought to himself, since the old man bought it, he should find an opportunity to give it to Professor McGonagall. When the old man is happy, he might teach himself a very cool spell.

At this moment, another box fell in front of him.

Stars shone on the silver-white wrapping paper, and the billowy ribbons were tied into a pattern of iris flowers.


The onlookers were even more excited. It was not surprising that Charles received gifts. Now he received two gifts one after another. This time there was something to talk about.

Harry's nose twitched and he shouted, "It still smells like perfume!"

The crowd of onlookers exclaimed again. With such care, it seems that Charles will be interrogated tonight. If he does not get a satisfactory answer, he will be executed.

Charles was in a daze. He couldn't recognize the smell of the perfume, but he didn't expect that she would give him a gift today, and he was not prepared at all.

Harry reached out and waved it in front of his eyes to bring him back to his senses.

Charles said nothing and calmly put the gifts into the bag and would look at them again in the evening.

Seamus looked up at the owls flying around on the ceiling and said, "Is there a third one?"

Harry said firmly: "Maybe there is a fourth one."

Two more palm-sized gift boxes fell. At first, everyone thought they belonged to Charles, but the cheers suddenly stopped because the gift boxes fell in front of Seamus.

Both gift boxes are pink, and the dark red ribbons on them look symmetrical, one on the left and the other on the right. They are a pair.

Neville asked Seamus: "You didn't buy this for yourself, did you?"

Simo suddenly turned from surprise to indignation, and shouted unconvinced: "Is it weird that I have many girls who like me? Huh, are you jealous?!"

"Hey, you have to treat Laifu well, maybe Laifu will become a girl next year and give you a gift!"

The onlookers nearby burst into laughter.

Dean Thomas, who was sitting next to Neville, joked: "Everyone in your dormitory has two gifts. I will apply to change dormitories later!"

Ron was sure that he had nothing to do today, and was feeding Scabbers with a small piece of sausage, when Dean said to him: "You should also be nice to Scabbers, maybe he will give you a gift next year."

Then Dean noticed that Scabbers was looking at him like he was a fool.

At this time, another owl landed. Everyone thought it was also for Charles, and they were about to cheer, but it turned out that the target was a third-year senior sitting next to Seamus.

Three of the boys have already received gifts, and now the pressure is on the girls.

But no matter it was Hermione, Lavender Brown or Parvati Patil, not a single owl or gift box landed in front of them.

People are extremely irritating, Hermione is better, Lavender and Parvati are a little embarrassed, and they look at the boys in their class with a hint of resentment.

But the boys ignored them and asked Charles to think carefully about whether his third gift would appear.

However, their hope of seeing Charles lively was dashed. The owls gradually dispersed and the third gift did not arrive.

Charles' excitement was gone, but an even greater excitement appeared.

Everyone could hear singing coming from the door, and all the eyes in the cafeteria were focused on the door.

"How long will I love you?

(How long can I love you)

As long as stars are above you,

(As long as the stars above your head still twinkle)

And longer if I can,

(Longer if possible)

How long will I need you?

(How long will my love for you last?)

As long as the seasons need to,

(only four seasons)

Follow their plan,

(still replaced)

How long will I be with you?

(How long will you and I stay together)

As long as the sea is bound to,

(As long as the sea)

Wash upon the sands…

(still washing up on the beach)"

In the midst of the song, in the eyes of all the teachers and students at Hogwarts, nine snow-white owls flapped their wings gracefully, each with a rope on its talons, pulling a simple and elegant open-top carriage.

The body of the open carriage was made of brown-black wood and inlaid with gold metal. It could accommodate a child. It was filled with blooming roses. The golden wheels turned happily, and there was a rain of petals wherever it passed.

Almost all the girls in Hogwarts screamed with excitement. The little girls couldn't resist such a romantic gift-giving method, and many of them flushed with excitement.

The boys were also amazed. They must love each other very much for such a generous gesture.

Colin Creevey stood up, raised his camera, pointed at the Rose Carriage and kept pressing the shutter.

Nine owls pulled the rose carriage and circled around the long tables of the four colleges. The entire starry sky ceiling was full of falling petals, making people feel like they were in a fairy tale.

Everyone raised their heads, wondering in their hearts who it would end up in front of.

The professors were surprised at first, but soon started laughing and talking to each other, exclaiming that it was great to be young.

The nine owls suddenly accelerated in the air and rushed towards the professor's chair amid a burst of exclamations. Then with a tail flick, the Rose Carriage stopped steadily in front of Professor McGonagall.

A large emerald green velvet gift box was revealed among the rose bushes, tied with a golden ribbon.

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