A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 216 Peaceful Days

"Prefect's work log:

Work has been very busy recently, and the first-year students couldn't wait to try it after learning the spell, which seriously affected their discipline..."

Tom Riddle became excited when he saw the content. He didn't expect that he was a prefect, so he should be easy to fool.

"As a prefect, you should be strict and punish any violation of school rules..."

Percy found that Tom's answer was to his liking, but he still wanted to be surprised and asked, "Who are you?"

The two sides soon started talking happily.

It just didn’t take long...

Percy: "My girlfriend is also a prefect. There are conflicts at work from time to time. How should I deal with it?"

Tom: "..."

Elsewhere, Charles was feeding Ruby cookies with flavoring in the common room.

Unexpectedly, Ruby shook her head after taking a bite, ran to the fireplace, picked up the recipe, put it on the table, and opened it with her eyes closed.

Charles touched its head to see what he had chosen.

Omelette Florentine, you might think it comes from Italy based on its name, but it is actually a French dish.

It is very simple to make. Fry the onions in butter until fragrant and fry the fresh spinach until it is a little dry. Then spread it evenly into the dish-shaped crust. Then put the eggs, cream, milk, salt, pepper and cheese in a large bowl. Stir evenly, add rosemary, thyme and nutmeg to taste, then pour the stirred eggs and milk onto the pie crust to cover the spinach liquid until it is full, and finally put it in the oven.

There was no spinach now, so Charles decided to go to the greenhouse to see what alternatives there were.

But Professor Sprout can only do this when he is busy with other things. If he is found out, he will be arrested and shoveled dragon dung.

Mentioning the greenhouse, Charles turned to look at Neville next to him. The child was reading a book very seriously.

Charles asked him curiously while he was turning the pages: "Neville, what book are you reading?"

Neville held up the cover and showed it to him: ""Plants, Fighting Friends", my father borrowed it from his cousin."

The Longbottom family has many relatives, so it's not surprising that Neville has several cousins ​​who can help him.

After seeing the author, Charles said: "It turns out to be the work of Professor Mirabel Garrick. What is it about?"

He was quite interested in the old man's herbalism professor's book, and planned to borrow it after Neville finished reading it.

Neville replied: "It's about how to use plants to fight, such as controlling the Chinese biting cabbage to bite the enemy, how to use the mandrake without being affected, and how to make the poisonous tentacles spray acid at the enemy."

Charles pinched his chin and thought, the old man often used the acid from the poisonous tentacles to break the enemy's iron armor spell, so could he cultivate poisonous tentacles that would only corrode clothes?

Neville continued: "There is also a magic spell inside that can make the plant grow quickly and control it like the body."

Charles nodded and said, "I have seen Professor Sprout use this kind of magic spell to wrap circles of vines and branches around his arms. When needed, throw them out and use magic to make them grow quickly."

Neville said with some envy: "This kind of spell is very difficult. The book says that when you master this kind of spell, the plant is like an extra arm. You can feel what it touches."

Charles nodded. It seemed that he had to look for smooth and non-toxic vines. How about trying kelp?

He quickly threw this thought out of his mind. The style of the painting was too weird. He would write to Erica another day and ask.

"You can try the Whomping Willow." Charles said to Neville casually. "Let it run around with long legs. It can not only hit people, but also tie them up, and even block their nostrils."

Neville nodded and said: "This is a good idea, I will try it later."

At this time, Hermione came over and asked Charles expressionlessly: "Someone asked me what gift you most want to get on Valentine's Day?"

Charles raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise: "Is this person yourself?"

Hermione gave him a roll of her eyes.

Then Charles held out his hand and Hermione reluctantly took out a packet of licorice wands and gave him half.

Neville looked on with questions in his head, and Hermione explained to him: "Charles has often received gifts on Valentine's Day since elementary school. Because we have a good relationship, many people ask me what he likes, and he asked me to ask those people. If you want reward, give him half.”

"Is there still such an operation?"

Harry on the other side looked over the ruby ​​and reached for the licorice wand.

"Damn it!" the guy said angrily, "Why didn't anyone ask me? I know the answer."

This time it was Charles' turn to be confused and asked: "How do you know?"

Harry took a licorice wand and said while eating: "Hmph, I heard you and Mr. Smith say before that if you like someone, give him autumn spinach."

Charles was speechless. He and the old man were saying homophones in English and Chinese. Naturally, the child didn't know, and then he took it seriously.

Hermione was about to take it as his acquiescence, but Charles shook his head and said, "No gifts for the holidays this year."

Then he looked at Hermione and said, "Of course, if..."

Hermione understood what this guy was trying to say. It was impossible for her to grow cat ears and a tail. She glared at him fiercely and turned away.

This reaction caused even Neville to start gossiping and asked a little excitedly: "Are you interested in Granger?"

"No." Charles said firmly, "I will feel relieved if she can find a kind man to marry in the future."

Neville was speechless, and after a while he said, "Are you her father?"

After Harry finished eating the licorice wand, he touched Ruby's back and wiped his hands, and said to Charles: "It's time for you to find a companion for Ruby, let them lay more eggs, hatch a little phoenix and give me one."

Then the guy got kicked by a phoenix, and the wind from his wings blew the homework and books on the table everywhere, and two ink bottles were knocked over.

Seamus was sitting across from Neville, studying his Herbology homework, when a gust of wind knocked over the inkwell and dyed half of the parchment.

He took out a box of chocolate frogs from his pocket and threw it to Charles, pointed at Harry and said, "Hit him!"

Next, Charles received several more snacks and put them all away, so he couldn’t do it without beating them.

Harry turned around and ran, but after just a few steps, his vision went dark, as if he was packed in a box.

People around only saw Charles emptying the box of chocolate frogs, placing the empty space on the table, casting a spell on it, and then smashed it into Harry, who was sucked into it.

"Seamless Stretching Spell!" Seamus recognized the spell, "You actually learned it!"

Charles just smiled triumphantly.

Harry quickly climbed out of the box and quickly put the box into his pocket, hoping to let Dudley experience it.

Everyone ignored Harry, and the boys gathered around Charles. Some took out their wallets, and some simply asked him to cast spells on their schoolbags. Soon the girls came to join in the fun.

It's just that Charles can only expand the space now, but can't reduce the weight. If he packs too many things, he has to add a floating charm himself.

Dean Thomas asked Charles: "Can I put this spell on my mother's handbag too?"

Charles remembered that his mother was a Muggle, so he pointed at Ron and replied: "You have to ask Ron to ask Mr. Weasley about this. He is the leader of the Department for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Items."

Dean immediately went to Ron and easily asked him to help him write a letter and ask.

The day when Arthur Weasley's reply arrived at Hogwarts, it happened to be breakfast time on Valentine's Day. Everyone in the cafeteria was stunned by the scene in front of them, and Ron did not notice the arrival of the owl.

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