A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 211 Still not talking

This is the first time Charles has seen the mirror space. He has never heard the old man talk about it before, so he probably doesn't know how to do it.

But now is not the time to study spells. It is important to deal with Dumbledore, who has a full anger level.

Given Lao Deng's personality, he wouldn't point a magic wand at a student unless he was extremely angry.

"What did you say to Grindelwald?" His tone of voice was a bit like Snape talking to Harry. "A neighbor of the Lestrange family in Gringotts was ransacked. I know how to break the door and disable the collection of anti-theft demons. The technique of the curse belongs to him!"

Charles was shocked. Grindelwald actually snatched the Horcrux? !

Dumbledore continued: "Many goblins died in Gringotts. Some of them were turned into coke, some were smashed into meat patties, and some were even blown up everywhere. A team of goblin security guards also died together in Ava. Under the curse of Da Kedavra..."

He talked about the dead goblin in a colder tone, trying to arouse Charles' conscience.

Charles's expression remained unchanged, and he was meowing in his heart. Isn't this the old man's method?

The two of them actually met. No wonder the old man found an African gardener. The scorch caused by the ancient magic and weakened version of the electricity would take more than a week to subside.

Charles finally decided to pretend that he didn't know anything. Who knows what big event those two were going to cause, and if it was ruined, he would be in trouble.

"I don't know." He made a sad face, "Maybe Lord Grindelwald lent money to the Lestrange family before, and now he wants to come back?"

Dumbledore obviously didn't believe it: "Charles, you are a good boy, don't let me use the Legilimency spell on you."

He is one of the people who best understands the dangers of Grindelwald. The ambitious man who was finally solved back then seems to be coming back. At the same time, there is also a Voldemort lurking in the dark. It is really difficult to deal with two of them.

Seeing that world peace was being threatened, he couldn't care less.

Charles remembered that Dumbledore was also a master of Legilimency, and he might be able to give him a break if he got anxious.

Everything else in his memory was fine, but what if he couldn't accept it all of a sudden and became furious and heartbroken after seeing Fu × Deng's fan work about G? It would be a big problem.

The wand appeared in Charles' right hand, and he said with a smile: "Your Excellency Dumbledore, I'm sure you gained nothing in the end."

Dumbledore's eyes changed, and he realized that not only did Charles address himself differently than before, but his temperament also changed.

This is different from Grindelwald's ambition and Voldemort's ferocity. The two of them also took into account their own lives, while Charles also showed the indifference of putting death aside, the self-confidence to crush everything that hinders him, and the countless experiences he has experienced. The coldness of killing.

Charles said calmly: "You are the most powerful wizard in the world today, but you are not a god and you can do whatever you want."

"If you just leave it at that, I can just pretend it was a dream and nothing happened."

Dumbledore's face turned gloomier, as if he was being threatened. How many years has this happened?

"Charles," he finally couldn't bring himself to attack his students, "there's no need to go to that point."

"You should have learned in your History of Magic class how much harm Grindelwald caused the world fifty years ago."

"Now that he has started to do evil again, Voldemort is also looking for opportunities to take revenge and continue his previous crimes. Don't worry about your grandfather, and your friends such as Harry, Hermione, Seamus, Neville, Fred, and George. Are they hurt?"

He mentioned a long list of names, trying to play the family card and the friendship card to get Charles to tell where Grindelwald was, and at least give him a direction of action. Otherwise, he would have no way to start, and there would be no way to deal with Voldemort first while Voldemort was still hiding.

Charles was unmoved. If the old man hadn't planned to develop Harry Potter, Voldemort would have been captured and beaten, and he would have been bred with Bellatrix Lestrange for the Gaunt family. Leaving a descendant is like doing something for an old friend, and finally click away.

"Sad..." Charles suddenly sighed deeply, "I feel sad for the wizards, even desperate."

"Let me tell you a story, a story that happened in another world that I heard during Merlin's trial."

"In that world, there were ferocious demons threatening mankind. One of the demons was extremely powerful. No one could defend against his spell. All defenses and defenders were destroyed wherever he passed, killing countless people. People only We can seal him away, but only for a few decades.”

"Decades later, the seal disappeared and the devil who slaughtered countless creatures came back."

"However, the devil found that his previously invincible spell was easily blocked by a human teenage witch."

"For young witches, the irresistible spell that took away a lot of lives eighty years ago is actually just a common attack that every wizard knows now."

"Because humans can think, learn, and progress, it only took less than ten years to learn and even analyze the devil's curse. In the end, the devil died under his own curse... no, it was the footsteps of human progress. "

"If today's wizards are still afraid of threats from decades ago, it means that this self-reliant group is declining and will eventually die."

Dumbledore understood what he wanted to express, but he also had his own insistence: "It's a very meaningful story. But that is the goal of you young people. What we old people should do is to do our own things well and not give in to others." You leave trouble behind.”

Charles shrugged and finally decided not to say anything.

Dumbledore sighed, and a white light shot out from the tip of the Elder Wand, directed towards Charles' face.

Charles turned his head to avoid the petrification spell, raised the spell and pointed it at Dumbledore, shouting: "Avada..."

That's what he shouted, but the tip of the wand shot out an extremely dazzling white light, targeting Dumbledore's eyes.

But ginger is too old. For Dumbledore, there is no difference between closing his eyes and opening them. Another petrification spell was shot out.

Naturally, Charles would not think that he could fight Dumbledore head-on, and could only rely on tactics that were different from traditional ones.

Dumbledore suddenly burst into laughter as Charles used Transfiguration to transform the floor and walls into a burly stone man rushing towards him.

When these stone men ran, the entire corridor shook, but it was not a problem for Lao Deng, and they were solved with a wave of the magic wand.

But what happened next made him a little surprised. Generally speaking, this kind of stone man would completely collapse after the curse was lifted, but the limbs, torso and head of the stone man in front of him were independent, and other parts would still be intact if some of them were missing. Push yourself forward.

Dumbledore had never seen this happen, but it was just a few more waves of the Elder Wand.

But he soon discovered that the rows of stone men seemed endless, appearing more frequently and running faster, and getting closer and closer to him when they were eliminated.

Just when Dumbledore was on guard, the first row of stone men had just disappeared, and the second row of stone men lowered themselves and slid over at a higher speed.

At the same time, the stone man behind took off his head and arms and smashed them over, causing waves of stones to rise in the narrow corridor.

Dumbledore had seen strong winds and waves, so he just smiled and without any effort, an invisible wall appeared in front of him with a wave of the Elder Wand.

All the stones hit the invisible wall, making a rumbling sound and just hearing the excitement.

So far, Charles' attacks were like naughty playfulness to Dumbledore and did not pose any real threat.

Dumbledore did not push Charles too hard, intending to wait until he was tired and stopped before he lectured him properly.

At this moment, Charles' trump card appears!

Dumbledore suddenly heard a gust of wind behind him, and before he could turn around, a huge impact knocked him to the ground.

Although Ruby has been losing weight recently, she is still very heavy. It weighed down Dumbledore until he couldn't breathe and kept pecking the back of his head.

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