A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 210 Return the pot

Professor McGonagall's office was bustling with activity. The standard textbook for the Transfiguration class she had written was in the final stages. Hermione and other teaching assistants were copying it, and it was finally handed over to Professor McGonagall for review.

When Charles walked in, he was a little glad that he had made the decision to run away. Writing work was the most annoying thing.

Professor McGonagall raised her head and saw Percy coming in with Charles and Ginny, and Ginny still lowered her head, frowning subconsciously.

Although Hogwarts is only superficially strict about the relationship between men and women, it does not mean that students will be allowed to do evil.

Charles had no history of malicious bullying, but bullying girls... Professor McGonagall looked at Hermione who looked over curiously.

Percy said to the Vice Principal: "Professor McGonagall, I have a very urgent matter to report to you alone."

Professor McGonagall's heart skipped a beat, wondering if it was really what she thought, so Percy asked for the place to be cleared to avoid Ginny's reputation being damaged.

The unrelated people quickly left the office, and after closing the door, they all invariably put their ears to the door.

They heard a round of strong music playing, which seemed to be a very old song, sung by a group called VILLLAGE PEOPLE in the 1980s...

Charles retracted his wand so as not to let others know too much.

Percy said to Professor McGonagall: "We know what the descendant of Slytherin is."

Professor McGonagall was thinking about how to deal with Charles, but suddenly she was stunned when she heard that it was such a big deal.

Charles immediately told her: "This incident is Malfoy's conspiracy!"

Professor McGonagall saw that students from other houses were involved and said, "I asked Snape to bring Malfoy."

Charles shook his head and said, "It's not Draco Malfoy, it's Lucius Malfoy."

The Slytherin heir incident was so big that Seamus, a first-class Merlin Order of Merlin recipient, was petrified and had an impact on society that was beyond the reach of ordinary students. So much so that Hogwarts had an early holiday during the Christmas holiday. The main culprit was I must give an explanation.

Although Ginny was controlled by the Horcrux notebook to release the basilisk, it was something left by Voldemort. Minister of Magic Fudge would definitely not admit that this matter was related to the Dark Lord. Needless to say, Ginny must be blamed for this, Weiss. Mr Lay will also be implicated.

So Charles returned the pot to Old Malfoy first and then watched the show.

He continued: "You can't talk to Snape about this either."

Professor McGonagall grasped the civility and politeness of students tightly and said to Charles seriously: "You should call him professor."

Charles did not respond to Professor McGonagall, but turned to Ginny and said, "Miss Weasley, please name the real prisoner."

When Charles said Malfoy's name just now, Percy vaguely guessed what he was thinking, so he didn't say anything, while Ginny's mind was not on it and she didn't hear it.

Ginny didn't dare to raise her head when she heard Charles talking about herself, and said cautiously: "Professor McGonagall, the man who lied to me is called Tom Riddle."

When Professor McGonagall heard the name, her eyes widened like bells, her breathing became rapid, and she asked in disbelief: "Is it really him?"

As Dumbledore's right-hand man, she knew that Voldemort's name was Tom Riddle when he still had a nose. Now she knew what happened to Quirrell in the last school year. No matter what happened to Voldemort, it was a big deal, and many thoughts suddenly popped up in her mind. .

Charles took out the Horcrux notebook and continued: "During last summer vacation, Mr. Weasley and Lucius Malfoy had a fight in Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. Malfoy touched the textbook bought by Miss Weasley, and later in Found this weird notebook among the textbooks.”

Then he motioned for Ginny to continue, and the little girl stumbled through the whole story, bursting into tears at the end.

Percy nodded gratefully to Charles. With what he just said, Ginny was the victim and would not be punished for it.

And the more he thought about it, the more he felt that what Charles said made sense. The fight between his father and Malfoy in the bookstore was published in the Daily Prophet. With this prerequisite, the credibility was even higher.

Professor McGonagall's face looked terrible, her brows were tighter than ever, and her eyes were focused on the notebook on her desk without leaving it for a moment.

After all, she was not Dumbledore. She was afraid of Voldemort and did not dare to open the notebook easily.

After Ginny finished speaking, Professor McGonagall asked her: "Do you know where the basilisk is hiding?"

The top priority now is to deal with the basilisk to prevent it from coming out to harm people again.

It was just Ginny's answer that surprised everyone, including Charles: "I don't know. When I was controlled, sometimes it was like I fell asleep and I didn't know what was going on. Sometimes I saw what was happening around me like I was dreaming."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head again, and Percy reassured her, "It's okay, we'll find it."

Professor McGonagall also said to her: "Don't worry, as long as the basilisk is not released again, it will stay in its nest and won't harm anyone."

"Keep this notebook here with me. I will give it to Dumbledore when he comes back. Don't tell anyone about it yet."

The three nodded.

Before leaving, Charles asked Professor McGonagall curiously: "Did Professor Dumbledore go to Gringotts? I heard he said a robbery happened there?"

Professor McGonagall said worriedly and hurriedly: "I don't know much about it. I just heard that gangsters broke into the underground of Gringotts and ransacked a vault. All the goblin guards were killed. I couldn't see who they were. "

Charles frowned, vaguely feeling that this matter might not be simple. The beachside villa was directly connected to the underground vault of Gringotts, but the old man had no reason to rob the vault, and the family was not without money.

He quickly thought that there was a Horcrux in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault, and he figured out a way to get in, waiting to take it out and study it during the holidays.

Now Lucius Malfoy seems to be looking for other Horcruxes to confirm whether they are safe. Could it be him?

Charles narrowed his eyes slightly and decided to visit the Room of Requirement when he had time.

The three of them were about to walk out of the office door when Charles' body suddenly rippled as if he were made of water, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

Percy and Ginny were shocked and looked around when they heard Professor McGonagall say: "Don't be nervous, Dumbledore called him away."

Charles looked around. This place was exactly the same as in front of Professor McGonagall's office, but it looked a bit strange, much like a mirror space.

He just felt something like water droplets falling on his forehead, and it came here all of a sudden.

No need to ask who did this, Dumbledore walked over from the nearby corridor.

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