A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 124 Air Attack

Spring is here, everything is revived, and the Forbidden Forest has come to the mating season of animals.

Not long after Charles entered the Forbidden Forest, he saw two unicorns living in great harmony under the tree.

He detoured far away, and walked slowly in the green Forbidden Forest, as if he was on a spring outing.

But the Forbidden Forest was still very dangerous. A snake with blue scales and purple feathered wings flew over his head and caught a colorful bird.

Bird snakes are native to India, and those in the Forbidden Forest were brought back by Professor Sylvanus Kettleburn. Their eggshells are pure silver and very expensive.

Now is not the time to catch birds and snakes, Charles just avoided and continued to walk towards the centaur tribe.

"Guess who I am?"

A pair of slightly callused hands covered Charles' eyes from behind, with a voice that sounded like Twilight.

Charles had already noticed the footsteps coming from behind him and pretended not to know.

"It's a rainbow," he said with a smile.

The centaur girl let go of her hands, put her arms around Charles' neck and said, "I really can't fool you."

Charles smiled and took out a bag of dried bananas bought in Africa for her.

Rainbow and Twilight are about the same age, they have been friends since they were young, and they have recently become acquainted with Charles.

She ate dried bananas and said, "Twilight and Uncle Luo Nan went to the lake, you can go there to find them."

Charles said: "I saw them when I passed by the lake just now, and now I'm here to find the Great Elder."

After hearing what he said, Rainbow continued to work on her own affairs.

Charles saw Twilight and the others "throwing" pumpkin seeds on the grass by the lake just now, and they seemed a little tangled up, so he didn't bother to avoid embarrassment.

The Great Elder was not in the house today, but was telling stories to the children on the grass in the tribe.

Charles didn't bother too much, but just said that today he would start to exterminate the acromantula's nest.

"Be careful." The Great Elder instructed, "Come back if it's too dangerous."

Charles said confidently: "No problem, I'm in the sky, they can't help me."

After more than ten minutes, he rode a broomstick and began to search for targets in the air centered on the tribe.

Today, his broom is not the same as before. A luggage rack is installed on the head of the broom, and a cylindrical rocket pod is installed on each side. Each rocket pod can hold 19 firework-improved rockets.

It's just that the maneuverability of the broomstick has decreased after the head has increased in weight, and turning is a bit difficult.

Charles flew for half an hour and found four nests of acromantula nearby.

These nests are sunken pits, the smallest of which is the size of two basketball courts, filled with white spider eggs in a spiral shape, estimated to be as big as a watermelon, and the surrounding trees are covered with white mist-like spider webs.

It would be extremely troublesome just to break through this thick spider web defense circle from land. These spider webs can not only provide early warning, but also allow the giant eight-eyed spider to attack from the air.

Charles hoisted the broom to almost maximum height, then began a dive, aiming for a nest where an acromantula was laying eggs.

The rockets made by the Weasley twins can't be guided yet, and the aiming equipment can't be installed on the broomstick. The only way to improve accuracy is to use dive bombing.

Charles swooped down at a nearly right angle to a height of about 200 meters above the ground. Right in front of him was the spider's nest, and two rockets whizzed out, dragging white smoke, one left and one right.

This altitude is still safe for a diving broomstick, but it is difficult to control the broomstick at this time, so don't take too much risk.

Charles pulled up immediately after the rocket was launched and hovered at a height of 300 meters to observe the results.

The two rockets landed accurately in the spider's nest. Although the aim was off, it was not too outrageous. One blasted the female spider laying eggs to the upper body, and the other left a A deep pit with a diameter of more than one meter, with limited damage to the surrounding spider eggs.

Charles analyzed that it may be that the initial velocity brought by the dive just now made the rocket fly too fast, causing the rocket to pierce deep into the soft soil before it exploded, reducing its power.

So when he attacked for the second time, he slowed down, and fired four rockets one after another towards the messy spider nest on the ground from a hundred meters in the air.

The explosion just now caused the surrounding acromantulas to run back to their nests one after another to check the situation. From the sky, the ground was covered with spiders the size of small carts, their slender legs accurately stepped on the open space between eggs, and finally Three of the four rockets hit the spider, and one fell to the ground.

The attack effect this time was much better than before. Although the huge body of the acromantula absorbed a lot of damage, both spiders and eggs within a radius of 5 meters of the explosion point were torn into pieces by the shock wave.

Charles also had a better understanding of the performance of the rockets. This time, instead of dive-bombing, the broom flew over sixty to seventy meters in the air, and the ten rockets left two scars from the death scythe on the ground.

The first spider nest was completely destroyed, not only hundreds of spider eggs were destroyed, but also a large number of acromantulas were killed.

Charles has also gained some experience, which can be used next time.

He soon came to the second acromantula's nest. This time, he no longer dive-bombed, but flew a "fly" in the sky. During the flight, there was nothing left in the nest after the rocket licked the ground. time and ammo.

When he reached the sky above the third spider nest, he tried a new method, using the excellent flying broomstick to fly "" in the air, the spiral licking the ground was efficient, but he was a little dizzy.

Then he learned to be smart, and this time he didn't fly over the narrow space of the spider's nest, but took the spider's nest as the center of the circle, and the broom head flew inwards in circles, and after a large circle, the target was as clean as if it had been licked, which was the most efficient.

Now the only thing that restricts Charles from destroying the eight-eyed giant spider's nest is the production of rockets made by the Weasley twins. In one day, he used up all the inventory.

But the effect was remarkable. A large number of spider nests near the centaur tribe were completely destroyed, and thousands of spider eggs were turned into egg liquid. There will be much fewer acromants in the Forbidden Forest this year.

It's just that there are still many spider nests in the depths of the Forbidden Forest. The twins of the Weasley family are still students and cannot make rockets full-time.

One of the great advantages of giant acromants is their fecundity. As long as they attack their nests gradually and slow down their reproduction speed, their numbers can be curbed after a period of time.

Charles had dinner at the Centaur Tribe, talked to Twilight and then returned to the castle. The Time-Turner can only be used for this semester, so you have to hurry up and use it.

Today is Saturday, the curfew time is a little later than usual, and the weather is good, many students hang out outside the castle at night, mainly senior students in pairs, and there are also many small groups.

Students began to appear in the garden that had begun to take shape. Many people were watching the imported vine pavilion with shimmering white flowers, and some people sat on the imported vine benches and talked.

Charles walked around and found that no one was causing damage, and there were no traces of mice stealing food, so he went back and forth to the castle with peace of mind.

As soon as he walked to the gate of the castle, he saw Eleanor and Spencer coming back from the big lake, talking and laughing, and they seemed to be talking about very happy things.

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