A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 123 Plants in the distance

Charles didn't expect that one day he would be scolded by Dumbledore poking his head with the old wand.

At this moment, he deeply reviewed his mistakes with an extremely painful heart, and promised not to do it again in the future.

Just two hours ago, Charles and the others used the time-turner to work in the garden again. Unexpectedly, Dumbledore just came back from a business trip on a Thestral and caught him at the right time.

Now Charles can't let us work together anymore, even if there is no interaction with each other, we can only stay in the room and not see each other in the future.

Dumbledore said with a sullen face: "The Time Turner is only for you to use this school year, come back before the holiday."

Charles immediately kept nodding, no nodding, because the headmaster could really go to his own house to block people, no tricks would work.

Dumbledore asked him to hand in the self-criticism filled with parchment as long as his own wand tomorrow night, and then let him go.

When Charles left, one of the principals on the wall said, "Albus, you seem to be being too hard on him, he's a first grader."

Dumbledore sat on the chair behind the desk, frowning a little tiredly, and didn't answer immediately.

Armando Dippet said very seriously in his frame: "Because he is a child, he must be strict when he makes mistakes!"

Dumbledore said slowly: "I suspect that there is a very powerful teacher hidden behind him, most likely the previous owner of the ruby."

Then Phineas Black suddenly cried out: "Ah! There are mice eating my picture frames!"

After speaking, his figure was no longer seen on the canvas.

Dumbledore didn't have the slightest temper for this, so he couldn't dismantle the oil painting to see the source code.

When Charles returned to the common room, he found that Ruby had returned. At first glance, he felt something was wrong, so he went to hug it.

"Good guy!" Charles sighed, "You've gained a full three catties from this trip!"

Ruby barked a few times cheerfully, as if saying that the food over there was delicious.

Charles has nothing to do with it, let him fly to Kodos Torrez in two days, and write a letter tonight to ask Valentina not to feed it so much.

When Ruby went, there were letters to Fang Yan and Zhang Jingjing in Wuhen's backpack, photos taken in Ouagadou, and a stack of pounds.

Now there are dozens of bags of seeds and planting instructions in the backpack, several birdcage-like flower pots, a basket of sugar oranges, two catties of dried jasmine, and several large bags of sausages from a century-old store on Jiefang Road. Naturally, the two girls' replies are indispensable.

Charles woke up Hermione, who was lying on the table reading a book, and woke up with a knife in his hand. After stuffing her with a few tangerines, he rushed back to the dormitory to sleep.

In the afternoon of the second day, Professor Sprout ate sugar oranges and carefully studied the fist-sized cabbages on the table.

"This is iron-toothed cabbage." She held an orange in one hand and a magnifying glass in the other. "The leaves are thicker, and the teeth are actually made of iron!"

Charles said while peeling an orange: "It has a strong bite, and it will actively attack the snout to suffocate the prey. That day, the leopard was almost killed by it."

Professor Sprout nodded, studied for a while, and said, "I will plant it in the unnumbered greenhouse. If you want to see them, you can come to me."

Charles nodded immediately, that greenhouse was full of plants that could easily kill people.

"Professor," he said, eating an orange, "let's go to the garden, and I'll show you something nice."

Professor Sprout put the magnifying glass back into his waist bag and asked curiously, "What good things did you buy again?"

Charles just pretended to be mysterious and smiled.

When they came to the middle of the garden, Professor Sprout saw a shallow pit with a diameter of more than two meters dug in the ground. There is a mile-long ditch in the big pit, which is full of dragon dung and the manure of moon idiots. At the bottom of the pit, there are many fist-sized holes that look deep, and a lot of Muggle fertilizer should have been poured into them.

There is a ditch next to the earth pit, water is drawn from the outer ditch, and it is almost connected to that pit.

She remained silent, watching Charles operate while eating an orange.

Charles took out a small cloth bag half the size of a palm, poured out a pill-like thing the size of an eyeball, dug a small mound of soil in the middle and planted it, and then opened a ditch to bring the water in.

Then it's time to witness the miracle.

The water flows into the pit, and soon fills the ditch with manure and the hole in the ground, covering the seed.

The place where the seeds were buried suddenly moved, and a green shoot broke through the soil at a speed visible to the naked eye, growing bigger and bigger.

An hour later, a pavilion made of intertwined vines appeared, with clusters of flowers hanging around it like purple tassels.

"Form-setting cultivation technique." Charles explained on the side, "How fast it can grow depends on whether there is enough fertilizer around the root system. I still have some bridges here, and I will plant them on the entrance and exit outside later."

Professor Sprout thought about it and said: "This is good, it will be useful in many places, but I don't know if other plants can do this."

Charles knew nothing about it and could not answer.

Next, they planted seeds by the ditch at the entrance and exit of the garden. Compared with the pavilion, it was a bit troublesome. It took more than ten minutes for the vines to grow long enough to bury the other end in the soil on the opposite bank, so that they could grow into a bridge.

After a ring of vine bridges was planted, Charles sprinkled some seeds into the water.

These seeds were introduced to Professor Sprout just now. They are a group of carnivorous aquatic plants that can entangle and eat animals near the water surface, and are used to prevent small animals such as mice.

I am not afraid of mice passing over the bridge, and other things will be planted in the flower belt at that time.

The seeds that Zhang Jingjing helped to buy are now directly sprinkled on the ground, and they will germinate soon.

Charles also threw a lot of 1:1 steel mantises into the flower belt. This is a new achievement of Waggadu. Although they don't eat insects, they can snap the pests into two pieces, saving him from killing insects every three days. work.

He bought a lot of this kind of steel mantis, and he also entrusted Cedric's new friend Viktor Krum from Durmstrang College to give some to his pen pal Erica.

Professor Sprout took a seed and studied it. The seed was covered with a layer of coat. After analysis, he found that the coat contained both fertilizer and insecticidal poison, which can promote seed germination and seedling growth, and can also avoid pests and diseases.

She decided to talk to Charles and help get in touch there and learn from each other.

The students didn't know that Dumbledore criticized Snape by name during the professor's meeting a while ago, because he failed to provide the students with first-hand potions research information in time, and almost lost the championship this time.

Professor Sprout, like other professors, intends to collect professional magazines and newspapers from various countries.

It's just that the translation of foreign documents is a difficult problem, and the professors are not all proficient in foreign languages.

Professor Sprout thought of a man whose polyglot skills made Charles shudder.

There are more than one professor who thinks like her, so that Charles recently started to play around thinking that he has malaria.

But it's not without good news, the professors won't be looking for him until the next school year because of this matter.

In the next period of time, friends from all over the world sent all the plants Charles needed, and he was busy for a while and planted them all.

At this time, the weather is getting warmer and warmer, and it's time to go to the Forbidden Forest to fight and exterminate them.

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