90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 952: distribute

Lawyer Yan was carrying the briefcase, "I am Mr. Lei's entrusted lawyer. I went to your house, but you were not at home. I found this place after inquiries. Excuse me, can I go in?"

Lei Xiao didn't expect Dad's efficiency to be so high, "Of course, please come in."

Attorney Yan entered the gate first, Lei Xiao looked at his mother-in-law in a daze, and said, "I still have something to do, you go back!"

After speaking, Lei Xiao ignored the shouts behind him, and went in and closed the door.

Li Xiao's mother said angrily, "We won't take us seriously before we get divorced."

Li Xiao's father narrowed his eyes, "You still have the face to say that you did your son's divorce, and you are not satisfied at all. What a good daughter-in-law, now it's alright, this marriage is divorced."

Li Xiao's mother was taken aback, "What are you yelling at me, you have the ability to let them leave!"

Li Xiao's father lost his anger after shouting. He could no longer hold his breath and bent over, "Go back."

Li Xiao's mother refused. "If I don't leave, I will be divorced. Why should I give Lei Xiao the custody? That's our grandson. I must say something."

Li Xiao's father became impatient, "Don't be ashamed if you can't get in, go back quickly, there is a way for the custody son."

"Yes, our son is so smart, there must be a way, let's go."

Yuxi stood in the door and didn't leave. He listened to the whole thing. Fortunately, Lei Xiao firmly divorced. Li Xiao's mother didn't realize her mistake at all. The next one is great, let the old lady have a taste too.

Yuxi and the others left before returning to the living room. Lei Xiao was already looking at the documents and saw Yuxi, "Sister, come and have a look, he gave me a house on the second ring road."

Yuxi sat down and saw the contents of the document at a glance. It was very detailed from the community to the area. "It's hard to buy if you want to buy it now."

Lei Xiao was also surprised, "Yes, although the area is not particularly large, a set of 70 square meters and a set of 100 square meters are very difficult to buy. It is said that it has risen to 100,000 square meters."

Yuxi said in his heart, there are more than 100,000, and no one sells what he can afford.

Lawyer Yan said, "These two houses were the first two that Mr. Lei bought. He kept one for the second ring, and the rest were for the third and fourth ring."

So there are only three houses in the second ring, two of which were given to Lei Xiao.

Lei Xiao felt hot holding the document, "It's too much."

Lawyer Yan said: "Don't worry, Mr. Lei is not partial. Although the second ring is for you, the others are not bad. The bungalow is much larger than your house, and the total price is similar."

Lei Xiao heaved a sigh of relief and muttered, "That's good."

Lawyer Yan continued: "There is no objection to the house, and there is still cash."

Lei Xiao turned to the next page and was stunned, "Twenty million?"

Lawyer Yan said: "Yes, 20 million yuan, Mr. Lei's cash is not much, and he has been investing for so many years."

Yuxi felt that it was quite a lot. The cash was divided into five parts. Lei Guoliang kept 100 million yuan in his hands. The CEOs of many companies would not keep so much cash in their hands.

Lawyer Yan pushed down his glasses and said: "You have requirements for the remaining equity. If you have the will to buy or sell, you can only sell it to Mr. Lei. As for your transfer of equity, it must be your immediate family and not to someone with a foreign surname, Mr. Lei. I hope you can understand that Mr. Lei is also protecting his own interests."

Lei smiled and nodded, "I understand, what else?"

Lawyer Yan smiled, "The last is the date when the document takes effect. On the day your divorce certificate is issued, Mr. Lei's plan is to protect your interests and avoid unnecessary trouble."

Yuxi nodded secretly in her heart, Lei Guoliang had a heart, and thoughtful enough for Lei Xiao.

Lei Xiao is also moved. Over the years, Lei Guoliang has always given her birthday gifts on her birthday. Many of them are custom-made jewelry, and the jewelry even has her name on it. She is more attentive than Li Xiao. She is inherently emotional. The person's eyes reddened, "I understand, thank you."

Lawyer Yan took out the pen, "Okay, please sign, I have another family to run."

Lei Xiao quickly signed and handed over the pen to thank him.

Lawyer Yan put away the documents and stood up, "See you later."

Lei Xiao stood up, "Okay, I'll take you off."

Yuxi also stood up and sent it to the door of the living room. Looking at Lei Xiao's back, she thought that Lei Xiao was a rich woman with divorce points.

Lei Xiao came back soon, still in a dream, "Sister, am I rich?"


Lei smiled and grinned, "With this money, I can satisfy what the two children want, and when the children grow up, they won't blame me. It's better to follow their father than to follow me, and I will have more confidence. "

Yuxi really didn't know that Lei Xiao had this idea, "You think too much, they won't blame you."

Lei smiled, "I've seen lawyers a lot, so I think about it a lot."

"Don't worry, both children are good children. They both understand that when they grow up, they will have more judgment. Divorce is not your fault."


In the days that followed, the Internet calmed down. Li Xiao and Lei Xiao's divorce case was still being followed, and there would be no more wanton comments and speculations.

Li Xiao came to find Yuxi several times, but Yuxi didn't see her. It's been today, she doesn't plan to see Li Xiao anymore.

In the end, Li Xiao didn't see him, and instead waited for Xin Xin.

Yuxi waited for his assistant to go out before saying, "I didn't expect you to be a lobbyist."

Xin Xinxin restrained the emotions in her eyes, "Is it really impossible for them?"


Xin Xinxin was made unnatural by the indifferent tone, and became even more worried, "Can't the love we have known each other for so many years continue?"

Yuxi looked deeply at Xiao Xinxin~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and closed it up, "I am Lei Xiao's sister, Lei Xiao is my sister, I will not hurt her, you should know, I have raised her. She has been in a different relationship over the years."

She won't step on Lei Xiao's scar for any reason. Li Xiao will become Lei Xiao's scar. For the rest of her life, she can't tear Lei Xiao's wound for profit.

Moreover, Li Xiaozhen can't bring much benefit to her, instead, she has been using her resources all the time. She is not stupid.

Xinxin is in a hurry. She knows her former boss too well. Don't look at the smiling face that seems to be easy to talk. In fact, the person with the strongest principle will definitely honor what she says. She signed a three-year contract with Li Xiao. Merchant, the terms of the contract are good, but there are also a lot of liquidated damages, which she can't pay.

Now that Yuxi and Li Xiao have collapsed, she can no longer get the resources of the former boss, and the former boss will not give her the resources to benefit Li Xiao. She really wants to say that she is accommodating, but she can say no Export, she has no face, she is also dependent on survival.

Xin Xinxin clasped her hands tightly, "Sister Lu, have you ever thought about signing an artist again?"

Yuxi refused directly, "No, the current state is very good, I will not change."

Xin Xinxin's mood was even lower, but she didn't know what to say, because the former boss had done her best for her.

The assistant came in, "Mr. Lu, the meeting is about to start."

Xin Xinxin stood up, "I'm leaving too."

Yuxi said to the assistant, "Send it off."

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