90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 951: chill

Fang Yalin stood up and used a projector to introduce the project completely. It is similar to a social platform, but with many more functions and programs.

Yuxi listened carefully, and knew a lot about big data and information. Every time she saw Yuzhi, she would ask. After listening to Fang Yalin's explanation, the key user traffic and traffic can be more intuitively interpreted as money.

Yuxi looked down at the amount of investment they were seeking, three million. He was looking at a few young people who were talking eloquently. They were indeed from the highest academies. Ambitious.

After Fang Yalin finished speaking, seeing that Mr. Lu didn't look up, he felt even more uneasy. He knew that seeking investment here would be a risk, but he sought a lot of investment companies, but they didn't reply, and there was no news at all.

They couldn't wait any longer. The money they raised was no problem for him orphans and widows. The other three were all taken from home, all of which were paid by their parents, so the project must be successful.

Of course, there are some who want to take advantage of the fire and buy it at the reserve price. This is the hard work of several of them.

Fang Yalin saw that all his classmates were looking at him. The three of them thought he had a deep relationship with President Lu, so they cheered up, "President Lu, look, is there any problem? We can interpret it in detail."

Yuxi looked up from the document, "Very good, I understand what I have to say, the project is indeed very good, and I am very interested, I am really optimistic, but you said that three million and five percent of the equity is too little. ?"

Fang Yalin's heart came to the ground. If he can talk, it means he can invest. "Mr. Lu, what do you mean?"

Yuxi didn't want to have enough funds in the future, the project developed better, and other investment companies picked up the peaches, it's better to get it all at once, "10 million, 20% of the equity."

Fang Yalin quickly calculated in his heart that, in this calculation, the equity was nearly 3.3% more than what they wanted to give.

Before Fang Yalin could hesitate, the companion beside him pinched his leg fiercely, signalling him not to be distracted, and quickly agreed, they were really going to run out of water.

Yuxi owns 20/50 of it, and she is not afraid even if it is financing or going public in the future.

Fang Yalin endured the pain, but was still excited. If it goes well, there is no need to worry about money, "We agree."

Yuxi stood up, "The rest of Liu will talk to you in detail. I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

Fang Yalin and the boys said, "Okay."

Yuxi looked at the big and tall boys, time flies so fast, and went out with a smile.

An hour later, Yuxi held another small meeting, and Liu Yu also sent Fang Yalin and others away, "Tomorrow the contract will be signed if there is no problem."

Yuxi, "Yes."

Liu Yu said again: "Fang Yalin asked me to say thank you for him."

Yuxi smiled, "I don't invest because I know it, but because the project is really good."

Of course, Fang Yalin is indeed capable.

In the evening, Yuxi went home, and Lei Xiao had already returned. As for the two children, neither of them went to school. The school had already spread about their life experiences, so they had to ask for leave in order to be discussed.

Yuxi saw that Lei Xiao's wrist was red and swollen, "What's going on?"

Lei Xiao rubbed his wrist, "Well, I said it was beaten, sister, do you believe it?"

Yuxi, "Xin, you beat up Li Xiao?"

Lei smiled and snorted, "Yes, I beat him up. I beat him at the door. I don't believe he didn't see the comments on the Internet. Anyone who doesn't have an account knows that, let alone him, even if he is busy, There must also be assistants watching, comments appear, I am worried, you are helping, fathers, on the contrary, are the most calm, but there is no explanation, until my dad @ him, he finally stopped pretending to be dead. "

The more Lei Xiao said, the more angry he became, "It really chills my heart, I know that he wants to use public opinion to make a big fuss, and then he is explaining that he wants me to be vulnerable, and then he appears in a protective attitude, completely ignoring how long it takes. How much damage is caused by the child, he has been active in the entertainment industry all the year round, don't you know that it is true that a lot of false statements are true, empty explanations, not many people believe."

Speaking of this, Lei Xiao was excited, "When the time comes, the evidence must be thrown away, only the paternity test, when and where I leave it, some people will doubt my character, or I don't need a paternity test, I He is also a well-known lawyer. My parallel is not good. What should I do with my career? It's ridiculous. This is my husband. I have never seen it clearly. This is him, this is him."

Yuxi held Lei Xiao's wrist, "Stop hitting the table, do you think you won't be able to use your right hand tomorrow?"

Lei Xiao leaned on the sofa a little decadently, "Sister, the more I really analyze him, the more I feel chilled, the chill is biting, he only thinks about himself at the root, and never thinks about me and the children, I can't believe it, we are living together. so many years."

Yuxi, "Fortunately, it's not too late. You're still young, and you don't have to spend your whole life with him. It's not enough. You didn't really hurt him. If you take advantage of this, it's not good for divorce."

Lei Xiao blinked, "I'm a lawyer, I understand it naturally. I just gave me two mouths, but I used too much force and my wrists couldn't take it anymore."

Yuxi helped knead, "I think you just sit in the office for a long time and don't exercise at all."

"Be sure to exercise more in the future."

"It's about the same."

"Sister, you say, do I want the property my dad gave~www.wuxiamtl.com~?"

Yuxi said, "If Lei Yin said it was Lei Guoliang who should have given it, and she wanted you too, she really owes you a lot."

When Lei Xiao heard Lei Yin's request, he felt at ease.

Yuxi is easy to find. Li Xiao knows that at night, Li Xiao's parents came. This time, Li Xiao's father took the initiative.

Yuxi was calm, "It came later than I expected."

She thought that the day of the prosecution should come.

Lei laughed, "Sister, I'll go out and talk to them."

Yuxi said, "I'll accompany you, well, I'll be behind the door if I don't go out."


Li Xiao's father is very strong. Yuxi is standing behind the door watching. He must have been worried these days. As for Li Xiao's father, Yuxi has never been in contact with Li Xiao's father. Daughter-in-law, Lei Xiao must have beaten Li Xiao today, they know, they know there is no room, they are really anxious.

Lei smiled and said, "Uncle, go back with Auntie, we have no room for maneuver."

Li Xiao's father was anxious, he was really satisfied with this daughter-in-law, "Li Xiao knows it's wrong, he really knows it's wrong."

Lei laughed, "Go back, it's impossible for me and him."

At this moment, the car stopped at the door, and Yuxi looked at someone she didn't know, from a lawyer, holding a briefcase, she didn't know him.

Lei smiled and asked, "Excuse me, who are you?"

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