90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 912: dakeng

The director left in a hurry and rushed to shoot the next movie.

Because of the filming in the capital, Yuxi stayed in the crew for a while and went home with the script. The home was quiet.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the crew was finished, and the banquet was over. Yuxi would definitely arrive. During these days, her popularity did not go down, and due to the merit of the lawsuit, there was indeed a controversy. Don't let it go, someone supports it, the louder it is, the higher the heat.

Then the filming crew got even more tired, and it was finished before mid-August.

As an investor, the existence of Yuxi, the gospel of actors, there are no messy rules, especially actresses, there is no fear, and there are no messy things, girls are very reluctant.

After the banquet was over, everyone who had to go left, and Yuxi had to leave. Yuxi looked at Bei Gulan taking a taxi, "Didn't the company give you a car?"

Begulan, "It's worthy, I don't want it. I'm afraid that if I get used to it, I will pursue more external things. This is good. After the prosperity, I will return to my true self, and I will still be myself."

Yuxi, "Will you go along the way, see you off?"

Begulan's eyes brightened, "Is it okay?"

So excited to be in touch with Sister Lu again.

Yuxi laughed, "Of course, there is room in the car."

Begulan immediately agreed, "Okay, okay."

Yuxi's driver went to pick up the car, and he had to wait for a while. Suddenly, the particularly coquettish sports car stopped in front of the road. Song Hanchen got down and froze.

Begulan frowned, "Why are you here again? I made it very clear, I don't like you."

It scared her to death, she didn't want to be torn apart.

Song Hanchen glanced at Mr. Lu out of the corner of his eye, and his heart ached. It was really enough. He looked at Bei Gulan deeply, "As long as you don't like it, I will change it."

Begulan was stunned, "What do you like about me? I can change the truth, I just ask you to stay away from me."

Yuxi almost didn't laugh out loud, just when the car arrived, Yuxi opened the door to get in the car, Begulan pulled the assistant and came up quickly, closed the door and patted his chest, "It scared me to death, I don't know the **** smokes. What kind of wind, the more I refuse, the more I chase after it, I don’t know where I got my mobile phone number, I have to report it every night, and I have to call the police.”

Yuxi thought for a while, "It is estimated that you are cheap. The more you refuse, the more you will stimulate his desire to conquer, and the more precious you will be."

Begulan, "Huh?"

"His eldest young master who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth has always been smooth sailing, and women are all backwards. Suddenly someone refused, just like President Wenli's, so he was even more eager to chase."

Bei Gulan thought about it, it seemed that it was true, the more she refused, the more he chased him, but she was really timid and didn't like it. Several female artists in the company had followed Song Hanchen, and she didn't want to be torn apart. I just want to play well.

Yuxi really didn't take it seriously. She didn't think Song Hanchen would never give up if he couldn't catch up. As for the rambunctious methods, he probably wouldn't. At least anyone who knew Yuxi knew that she introduced a lot of resources to Bei Gulan, this girl It is her protection.

After the film was finalized, Fang Xuan was also going to study abroad, and Fang Xuan was sent away, and the show that Yuxi bought the copyright for was finished.

The second season is also preparing to shoot, and the children are also preparing to start school.

The new semester has just started, and bad things have come. Yuxi has bought copyrighted variety shows, and similar things have appeared. Regarding the ambiguity of domestic copyrights, it is very good. There is a show that is almost the same as the beginning of school, but the characters are not The student, but the star set up by the star Xueba, went to a private school to become a teacher.

When Yuxi heard Huang Liang's report, she suspected that she had heard it wrong, "Be a teacher for high school students?"

Huang Liang is also indescribable, they are all in the same circle who do not know who, and do not know when it started, there are a lot of school tyrants, but they are all fake, "Well, I teach high school, there are six in total. A star, three boys and three girls, seems to be teaching high school seniors to prove that he is a scholar."

Yuxi, "...Who gave them the courage, the third year of high school is a critical moment, don't you know how much you weigh?"

"For the sake of effect, it's a big deal to prepare lessons in advance."

Yuxi laughed, "Do you know which high school was filming in?"

"Y Private High School, one of the famous private high schools in the city."

Yuxi had heard that Wang Fulu originally planned to send her son there, but Bai Rao held it down and still read it in City No. 1 Middle School. She had heard Wang Fulu say several times that the teachers were strong, the facilities were good, and the most memorable points were that the tuition fees were particularly expensive.

Huang Liang saw the boss's strange expression, "Is there any problem with this high school?"

"There's a problem, and it's a big problem. Which class they go to is a pit."

Huang Liang, "Why?"

"This high school is not only for children from many companies, but also from other provinces. Those who can come here are rich at home. The experimental classes are all true elites trained by each school. There are few Chinese languages, do you understand?"

Huang Liang knew about the children of the boss's family. He must understand them. He has a particularly high level of foreign language. "Understood, they will be slapped in the face when they go to the experimental class, and no one will buy the program account."

Yuxi, "Yes."

"What about the regular version?"

"It's not as good as the experimental class, where you get slapped in the face, the normal version is the second and third child in the family, you don't need to be more promising, just live comfortably, you have been used to growing up since childhood, and you are not afraid of the earth. Don't be afraid, you said that they will sell the accounts of the show group? Will they sell the accounts of the school? The experimental class has been taught at least since childhood, and gentlemen will not do too much. The flowers are here, the show crew is gone, how can you still toss?"

What's more, in some rich families, they really don't take celebrities seriously, and they really don't respect celebrities since childhood.

Huang Liang couldn't help laughing, "This is shooting himself in the foot!"

Yuxi said quietly: "So, the investigation is very important, do what you can, and pretend to be too big to kill yourself. By the way, who are these six people, let me see."

Huang Liang cheerfully said, "It has become popular in the past two years, so I guess you haven't paid attention to it."

"Then I won't ask~www.wuxiamtl.com~ In the afternoon, Li Xiao came. In the past two years, Li Xiao has become a studio, and he is rarely filming by himself, and is generally cultivating people.

Yuxi asked, "Why did you come here?"

Li Xiao sat down and said, "Xin Xinxin contacted me, but suddenly, I don't have the right resources for her. I'm not here to find you, sister."

Yuxi, "... Do you only call my sister when you ask me for resources?"

If Li Xiao didn't shout, he really never regarded Li Xiao as his brother-in-law.

Li Xiao coughed, "It seems that elder sister is hope, I have always called elder sister."

"do not scare me."

"...closer to the topic, Xin Xinxin disappeared for a long time. I really don't have any suitable for her to expose. For the sake of you are also her old club, let me introduce you."

Yuxi pondered, "Let me think about it."

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