90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 911: opposite

The reporters who posted on Weibo apologized. All kinds of slanders were misunderstood. They said a lot. The sincerity of the apology was really not much. Yuxi glanced at it and closed it. If she is considered inhumane, she will also sue.

Letting everyone remember is one aspect, and it is also hope that they can manage their own words and deeds in the future.

Nian Junwen answered the phone again, hung up the phone and said, "The reporter went back to his hometown and wanted to apologize to you. He found a purchase station, but I refused."

"Well, then don't worry about it."

Anyway, she will not accept the apology.

Netizens on the Internet thought it was very interesting to pick up Yuxi, and they picked up a lot of things. Even the charity school in the northwest has photos.

Yuxi thinks that the Internet is very happy. If you don’t do anything about this attention, he feels that he is in a panic, so he updated his Weibo again, “I am so popular, I feel a waste, and I have launched a wave of advertisements. During the shooting, this film summed up in one sentence, across the Internet, is it a human or a ghost?"

The company's official blog was retweeted instantly. It is estimated that the retweet went smoothly, and it caused another wave of retweets. There was no director in the last retweet, but this time there were a few more directors.

It's a bit late for the filming of the official blog, but it was also quickly forwarded.

The comments popped up instantly.

"This wave of operations is 6666."

"On the right posture for advertising."

"For President Lu's charity, I also bought movie tickets."

"Is it a human or a ghost? Has President Lu changed to a horror movie?"

Yuxi posted on Weibo and said to Nian Junwen: "Everything has two sides. You can get publicity for free when you watch it. At least this movie won't lose money."

Nian Junmin smiled, "Yes."

On the second day, Yuxi assured that she absolutely did not buy hot searches, and each of her accounted for three hot searches, one for her relationship with Zheng Suanran, one for advertisements, and the last one for charity. The one that received the most attention was charity.

Xinxin Xin has also been on the hot search. Since she suddenly disappeared, she has updated her Weibo for the first time in two years. It belongs to the return of missing persons.

Yuxi thought for a while and sent a message, "Are you going to come back to act?"

Unexpectedly, the other party was online, "Yeah, so does the old club still sign?"

"It turned out to be really online, I just wanted to try it."

Xinxin typed fast, "I've been here these days, but I just didn't know how to post the first Weibo. Well, it's mainly because I have plenty of time, I'm relatively free, and I spend a lot of time online, so I'll be diving for a while."

"Are you really going to come back to act?"

Xin Xin said: "Yeah, such a good popularity, a rare opportunity, it seems that God is helping me to make my comeback smoothly, let's see how high the evaluation of me is, thank you in return, this one It can erase the impact of jumping off the building in the past two years."

Yuxi, "...I want to tell you that Wen Haiyang has been looking for you."

"I'm not afraid of him. If it wasn't for the child in my stomach, I wouldn't disappear. In fact, I also wanted to live a comforting life. I found that I prefer acting, and I want to go back."

It was really a pity that Xin Xin left at the beginning. It wasn't long after the successful transformation, and he was ready to hit the actress, "Welcome to come back at any time, but the company will no longer be a signatory, and the focus has shifted. I think Li Xiao welcomes you very much."

Xin Xin Xin said, "Thank you Sister Lu."

Yuxi put away her phone, this is really coming back, everyone's pursuit is different, when Xinxin comes back, it's more lively.

After breakfast, Yuxi put on her formal clothes and touched her chin. She needed a close-fitting assistant who was not linked to the company, so that she could easily handle her other investments.

For Song's shareholders meeting, this time the staff was very good. Yuxi went late and caught in a traffic jam, so she took the company assistant with her.

The large conference room was almost full of people, and Yuxi accounted for 2.5%. It looked small, but it was actually quite a lot. At least it was not far behind, and Yuxi sat down next to the acquaintances.

Song Hanchen blinked his eyes and reconfirmed that he had read it right. His throat rolled, and he was so frightened that the equity in his hands, given by Lao Tzu, was only 2%. It was the first time this year to participate in the shareholders' meeting. It actually has shares in the Song family?

Song Hanchen thought of Begulan and wanted to cry. His love for Begulan was sincere. Well, from the idea of ​​having fun, he developed into a boyfriend and girlfriend. He was thinking about preparing for a violent offensive. , Suddenly found that Begulan's Bole was a little too cruel, and shivered and poured water, "You drink water."

Yuxi didn't read it wrong, she did see the flattering eyes, "No, thank you."

She doesn't drink cold water, she drinks hot water and brings her own.

Song Hanchen looked at the thermos, "..."

Song Huaiyang was the last to arrive. After so many years, Song Huaiyang has completely taken over the Song family. This shareholders' meeting is mainly to summarize the past few years of the group and plan for some future development.

Yuxi could feel Song Huaiyang's eyes from time to time, as if she was an enemy who had penetrated into the interior.

The general meeting of shareholders was over, and lunch was arranged, with a western buffet.

All present were shareholders, and they were very curious about Yuxi, the new shareholder. The only bad thing about the Song family was that relatives held most of the shares, and half of the shareholders were surnamed Song.

Song Huaiyang came over, "Mr. Lu, what do you think of the Song family?"

"Prove that my vision is good, and the future dividends will be considerable."

Song Huaiyang, "...Mr. Lu, how about we talk about the equity transfer?"

"No, I'm really optimistic about your leadership. The hen that lays eggs will not be transferred."

Song Huaiyang held his breath, should I thank you for your trust? In fact, he said that, of course, he also had the mentality of what to do, what if Lu Yuxi was willing to transfer it?

Song Huaiyang sipped his wine, "Then talk about it, how was your favor yesterday?"

Yuxi was puzzled, "Song's voice, it's okay for me to be a shareholder."

Song Huaiyang knew it and poured the wine in the glass, "Haha."

Yuxi kept smiling, "Haha."

Who wouldn't sneer.

Yuxi's stay is not for nothing~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I know many shareholders. These shareholders are not only the shareholders of the Song family, but also many company groups have shares.

Yuxi couldn't help but sigh, it's better to be a shareholder, you don't have to manage the company, and you can still get dividends. Don't look at these people who don't have a company themselves, but they have the deepest connections and are invisible heroes.

In the afternoon, after collecting a pile of business cards, Yuxi went home.

The next day, Yuxi went to the crew. The director called. In order to take advantage of the popularity, he decided to speed up the shooting. Some parts of the script needed to be changed.

The whole crew was beaming, but I didn't expect that the movie that hit the street would become a hit overnight. Not to mention the growth of silent official blog fans, there were many comments like star Weibo.

The actors I started looking for were all for the sake of making money. I really never thought that I would become famous through this movie. Who would have thought that the twists and turns would turn around.

The director cheerfully said, "I catch up with the schedule and prepare to launch on November 11, so there are a lot of changes."

Yuxi flipped through the marked place and knew it, "Okay, no problem."

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