90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 907: double standard

The reporter and the cameraman were stunned. The cameraman quickly picked it up and took a closer look. Not only was the lens broken, but the camera in front was broken. He was anxious, "This is a newly purchased camera."

Broke to accompany.

The reporter looked unhappy and asked, "What are you doing?"

Yuxi confirmed that he couldn't shoot anymore. Usually, only one cameraman would follow a shoot like this, "You ask me, I want to ask you, what are you doing? Shooting is for exposing scars. It depends on your young age, do you have any heart? "

The reporter's face was not very good. She entered the stage after graduation. The program did not attract much attention. If she wanted to make achievements, she had to use some means to attract topics. She didn't think it was wrong. With a stinky face, "What do you know as an outsider? Now that the camera is broken, you have delayed our shooting."

Yuxi snorted, "I didn't see it just now, I wasn't careful."

She's not stupid, she just bumped into it and called the police.

The reporter got angry and pointed, "You didn't do it on purpose, what about him? You turned off the microphone on purpose, you did it on purpose, I must speak, I'm from Taiwan."

Miaomiao interrupted suddenly and waved the phone in her hand, "Auntie, I have recorded it with my phone since I came in, from the expression on your face leading the question and the little look of disgust, oh, yes, and with my mother. I was so angry when I spoke, I don’t think Taiwan Province should ignore the family’s feelings for the sake of attention, and it’s obvious that you didn’t even notice when you came to shoot, so this is considered infringement!”

The reporter's eyes widened and he said angrily, "I'm at work, it's you who meddle in your business."

Yuxi praised her daughter and gave a cold sigh, "Your work is immoral and there are infringements. We are not nosy, so you bully the children and don't understand the law."

After that, some boys who didn't cry asked, "Did they notify you when they filmed?"

The little boy was angrily, "No, we don't know anything, we just filmed when we came up, and even asked my dead parents, and even made a phone call regardless of my brother's safety."

The reporter was blackfaced, "We are a mutual aid program. You can get help from kind people when you go to the program. The tuition fee for going to college is more than 100,000 yuan. We help you, but you don't appreciate it."

The little boy's three views are more correct, "Big brother said, we have hands and feet and don't need help. We rely on ourselves to feel at ease, and no one's money comes from the wind."

The reporter stared and was angry. Because of this, she heard a lot when she was filming, and she came into contact with many poor families. Although poor, not everyone was willing to expose and accept help. Today was not smooth at all. The first one The family was beaten up, and the ten-year-old Shanliwa scolded her and was so angry that she didn't dare to say harsh words. She remembered that there was a mobile phone taking pictures.

Yuxi has been in contact with many poor children. These children are poor at home, but they also have self-respect. They would rather be as powerful as they are capable than accept money from strangers.

Sometimes, for poor children, a large amount of money is not necessarily a good thing. With more money, not everyone can curb their desires.

Nian Junmin gave the boy a thumbs up, "Well said."

The boy got support and blushed, "Big brother said that he won't be eaten, I remember."

The reporter was angrily, waiting for the township chief. The township chief stopped talking. He saw the filming just now. I am afraid that I will be poor in my heart and poor in my heart. This is terrifying.

The township chief coughed, thinking of the anger of the Lihua sisters and brothers just now, a little dazed, every time I see the filming, is it filmed like this? It seems that when the TV is broadcast, for the sake of sympathy, a family's wound is torn open. Children cry in front of the camera, and the filming needs to be effective, and they don't care about the blow to the children. An underage child can bear it in his heart how many?

The township chief felt his back bent even more, "Comrade reporters, let's go, we won't be filming anymore."

The reporter wanted to vomit blood, "I'm not going, you don't know good people, I'm helping them, you can't be so ignorant, mayor."

Yuxi said with a cold face, "Good intentions? You just want to watch the TV show, let some companies in the city donate money to get some good reputation, donating money doesn't care about the children's future lives, they are exposed on TV, and they will be pointed out by their classmates in the future. Point, those who are strong in their hearts can continue to go to school, how many of those who are not strong can hold on? They have been labeled throughout their lives.”

Yuxi paused for a while and continued: "Of course there are those who are willing to accept help. We have nothing to say about this kind of willingness, but I see you filming, it is simply forced, just to find the worst and the most interesting. ."

The reporter was at a loss for words, but felt that he had done nothing wrong. "It was broadcast, and I got help."

Yuxi was too lazy to talk about it. She always felt that it would be very harmful to help people alone without going to a formal institution. She gave too much at one time. "The camera, I will compensate and I will repair it."

The stone in the cameraman's heart has fallen. It's not his own responsibility. This is the latest model, which is very expensive.

Nian Junwen brought it over, and the reporter snorted, "We don't repair it, buy us new ones."

Yuxi was thinking about what was recorded on the camera, "I want to take it back and check it out."

The reporter also wanted to say, but the cameraman interjected, "Okay, okay."

When the camera arrived, Yuxi and his wife left.

If the reporter can't go back, if the mission is not completed this time, they will be scolded when they go back. "If you want to buy it, send it over quickly. We still have work."

Yuxi ignored it. The couple quickly returned to Mi's house. Yuxi dismantled it directly. Looking at the sky, the sunny weather just now was gloomy. heavy rain.

Soon the rain will fall, and the rain will come and go quickly. When the rain stops, the cameras outside will be useless~www.wuxiamtl.com~ As for the memory card, it will be deleted on the computer.

But Yuxi and his wife were still very angry, and they saw what was filmed before, which were all broadcast on TV.

The reporter went down and found it. When he saw the memory card, he hurriedly went back to check it on the computer. Today's shooting was gone, so he said angrily, "Why did you delete it?"

Yuxi felt a negative number for this reporter, and his tone was not good, "You infringe first, if you want to file a lawsuit, we will find the best lawyer to fight with you, and it is also good to find some media exposure, let everyone see, you are How was it filmed?"

The reporter shut up. She knew too well that the Internet was so powerful now that she was biting **** her mouth, but she knew in her heart that she was a little immoral, and it was really exposed. How could she be a human being?

Yuxi looked at the reporter coldly. It's really a double standard. Others can expose it casually.

Nian Junmin, "Tomorrow the camera will be sent to the provincial station."

The reporter stared, and when she was sent to the provincial station, she would definitely eat and hang, with red eyes, "You guys are too much."

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