90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 906: Too much

The reporter turned back a little unwillingly. She always felt as if she had seen it somewhere, but she couldn't remember it suddenly, so she could only follow the village chief.

The township chief exhaled. He was not reconciled to who came yesterday. He only cares about visiting poor households and whether they can bring good news to the township. The village has been around for a long time, and it was on TV in the province, and some people donated money.

Back at Mi's house, the children felt uncomfortable and went back to change their clothes.

Yuxi was standing under the tree, and he could see the reporter followed the village head to a house below, "The standard for looking at cars is from the local TV station."

Nian Junmin, "Well, it should be a new column."

Mi Shan hesitated and walked over, "Auntie, I know."

Yuxi, "What are they doing here?"

Mi Shan looked at the reporter who had entered the house, "The mutual aid program of the provincial TV station will go to the impoverished villages to visit some poor people who are struggling to make a living, and then take pictures of the village and report it out. As long as the report goes out, there will be assistance. I I heard that there are entrepreneurs who build roads, and some people directly adopt children, and most of them put out hundreds of thousands of dollars all at once to finish all the expenses of college.”

Yuxi looked at the old house below, as if it could collapse at any time, "What is the situation of the people they went to?"

Mi Shan, "A pair of siblings, the older sister is twelve years old and the younger brother is eight years old."

Nian Junmin asked, "Where are the parents?"

Mi Shan blushed and felt a little ashamed, "Their father went out to work and brought back a woman, it happened more than ten years ago, and it took five years for the police to find them. We only found out that their father bought them from someone else. Mom. I also listened to what my mom said. I have never seen a woman or contacted people. Their father said that women are not in good spirits, so they all hide."

Mi Shan took a peek at his face and continued: "Then the police came to know that the woman is not mentally ill. In order to prevent the woman from running away, there is only one meal a day. When I take it away, there is no meat on my body, only bones are left, right? It's the daughter of this family who called the police."

Yuxi asked, "What happened later?"

Mi Shan, "Then the man chased the car and fell to his death in order to take a shortcut. The two children were taken for a while and then brought back. It is said that their mother's family did not accept them. They were scars. Six years old, one two years old, the village helped take care of the grown up, until the girl was ten years old and took care of her younger brother, the village did not interfere."

Nian Junwen pulled his daughter-in-law and motioned to look down.

A girl with a stick in her hand drove the reporter out. The girl closed the broken door for many people below.

Yuxi watched the reporters persevere in knocking on the door. If this was on TV, it would not only be a secondary injury to the child, but also to the disappearing woman. It is very likely that another peaceful home would be broken.

Yuxi looked at the boys beside him, and at the children who didn't know when they came out, and asked, "Do you think it should be reported?"

Miaomiao spoke first, "I can't report, the life experience of the two children will be exposed, if not exposed, they can have their own lives, although it is a bit hard, but they are safe, and after reporting, they will be in the eyes of the world for the rest of their lives. Mom is a betrayed woman, even if they are innocent, they will not be accepted, the Internet is too developed now, and it will ruin two children."

Gui Xun frowned, "I don't think it's possible to dig out the life experience for a while. It's important to report that getting money is the main thing. Their own life and even going to school are a problem."

Yuxi, "......"

This kid, Gui Xun, really deserves a good education.

Fang Xuan, "When the report comes out, the damage caused will last a lifetime."

Mi Shan was stunned for a while, he was a little ashamed for a while, and never thought about the harm he caused to the Lihua sister and brother.

Yuxi looked down at the foot of the mountain. The reporter was talking with the township chief. It was estimated that the reporter knew that the child was born. Yuxi frowned as if he had been beaten by a chicken. Eye-catching enough.

Miaomiao frowned, "Why haven't these reporters left?"

Yuxi said quietly: "Because I saw the selling point, oh, I don't think about the children at all."

After waiting for a while, the reporter left and went to another company to report. Yuxi raised his foot and said, "Let's go have a look."

The other family is relatively better. At least there are grandparents. However, my father and mother died in an accident while working in the factory. Eight years ago, the compensation was really not much. For five thousand bucks, you'll understand.

The children of Yuxi's family couldn't believe it after hearing what Mishan said, and then fell silent.

This family also has two children, two boys, the older one is 16 years old, and he dropped out of school early to go to work, and the younger 10 years old went to school at home to help his grandparents.

When Yuxi arrived, the interview had already started, and now he has taken pictures of the house, especially the dilapidated place. Yuxi saw the child and the old man in a tight situation. Eye.

The old man had never walked out of the mountains in his entire life, and it was the first time he saw such a big battle, and huddled in one place.

Yuxi felt uncomfortable watching it, but the reporter didn't care. After filming, he took the microphone and asked the old man, "Are you the only one at home?"

It took the old man a long time to reply, "Yes."

The strong local accent, and some trembling, this is scary.

The reporter asked again, "What about your son and daughter-in-law?"

The white-haired old couple sent the black-haired one, and it took eight years for them to slowly overcome the hurdle in their hearts, and they were brought up again suddenly.

The reporter was satisfied, and then went to ask the crying child, "Do you want Mom and Dad?"

Yuxi gritted his teeth~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The truth broke out. This reporter deliberately knew everything. It is estimated that in order to highlight how miserable the family was, he completely ignored the family's feelings and specifically poked people's hearts.

The child wiped away tears, "I don't know, I don't know, I miss them, I miss my brother."

The reporter took out his mobile phone, "If you want my brother, just call my brother, and I will lend you the mobile phone."

The child is ten years old. It's not that he doesn't understand anything, he doesn't have parents to protect him, and he is even more mature. He has recovered from ignorance and stares straight at the reporter. The reporter is a little unnatural, "I'll lend it to you."

The boy stopped crying, "My brother is doing dangerous work. At the construction site, I don't call, I don't call, what should I do if I make a phone call and have an accident? You are a bad guy, you want to kill my brother, you all get out, get out what!"

Feeling out of control, the reporter continued to ask perseverance.

Yuxi and his wife took a step forward. Yuxi was familiar with the camera, so he started directly. Nian Junmin also turned off the microphone, only to hear a thud, "I'm sorry, I didn't see it."

The camera fell to the ground, the ground is full of stones, and the lens is broken. As for whether there is any problem, it needs to be checked.

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