90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 891: hard-to-read scriptures

Mei Hua said with emotion, "It's not easy to take care of the elderly, whether you take good care of them or not, you will all complain. The in-laws are the eldest, and in rural areas, the eldest is basically taking care of the elderly. When the elderly get old, they will come naturally. So sad!"

"How do you say this?"

Mei Hua had found someone to chat with. She talked to her husband, but he didn't want to listen at all, so she couldn't hold back her words, "Meng Han's grandfather and grandmother have problems. In the past, they had a hard life and had many children. First, Meng Han's grandmother has been sick all the time, her legs are rheumatic, I heard that she has a big belly, and she has to walk more than ten miles to buy vegetable seedlings with a basket. ."

Mei Hua paused for a while and continued: "The old lady is gone, can you take a breath, the old man is sick again, the gallstone is very serious, the heart is not good, and the blood pressure is also high, the doctor said, the operation is not good enough, It's true, I had an operation. This is the second year of myocardial infarction. Now I'm paralyzed. Dad can take care of it and leave it to Uncle Meng Han for the New Year."

Yuxi understood, "Meng Han's parents didn't come here for the New Year on their own initiative!"

"How can you take the initiative? There is a paralyzed father in the family. He has been a good person for so many years. It's not less than two years. It's really annoying. I'll give it away for a few days, and let them have a taste of what they can say."

Yuxi placed the cut intestines on a plate and smiled, "Do it right, so it doesn't seem so easy."

Plum Blossom, "You can try it too. I made it when I was free. I used to prepare it for the New Year. Later, when I married your father, I didn't stretch out my hand. I didn't lose my craftsmanship, and it tasted good."

Yuxi was hungry for a long time, took a sip and gave a thumbs up, "It's delicious."

Plum Blossom was happy, "If it's delicious, eat more, but unfortunately Meng Han's parents are not used to it. By the way, they brought the sausages from the north, and they will cut some of them later. I just think the taste is too strong. It's good to eat. eat."

Yuxi's eyes lit up, "Is Meng Han's family pigs?"

"Yes, I brought a lot of meat. The meat is more fragrant than the one on the market. After the ribs are stewed, the greedy kid knocks on the door!"

Yuxi, "It's still good to have land, don't worry about it."

"No, it's just that our place is not good, and the taste is not good. I've been thinking about how many chickens I want to raise!"

Yuxi, "..."

I can't agree to this. The yard is all well-designed, not to mention, the taste is really bad, and it attracts flies.

The lunch is ready. There are sixteen dishes, eight cold dishes, and eight hot dishes. Plum blossoms have been in S City for half a year, and the drunk crabs are not bad.

The taste of the New Year's Eve dinner is different from previous years, and the taste is also good.

It is good to spend the New Year in S City, no one will bother you. After lunch, you can walk around. S City is a big metropolis, and you can stroll around the riverside.

So the wrong decision to come to the riverside is crowded.

Nian Junwen was also a little bit unbearable, holding her daughter-in-law's hand in one hand and her daughter-in-law in the other. As for the two sons, she didn't worry, "Daughter-in-law, I think it would be better for us to change places!"

Yuxi couldn't see the road in front of him. He held up his mobile phone to take videos, took pictures, and rewarded various sponsored boats. Before it was dark, all kinds of lights were on. Yuxi was almost hit in the face for the second time. "Let's go, go home, I haven't watched the second season of the show, so I just went back to make up."

Miss Miaomiao exhaled and looked down at her new white shoes, how could she be so stupid to wear white shoes!

The family of five went happily, and came back very embarrassed. The focus was on shoes. There were too many people. Whoever pays attention to their feet will not be able to find anyone who steps on you.

When the family entered the house, Zhou Lu and his wife came over, Yuxi hung up his coat and asked, "Why are you two here?"

Mainly because I have a big belly, I should rest at home.

Zhou Lu glanced at her husband, but said nothing, "I heard from my mother that you went to the riverside?"

Yuxi winked, "Yeah, just look at our shoes is proof that there are too many people by the river, and the traffic is blocked."

"It's been like this for the past two years. More and more people are not at home for the New Year. S city is the first choice. When we came, there were all traffic jams. This year, there is a fireworks show by the riverside. It is said that it is more grand than last year. Take a seat."

Yuxi, "..."

I really don't know this. If I had known, she would definitely not go.

Meihua apologized, "I don't care about this, I would have known it earlier, and told you earlier."

Up to this point, Mei Hua feels that there is a generation gap. It is impossible not to admit that she is old. She has already been involved in square dancing, and she really doesn't care about the romantic New Year's Eve.

Yuxi didn't care, "It's alright, we are also idle when we are idle, and it's good to join in the fun."

Mei Hua stood up, "I'll clean up your bedroom."

Yuxi looked at Zhou Lu and the two. There was something wrong. Instead of going home in New Year's Eve, she came to live here. Yuxi's eyes were too direct, and Meng Han couldn't resist.

Meng Han was very embarrassed. "There are relatives at home. Lulu is too pregnant. My mother is afraid of bumping into it, so let us come and live."

Yuxi has come to realize, the relatives of Meng Han's family have found S City on New Year's Eve. It's amazing, she came prepared!

Zhou Lu didn't want to talk about her mother-in-law's house~www.wuxiamtl.com~, but she felt uncomfortable. Many people came. Even if the master bedroom was locked, the living room was cleaned by her mother-in-law and mother. I don't know what happened. The only consolation is that she and her husband's things are in the master bedroom, and the master bedroom also has a bathroom, so she is not afraid of being abused.

Yuxi coughed, turned on the TV, connected to the Internet, and found the second season of the RV travel outdoor program, "Have you watched it, have you watched it together?"

Zhou Lu shook her head, "I haven't seen it."

Yuxi chose the pilot film to watch. Of the six families, Yuxi was familiar with two, and the other four were often reported on various news, but not familiar.

The filming of a family, the topic of this issue is high, there is no obedient children in the first season, various situations continue, especially in addition to Yang Xijia and Guan family, the remaining four are either parents are celebrities, or one of them is, One is also busy with work, and the children have little contact with their parents. Most of them are grandparents and grandparents. The four parents really can't handle their children.

With the comparison, Yang Xi's family won, the children were well raised, Yang Jian had the face of an idol, Yang Li followed Xue Ya's face, and was very lovable, not to mention Yang Xi, an absolute filial piety and a good father, he took care of the children. Grow up, do it yourself, and be very harmonious.

In the end, it was the Guan family. Yuxi saw the performance and bumped her husband's shoulder, "That's right, I took care of the children when I saw the couple. Their looks are also high, and they overwhelmed the looks of several families."

Nian Junmin snorted, "Old Guan dares to make up his mind, of course he has the confidence. How does his appearance compare to mine?"

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