90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 890: nice guy

Yuxi met Song Huaiyang at the annual meeting, who was also a shareholder, holding a glass of wine, "Congratulations, you have become a shareholder as you wished."

Song Huaiyang, "I don't think it's congratulations, why is there a sense of irony, but you can't blame me, you can only blame people's hearts, you kindly give some shares to the elders, they can't stand the test of interests, so they can't take anger at them. I."

"You're right, people's hearts are indeed the most difficult to control. In front of interests, promises can be sold at any time."

Song Huaiyang took a sip of wine and said, "Mr. Lu, we are a group of common interests now. Although we have acquired some shares, the majority of the shares are always in your hands, and I have to praise the loyalty of the surrounding area. I have only accepted it. three percent."

Yuxi had the urge to roll her eyes. They let out 15% of the total, and you took 1/5 of it, how much?

However, Yuxi is not afraid of Song Huaiyang doing things, her cousin has the most shares, she has absolute control, she also has a lot of hands, she will not defect to outsiders, and the company is not listed, Song Huaiyang is only thinking about doing things.

Also, Yuxi felt that Song Huaiyang had opened up her mind, and kept smiling, "Thank you, Mr. Song, for the inspiration, you're playing well."

Song Huaiyang did come here with a disgusting Lu Yuxi in mind. Who made Lu Yuxi's hands deflated several times, but why do you feel that your back is a little cold?

The annual meeting was over, and it was the annual meeting of the investment company. Yuxi pulled the recovered Xue Ya and asked, "How much do you know about the Song Group?"

Xue Ya, "Which aspect are you asking about?"

"Shareholders, who are the shareholders of the entire group?"

Xue Ya's friend for many years, she guessed it at once, "You bought the shares of the Song Group?"

Yuxi patted Xue Ya on the shoulder, "Yes, but it's not a company acquisition, personally, personally."

I have a lot of money in my hand, and I have invested some in these years, but the dividends are increasing every year, and there is still a lot of money. It is better to buy some shares if you save it. Thank you Song Huaiyang.

Xue Ya, "I can help you find out, but you can only buy some small shares. You know, the group has a strong control over the shares, and the large ones will definitely attract the attention of the above."

A large share of equity changes have caused the stability of the group.

Yuxi, "Don't worry, I don't want to buy a big one, just a small one."

Xue Ya felt more relaxed, "In the next year, I will give you the right words."


After the annual meeting, Yuxi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Yuxi had time, but Nian Junmin didn't. He said that it was a waste to accompany Yuxi to see Grandpa Zhang Yizhe.

Yuxi went with his assistant and bought some nutrition products suitable for the elderly. Grandpa Zhang Yizhe's operation was very successful. He did not recover for a few days. He did the operation so quickly, and it was thanks to Zhang Yizhe that he made money and gave his grandpa a good care for more than 20 days. , The body is much better, otherwise, it will take at least half a month to recuperate.

Zhang Yizhe's plaster was removed, and the fracture was not serious at first. It has been more than a month, and he can walk slowly without a cane. With the help of a nurse, he took care of the old man well for three days after the operation.

When Yuxi arrived, he was having lunch. Zhang Yizhe got up and moved his chair away, "Auntie, sit down."

This is a four-person ward with a shared bathroom. The ward is not big, but there are quite a few people.

Yuxi didn't sit down, she put down the fruit, "I'll stop by and have a look, so I won't sit down."

Zhang Yizhe shook his head, he was embarrassed to sit, "Auntie, the doctor told me to let me exercise more when I have nothing to do, you sit."

Yuxi had no choice but to sit down, otherwise he would stand and block the aisle, "Old man, your back is in the back, your grandson will be great in the future, you have to take good care of your body."

The old man's face was ruddy, and he recovered well from the operation. The old man was a little nervous, "Thank you, thank you, you are a good person."

Yuxi felt at ease and was grateful. The current cost of surgery is not the age when grandma performed surgery, but it has increased tenfold. It is also a lot of money, not including the cost of later observation and re-examination.

Yuxi left after a while. She was in the ward and looked at her. She also wanted to keep a low profile, but her image as a boss is very important. She pays special attention to her dress. left.

Yuxi's assistant was also on vacation. Yuxi gave a big red envelope and went home happily for the New Year.

A few years ago, there was an important event, and Yuxi could not go to the orphanage this year, so Yuxi went there ahead of schedule.

Yuxi also saw the woman she rescued during the filming. The woman came to Yuxi to say hello, but she didn't ask any questions after that. This was the first time they met in more than half a year.

The woman was grateful to Yuxi. She came to express her gratitude, and even pulled her eldest daughter, "Thank you, you gave us a new life."

Yuxi couldn't recognize the woman. When they met, her face was covered with wounds. She was thin and haggard, and her face was numb. The current woman has grown flesh and nourished her hair for more than half a year. Her face is numb. No, there is only vision for the future, "Today is also your own efforts."

The woman pulled her eldest daughter and said, "When the case was closed, I couldn't stay there any longer. The eldest daughter's in-laws knew about it, and they drove her and the child away. Only then did she know that this child had both marriage certificates. I don’t have it, I feel bad for the child, and I have no choice but to bring it. Our mother and daughter can have stable jobs and the children can go to school. We will kowtow to you.”

Yuxi hurriedly held it back~www.wuxiamtl.com~ thanked her for accepting it, no need to kowtow, and then the staff pulled it away.

Yuxi knew from the manager that the two women were very diligent, they washed their clothes the cleanest, their salary was 2,500 per month, and they had five insurances and one housing fund.

The orphanage is quite famous, not only because of the facilities, but also because of the disabled orphans who attended the disabled sports meeting, and many of them were among the best in school. of.

In the blink of an eye, the whole family went to S City. Yao Cheng and his wife hadn't spent the New Year at Yao Cheng's house for many years, so this time it won't be over.

In S city, Nianfeng owns a house. He invested in one of the villas he developed in his early years, and later bought two more and transferred them into the names of his three sons.

Now they live in Ankang's name, and the Yuxi family went to this building.

When Yuxi arrived, Meihua was preparing lunch, Yuxi took off his jacket, "I'm here to help, why didn't Zhou Lu arrive?"

Mei Hua picked up the shrimp line, "Her in-laws are here, come over tomorrow."

Yuxi was embarrassed, "If we don't come, you and Zhou Lu will be celebrating the New Year too."

Mei Hua, "If you don't come, we have to live by ourselves. Zhou Lu's house is not big, and her parents-in-law can't live there. We moved out a few days ago."

Yuxi was concerned, "Zhou Lu's parents-in-law are here? Don't you need to take care of the old man?"

She remembered correctly. She was discharged from the hospital, but she couldn't move. She was paralyzed.

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