90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 871: 2 polarized

Nian Junwen asked, "Dad, are you here to pick up the Lin family?"

Lu Man nodded, "Yeah, it was raining yesterday and the flight was grounded. It's changed to today. You go back first, I'll wait a while."

Yuxi intends to stay, "Dad, let me accompany you!"

Lu Man waved his hand, "No, you all go back, you stay, there is no place for the car."

Yuxi, "...Okay."

Outside the airport, the car was waiting early. When we got home, the yard was full of people, all relatives, and all the relatives from the northwest who could come came.

The only pity is that only the grandfather came back by himself, and the second grandfather's body and bones can no longer travel long distances.

Yuqing and his wife are going to arrive tomorrow. Both are very busy people. One has to ask for leave with great difficulty, and the other has a case in hand and has to squeeze out time.

The engagement went very smoothly. Many people came to the engagement banquet at the five-star hotel in the city, including parents, business partners, and neighbors for many years. There were also many people in the Lin family.

After the engagement, they were all busy people, and all the relatives who came had left. Yuzhi and Lin Qing also followed Zheng Xueran back to the capital, but Yuxi and his wife stayed with their children for two more days.

The night before leaving, the family sat in the yard enjoying the rare coolness.

Lu Man drank the tea poured by his son-in-law and said with a smile, "When Yuzhi gets married at the end of the year, I will have nothing to worry about."

Yuxi looked at her parents. After more than ten years, her father and mother are no longer young. They are worried about doing business. In maintenance, they can no longer hide their white hair in their hair, and the wrinkles at the corners of their eyes are more than their peers. Deep and old-fashioned.

Yuxi was busy, so he didn't pay attention to the appearance of his parents. For a while, his nose became sore, "Dad, you and your mother have been busy for so many years, and you should also want to enjoy the happiness. We don't need to worry about you, we don't lack money, You also put down your career, and while you are not very old, you can walk around and explore the great rivers and mountains that have developed. After the domestic transfer, we will travel abroad."

What Lu Man is most proud of is not his current career, but having three capable parents. He is old, and he makes a lot of money, but he is comparable to his children. He looks at his daughter and puts down his teacup, "You are old, indeed. I can't do it anymore, I don't have the energy I had a few years ago, I wanted to tell you during the New Year, let you know in advance, so that you don't worry about it."

Yuxi, "I listen, you say."

Lu Mandao: "Your grandfather doesn't plan to come back. There are no relatives here. He wants to stay in the northwest. My mother and I have also discussed it. After Yuzhi gets married, the factories here have been dealt with, and he plans to live in the northwest. For many years, we have been incompetent as grandparents. In the first few years, we will take turns living in each of your houses to help look after the children. After a few years, we will guard your grandfather and send your grandfather away. We are going out. It's not too late to turn around."

Yuxi breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that the old couple would guard her career for the rest of her life, "It's good that you have a plan in your heart."

Lu Man said faintly, "It's a pity that the money your mother and I earned is just a figure for you."

No sense of achievement at all, I began to think about making more money to create a better life for the children. The idea was good, but no one wanted it. No matter how much they earned, it was just a number. Slowly, the enthusiasm for the cause became more and more The less you get, the more you want to stay with your children when you get older.

Yuxi looked at her father's depressed look and laughed. It was true that she was not short of money. She worked hard for more than ten years. Money is really just a number. , not to mention Yuzhi.

Thinking about it this way, the old couple was really depressed.

Early the next morning, Yuxi and his wife returned to the capital with their children, and the final grades also came down.

Miaomiao's grades are all 100%, and the family is used to it. They don't pay much attention, and they pay more attention to the child going to summer camp.

Because Fang Xuan had been there, Yuxi was relieved to sign up for a summer camp abroad. Otherwise, she would not be worried that her daughter would go by herself, even if someone followed, but now she is more relieved, and their family will come later.

Yuxi didn't go to the company, squatted at home and watched Fang Xuan and Miaomiao sitting together and lowered their heads to study the map. From the back, Fang Xuan looked like an adult.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Xuan's height was 1.8 meters. This child was an early adult, and Yuxi didn't want to stand with Fang Xuan, it was too tall.

Yao Cheng came over and whispered: "The relationship between childhood sweethearts is good, sister-in-law, do you want me to find a childhood sweetheart for Xia Xia?"

Yuxi looked at Yao Cheng with bright eyes, this one really had this plan, "It also depends on fate, not all childhood sweethearts can be a couple."

Yao Cheng thought for a while, "That's fine."

Yuxi looked at her daughter and Fang Xuan, and how they matched each other. The daughters were not short either. They were both grown up and exercised since childhood. They were a lot taller than children of the same age. Yuxi was the most satisfied. Seventh, her long-cherished wish can only be fulfilled by her daughter.

Two days later, Yuxi sent away her daughter and Fang Xuan, and then prepared her luggage.

The twins are going abroad, Ankang and Bingting are in tears, but unfortunately, there is no negotiation this time, Bingbing and Yao Cheng are going to grandpa's house, because the privacy is the best, and Bingting will not be disturbed.

Ankang is going to S City with Meihua. Zhou Lu has severe morning sickness, and Meihua has to take care of it herself. As for Meng Han's mother, she wants to take care of her, but Meng Han's grandfather at home was almost not rescued from a myocardial infarction, and he was hospitalized after the rescue. Really can't do without people.

In the end, Yao Cheng and Mei Hua left, and Yuxi and his wife had to wait for two days.

Yuxi also packed all his luggage. He didn't need much clothes, just buy them when he went abroad.

In the end, only Nian Feng was left at home. Nian Junwen was away for a month, and Nian Feng was to be guarded by the group.

Yuxi and his wife are used to the long-distance flight, and the children are not used to it, even if it is first class, it is still uncomfortable.

When I went abroad, it was the night in China, and I didn't have a good rest. When I got off the plane, the two children fell asleep.

Nian Junmin rubbed his forehead, "These two boys will have a few days of jet lag."

Yuxi covered his sons with clothes~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to prevent catching a cold, "If you have me at home, don't worry about it!"

"Okay, when I'm done with the urgent matter, let's go around."


Abroad, Yuxi's family owns a house, not Nian Feng and Wang Han's house. Nian Feng disliked the house and sold it long ago. Later, he bought another set with a garden in the front and back, which is in the eyes of local people , the wealthy area.

Don't look abroad, it sounds glamorous, the gap between the rich and the poor is the worst, the rich area, the best schools, the best resources, the most expensive stores, the most police protection, the poor areas, the most chaotic environment, the dark is not Dare to go out, the glass of the store is bulletproof, it is the existence of positive and negative poles, how beautiful the rich area is, and how dark the poor area is.

The house of Yuxi's family has always been managed by a housekeeper, and a professional housekeeper is hired to wait for the owner's return at any time.

When the car arrived, the children also woke up. This was the first time for the children to come here. Well, it was also the first time for Yuxi. He was used to the villas in China. When seeing foreigners, Yuxi felt deeply that he had become a douchebag.


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