90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 870: famous


Yuxi, "This is not right. In my cognition, you are me, and I am you. We don't differentiate between each other. Where do we rank?"

Nian Junwen was instantly cured, "Sleep."

He felt that there should be some exercise, regardless of each other's exercise.

Yuxi's words were drowned in the kiss, and she wanted to cry. She still has to work all night, and today she can't work!

In the next few days, Yuxi didn't have a job, Xiaobiesheng was newly married, and they were separated for almost a month, and Nian Junwen was about to become a wolf.

By the time Yuxi's busy work is over, it's already July, and it's been a month since returning to the capital, and the show has been scheduled. It will be broadcast on July 18, and the trailer has been uploaded to the Internet.

As soon as I did publicity on the Internet, it made waves, and the official blog of the TV station also issued a notice. It is still an extra-long version, an outdoor variety show, or a reality show. It occupies a topic in itself, and can see the unknown side of each family. , a discussion started before it was broadcast.

Yuxi is the most talked about because of her looks.

"Screenwriter Lu's appearance and strength overwhelm most actresses."


"It's obvious that you can test your appearance, but you have to rely on talent, ah ah ah, this is the idol!"

When Yuxi found out that he was popular, it was already the second day of the promotion. At first, Yuxi didn't know how popular he was. When he went to work the next day, someone came to ask for an autograph and asked for a photo. Yuxi was a little confused!

After finally getting on the elevator, Huang Liang waited at the door early, "Don't go out alone recently."

Yuxi, "What's going on?"

Huang Liang was stunned, "You don't know?"

"I knew the publicity had started."

Huang Liang said, "It's just the publicity, so you're popular. You are the most popular among several family topics. Go and check your Weibo. In one day, your fans have exploded!"

Yuxi really didn't care about the publicity. She was finally busy and was about to make time to come home. Lin Qing and Yuzhi had met their parents. This time they were officially engaged. After the wedding date was finalized, they were ready for the wedding.

When he arrived at the office, Yuxi logged into his Weibo, looking at the real name of the deity, and at the fans. In one day, the number of fans increased from 20,000 to 500,000, and a full increase of 480,000, "This is too exaggerated. ."

Now the fans are real, they are all real fans!

Yuxi looked at the comments again. Her recently updated Weibo, well, she reposted Nian Gengxin during the Chinese New Year. There used to be only a few dozen comments, but it suddenly became thousands. After browsing the comments, "I keep saying fans, this is I have experienced it myself.”

Huang Liang was heartbroken, "This is the rhythm of the fire."

But my heart hurts, it's useless if the boss is not hot!

Yuxi closed Weibo, and it has nothing to do with her when it becomes popular. She doesn't show up and doesn't respond. It'll be fine when the heat is over, "Tomorrow, I won't come to the company, I'll call if something happens."

Huang Liang, "Ah, good."

Yuxi waited for Huang Liang to go out, and called Nian Junmin again, "Are there any reporters downstairs?"

Nian Junmin, "Why do you ask that?"

Yuxi chuckled, "I forgot, the security of your building is the best, and the reporters can't take pictures of you at all. This is not the trailer. I seem to be on fire. I am afraid that you will be harassed by the reporters, so I ask."

"I'm fine. I'm in and out of the car. They can't find anyone, but worry about you."

"I won't go home tomorrow and won't come to the company. When you arrange it, we will go back to our hometown to participate in the engagement. If they can't catch us, the popularity will go down."

A trailer, the whole movie was not broadcast, and the popularity is only these days.

Nian Junmin, "Okay, by the way, in a few days, I'm going to go abroad to deal with things. It's a month, the time is right, the program is broadcast, and the children are also on vacation. Our family will go abroad for a month?"

Yuxi's eyes lit up, "Okay, it just so happens that Miaomiao is going to a summer camp abroad, so I'm more at ease."

Nian Junmin hung up the phone, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be suppressed. If there was no show on the air, his daughter-in-law would definitely not go abroad with her for a month, and I would like to thank the show!

On Yuxi's side, I'm also looking at the calendar. The program is twice a week, Saturday and Sunday, counting the days. When she came back from abroad, the program just finished broadcasting for a week. Time to go down.

However, in order to prepare to go abroad, it is necessary to arrange the company's affairs. It is no problem to hold a meeting. It is good to have a video meeting. Some documents are a bit troublesome.

After get off work, Yuxi deliberately changed cars with Huang Liang, and when they came back at the appointed place, Huang Liang was a little embarrassed. This was because they were blocked by reporters. "They are really good, and your car knows it."

Yuxi got into the car and said, "The company will be handed over to you. If they can't find me, they will definitely put all their attention on Geng Xin. He has rested long enough in the past two years."

Huang Liang smiled, "It's really long enough."

The abacus in my heart is playing. At present, the company has terminated many people, and only Nian Gengxin can do it. Through the show, Nian Gengxin will definitely become popular. He will keep an eye on it in person. That's enough to make up for the loss.

Fortunately, no one in the Yuxi family's circle knew about it, and the reporters were so powerful that they would only stare at the exposed villa.

In the next few days, Yuxi's fans were still increasing, but they didn't update. I didn't expect the other four to interact frequently, the popularity went down, and some fans commented.

"This is the coldest show member I've ever seen."

"Weibo is not updated, Gao Leng +10086!"

"Because Lu Bian is not a star, he is not popular or not, he is talented, he has a good movie transcript, he has a company, he is the boss, and he is the boss of the East. These are all high-cold capital."



Afterwards, the style of painting changed abruptly. Fans stopped commenting on Yuxi Weibo, and ran to Nian Gengxin's Weibo. All kinds of questions were all curious about Yuxi.

Nian Geng wanted to answer, but he didn't dare. He could only see more and more comments and fans. While he was happy, he was depressed at the same time. He borrowed the popularity of his sister-in-law.

Yuxi didn't know Nian Gengxin's depression. Anyway, Nian Gengxin was not at home, and various announcements were busy flying up.

Yuxi and his wife are going back to their hometown~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Grandpa and Yuzhi have already left.

At the airport, Yuxi wore a cap and mask, and took it off after registration. It was too hot. "It's not easy to be a star. I just hope the heat will go down quickly."

Nian Junmin handed his wife wet wipes, "I am under pressure to try not to report our information. After the heat is over, everyone will forget it."

"Well, this experience tells me that in the future, I must invest more in media companies and become one of the bosses. The media will not dare to report, and it will save trouble."

Nian Junmin, "."

After the two-hour flight, Lu Man came to pick him up in person, Yuxi was stunned, "Dad, why did you come in person, didn't you say you didn't use it to pick us up?"

Lu Man, "I'm not a girl, I'm not here to pick you up."

Yuxi, "..."



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