90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 808: sit and wait

Nian Gengxin said, "So, these children, do you plan to send them to the capital?"

"Well, first, we are in the capital, away from us, and can take care of them at any time, even if it is a hired person, after a long time, it is inevitable that other thoughts will arise, and it is the best under the eyes. Second, the education in the capital The conditions are good, since we want to do it, we can do it well, let these children become talents as much as possible, and be worthy of their parents."

Nian Geng felt that her sister-in-law was worthy of being the granddaughter of a great philanthropist. She really didn't blink an eye when it came to spending money on charity.

Yuxi knew Nian Geng's thoughts at a glance. She knew in her heart that no matter how much money she earns, how much she can spend, it is rare to live a lifetime, and she is more willing to help others.

This time Zheng Xuran has been on the news all the time, because he spent a lot, everything from material to rescue, and he also donated a lot of money.

The Yuxi couple paid 50 million in private names, and various companies also donated money.

The company donated in the name of 20 million yuan, and the three companies in Yuxi have 60 million yuan.

There are also private donations made by company personnel. Film and television companies and actors have a lot of money, all of which are donated by individuals. The most are Nian Gengxin and Li Xiao, both of which are 5 million.

When the media revealed the list of donations and the amount, the Yuxi family returned to the capital.

These days, Yuxi was exhausted and only rested for one night. The next day, he took the team to discuss the acquisition.

Yuxi's idea has been supported by the whole family. Nianfeng invests in other companies, and the annual dividend is also very objective, and donations are also required. Yuxi will not refuse to come. In the future, when the orphanage becomes famous, there will be no fewer children.

It took a week for the acquisition to be negotiated. Fortunately, the locality is biased. It is said that the locality is big. For developers, it is really not that big. For some small companies who want to eat, they really can’t get cash during the economic crisis.

In the end, Yuxi spent 50 million to win it. If it hadn't taken up the capital, it wouldn't have cost so much, but with Nian Junwen's perspective, it will appreciate in the future.

This place is still full of bungalows, and the buildings in the distance are old. Unfortunately, the development has not been opened to this side. Finally, after discussing with Nian Junmin, Yuxi and Nian Junwen have enough funds to buy some nearby bungalows and expand the area. .

In the future, if this place is developed, it will occupy a large area, and there will be scruples and will not move.

After everything was done, the district government was the first to know the news. It was a good thing, a big good thing, and it was also a political achievement, and many places gave support.

Yuxi and Nian Junwen came together and brought a team of designers.

Nian Junmin, "It will take time to build, what about those children?"

Yuxi, "It's simple, bring it back and distribute it to other orphanages. We'll pay for it, and when it's all built, we'll bring it back here. Just put two in each orphanage."

"It's really a good way. The orphans in the disaster area who should be adopted are gone, and some of them have been assigned to other orphanages. There are still more than a thousand orphans that can't be accepted. Do you bring them back?"

"Well, the remaining children are more disabled, and most of them are older. They, as the first batch of children, are just older, and they will be little helpers in the future."

Nian Junmin put his arms around his daughter-in-law's shoulder, "It's getting late, let's go back too."

Yuxi, "Yes."

Nian Junmin took over the rest of the orphanage. Nian Junmin knew more about the construction company.

When he got home, Yuxi was finally able to have a good rest. It was already June when he was busy.

The next day, early in the morning, Yao Cheng was so angry, "Sister-in-law, look, the news is talking nonsense, who are you!"

Yuxi took the newspaper and commented on how much the stars and actors donated. Nian Gengxin was on the list, and those who were criticized also used Nian Gengxin's identity to talk about things, the second young master of the East, the first-line actors in the circle, every year There are a lot of advertisements, and the dividends and earnings are a lot of money a year, but only five million are donated.

Yuxi threw away the newspaper, "It's really hard to be a reporter. I listed all the advertisements endorsed by Geng Xin, and there is no difference."

Yao Cheng angrily said, "How much they donated themselves, why do they say that Geng Xin, these people, just look at the surface, Geng Xin gave out a year's dividends!"

This is hundreds of millions of dollars. Dongfang has a large number of stall owners, but there are not many shareholders, and they have never raised any capital. The shareholders are all the company's veterans, and some are distributed later for more benefits. The proportion of Nian Gengxin is very high. of.

Dongfang has the foundation that Wang Han predicted the future in the early days. Every project makes money, which is why Dongfang is really rich in the industry. Even if the financial crisis affects many industries, Dongfang will be fine.

Yuxi, "It's not good for Geng Xin to criticize like this. When the children are all in the capital, the orphanage should be in the news. I'll be waiting for a few days."

Yao Cheng, "Can't it be reported earlier? One day later, Geng Xin's image will be one day worse."

Yuxi smiled, stretched out his hand and pinched Yao Cheng's baby face, "The worse the image, the better. When it is exposed, it will cause a higher backlash. It will not only give Geng Xin a wave of hype, but also stabilize the fan base. Even if something happens in the future, I won't believe it the first time."

Yao Cheng's mouth grew into an O shape, and he quickly shut up. It was just news, and his sister-in-law thought so much. No wonder her mother said that she and Nian Geng had someone to support her and would not worry about it for the rest of her life.

Yuxi didn't take Nian Gengxin's news seriously, and even posted on the Internet, all of them were little experts at skinning, from Nian Gengxin's watch, to Nian Gengxin's clothes, cars, one by one.

For Nian Gengxin, who never wronged her master, what she buys is naturally the best. If you have money, you spend it. The only person in the family who loves cars is Nian Gengxin.

I was busy before and didn't have time to buy, but this year I'm not very busy. For the first time, I spent a lot of money on a sports car, and it was ripped off.

Because of Yuxi's words~www.wuxiamtl.com~ what should Nian Gengxin and Yao Cheng do? Nian Gengxin was affected in the end, and the male No. 1 who clearly booked him was changed.

Yuxi looked at the cast of the official announcement, and said to Nian Geng who was teasing his son, "You have been on the cusp of the storm, it's not like someone deliberately tricked you!"

Nian Geng's heart has long reacted, "Well, I was tricked, I have never been able to get news to make a fuss, this time I caught it."

Yuxi didn't say anything. The most important thing in the capital is the nobles. Don't look at the great wealth of the Nian family and the Yuxi family, but there are many such people in the capital!

Most people don't dare to make a fuss about Nian Geng's heart. Since they dare to do it, there must be someone behind it.

Yuxi said: "After tomorrow, the crew will definitely regret it."

Nian Geng's heart is in a better mood, although he has never been in a bad mood, he has no shortage of resources, and now he likes to choose the script, it's really not a big deal to lose, but stepping on him is also happy to be slapped in the face, "Tomorrow, I'll go buy a newspaper."

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