90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 807: orphanage

In the blink of an eye, it was May, the season when the grass grew and the warbler flew. Not long after the May Day holiday, a major earthquake took away countless lives. The last time was in the 1970s.

In the 1970s, it was at night, but this time it was the afternoon, but the earthquake came too fast, all classes were in the building, and an area was turned into ruins in the blink of an eye.

All TV programs were stopped, and even if there were aftershocks, they went to the disaster area to report.

Radio, news, and reports are updated all the time, and more people rush back to their hometowns just to find their relatives who are in stock early.

In Yuxi's house, Zheng hastily left long ago. He hired a professional rescuer immediately, and the medical team passed by.

Nian Junwen could not leave. Nian Feng personally led the team, and all he brought with him were supplies.

On Yuxi's side, Yuxi finally decided to visit in person. She represented the three companies. There was no way. The three major shareholders had to go alone. The child has to take care of the company, so she has to go.

Nian Gengxin just finished her work and asked to go.

There are channels in Yuxi to buy supplies. The disaster area needs everything. The more the better, two days have passed, and the road has been cleared.

At home, Yuxi and Nian Gengxin were packing their luggage, Yao Cheng said, "I'll go too."

Yuxi checked her luggage and said, "You are gone too. Only Sister Mei is at home. You have to help Sister Mei take care of the children. The children in the family are handed over to you."

Yao Cheng looked at the one in his arms, the one who was running outside, the one who was listless, "Okay!"

Yuxi brought not only the house, but also the team here. Thanks to Nian Junmin for purchasing the hospital, she also met many doctors in hiring doctors, and even paid a lot of money to hire a few Chinese and Western doctors. The company has Specialized doctors are very convenient.

When the person just went to work, Yuxi took it away directly.

Yuxi and Nian Gengxin took the team there by plane, and the supplies arrived later. They wanted to wait in Fengfeng's place last year and help first.

At this time, the unity of a country is reflected. One side is in trouble and all sides support it. No matter who, in the face of catastrophe, they will all support.

After getting off the plane, Nian Feng's car was waiting. On the way to the disaster area, there were people who went to support.

When you reach the place, you can see the helicopter in the air.

For the first time, Yuxi felt that he was extraordinarily insignificant. No, it should be that human beings were extraordinarily insignificant in the face of the power of nature. After decades of construction, they were instantly ruined, and countless lives were taken away.

Looking around, there are rescue tents, only the injured people are lying numb, and most people have gone to the rescue.

Cries can be heard everywhere. There are people here. It has been two days. The hope of surviving is really slim, but no one has given up, and it is possible to save one.

Yuxi quickened his pace, and when he could hear the sobbing, the screams of his wife and son could be heard incessantly.

Nian Feng deliberately waited for the two of Yuxi, so he didn't leave.

Yuxi gave up his seat, "I brought a doctor and some medicine, and the rest of the house is on the way."

Nian Feng finally had a smile on his face, "Okay, okay, doctors and medicines are what is most lacking here."

Yuxi put down the suitcase, "Let's also go to the rescue and do our part."

Nian Feng was familiar with this place and sighed: "Let's go, go and see."

Nian Geng hurriedly followed. He was not pretending, but really wanted to save people.

In the past, the most common life and death, sad death, but today, Yuxi's heart is strong and trembling, one after another corpses have been found, blood is everywhere, those who survived hard, seem to welcome death at any time .

In this category, the most common one is death. The hands of the people who took pictures and recorded are trembling. This is a fresh life!

In the four days, few people survived, but they did not give up. In the disaster area, there are people who are preventing the epidemic. With the passage of time and the rise in temperature, after the earthquake, epidemic prevention is more important.

In the past two days, Yuxi's delicate hands were full of holes. She no longer had to participate in the rescue and helped distribute supplies at the rear.

Nian Geng was at the side, "sister-in-law, I want to donate one year's dividends."

Yuxi was stunned for a moment, "What dividend? Jiang Ying's has called you."

Nian Geng said, "Dongfang, is my dividend not in my brother's hands?"

Yuxi, "Okay."

Nian Geng felt that her sister-in-law was absent-minded. She followed her gaze and saw that there were children in the open space in front of her. In four days, all those who could go back to their hometowns came back. Most of the children were taken away, and there were many left.

The children in the clearing are, as time goes by, no one comes, these children are bereaved orphans.

This area of ​​Yuxi happens to have a school and is also a school district. There are many children in this area. They are young and have just entered primary school and have lost their relatives.

The older ones helped rescue them for a few days. Now they are looking at the sky numbly, thinking about their deceased relatives. The younger ones never accept it. They cry and become calm, watching the people passing by and confused.

Nian Geng sighed, "These children are adopted by kind people or sent to orphanages."

Nian Geng is determined to be a father, especially for his children!

Yuxi turned her head sideways, "Didn't you already donate five million in your own name?"

Nian Geng nodded, "Yes!"

Yuxi's thoughts changed for two days, "In this way, you can use one year's dividends to build an orphanage, a fully equipped orphanage, well, large, my brother and I will also take the money privately. In the future, every year Your brother and I have divided some to support the operation of the orphanage."

Nian Geng has an abacus in his heart, "It's better to pay attention to this than to donate."

Yuxi originally wanted to do it by herself. Nian Gengxin's annual dividends are a lot. With Nian Gengxin's, she can build a large orphanage. She has been to many orphanages. Because of lack of money, the facilities are really bad. There are many The orphanages are not going to last, let alone hiring people to educate their children.

How many orphans have become talents, how many orphans are self-reliant, quit school early and become social people, those with conscience will repay the orphanage, and those with no conscience, it’s not bad if they don’t come back to eat.

In the final analysis ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is still not enough staff since childhood, ignoring the growth of the child's character.

Nian Geng asked, "Do you want to build it locally?"

Yuxi looked at the ruins, "No, it takes time to build here, and the children's homes are here, and they are hurting, these children need a psychiatrist."

Nian Geng sighed inwardly, "That's true, when something happens, the child will be hit the hardest."

Yuxi said: "There is an orphanage in the capital, and it can no longer be maintained. It occupies a lot of land. When the founder died, her children did not want to take over, but wanted to sell the land. There are more than 100 children. ."

Nian Geng was stunned, "sister-in-law, how do you know so clearly?"

"I fund orphanages all the year round, because one hundred children are going to be sent to other orphanages. I also listened to it. Yesterday, I made a special call to ask. The place has not been sold, because it is too biased. It’s about to reach the sixth ring road, the location is not good and there is no development value, so we didn’t talk about it for a while.”

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