90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 797: sin

The grandfather's three sons don't know what they have done. They are all daughters. They don't believe in evil. If they marry again, they will still have daughters. The grandfather's family has eleven granddaughters. Yes, there are only four in the Lu family.

Brother Lu Lai was the third daughter of Uncle Santang's family, the only one who was not lost. Later Uncle Santang married another, leaving only one daughter. In the eyes of the stepmother, the birth of his ex-wife was an eyesore, and because Brother Lu Lai didn't bring him with him. Come to my son, he is not welcome at home.

In the end, in order to exchange tuition for her daughter, the stepmother sold it to her current husband as a daughter-in-law for 1,000 yuan. She married with only one dress.

Yuxi continued to look at the four daughters of Uncle Hall's family. The first few were all given away, and only the last one was kept. Because Uncle Hall couldn't give birth, he recruited a son-in-law. Maybe he knew that it was a crime to discard the daughters, but he After doing some good deeds, my grandchildren have boys.

The three daughters of the second uncle's family, one was thrown into the mountains. Later, they made some money by contracting the project, and the remaining two stayed. Because they did business, they believed in cause and effect, but they didn't bother.

After Yuxi read it, he handed it to Nian Junmin, "Look at it, there is no good person in this room of the eldest grandfather, and the few daughters left behind are the hardest for my brother's life. Fortunately, my husband is right. She's fine."

Nian Junmin read it quickly, and his eyes were opened, "So when you marry a wife, you should marry a virtuous person. A bad wife and bad children are the root of evil."

Yuxi said leisurely: "I don't know what the wife liked about the big grandma at the beginning, but it is too serious that the place favors boys over girls. I said why there are so few girls in the village, and they were all given away."

Nian Junmin sighed, "This place has not been developed, the thinking is old, and I don't know any laws. On the contrary, the clan consciousness is very strong, and many things are difficult to do. Fortunately, I took the initiative to build the road, and the nearby villages are all in love. Otherwise, the project wouldn't be so fast."

Yuxi turned her head to the side, only to see that the girl was listening with her ears pricked up, touching her hair, "What do you understand?"

Miaomiao, "Pondering sons and daughters can't be wanted, Mom, why do you prefer sons to daughters? My classmates' family is also, and several classmates say that the family prefers younger brothers."

Yuxi picked up her daughter, "Ideological issues, don't look at the constant talk about equality between men and women, in fact, not many people have done it."

Miaomiao felt that she couldn't understand this question, "it's too profound."

Yuxi smiled and put down her daughter, "Go play!"

Miaomiao stopped listening, Nian Junwen waited for her daughter to leave, "I checked it out, do you recognize each other?"

Yuxi, "Tell grandpa first, it's grandpa's heart disease after all."

If there is no grandfather, she doesn't want to recognize it. The grandfather's family is not a good person, it's troublesome.

Nian Junmin pointed at the information, "Then I'm going to go to the residence and live here when the time comes."

Yuxi stood up with the information to make a phone call. Grandpa followed the little aunt to the northwest again. Yuxi called the little aunt first, and the little aunt happened to be at home. Yuxi turned on the computer video and found every word. said.

Grandpa Lu was very happy at first, but the more he listened, the more ugly his face became, especially when he heard that the elder sister-in-law had done so many sins and still lived, and threw the cup in anger, "It's a sin, it's a sin."

Aunt Lu hurriedly took the medicine, and Grandpa Lu took it easy.

Yuxi asked, "Grandpa, are you here with the third grandpa?"

Grandpa Lu doesn't really want to see the eldest brother's family, but the family's cemetery has been repaired, and the eldest brother can't be left alone. He remembered that he was always thinking about his father when he died, and his father also hoped that the eldest brother would come back. "In the past, I'll talk to your third grandfather later."

Yuxi, "Call me when the time comes, and I'll have someone pick you up here."

Grandpa Lu said: "If you are busy, go back to the capital and we will handle it ourselves."

Yuxi really didn't feel at ease with Grandpa, mainly because the other party was not a good person, and she was really angry, and her sin was serious, "We are not in a hurry to go back with the children, the end of the year, we will give ourselves a holiday, Grandpa, just come here, bring Go around, Jun Min's construction is no worse than the northwest one."

Grandpa Lu finally had a smile on his face. His son and daughter are not very talented, but his grandchildren are very powerful. He is not in the Northwest when he is here. Everyone knows him here, not to mention the juniors here. He is an old man. In the local area, he is not bragging. He doesn't need to take money when he goes out, and he can brush his face when he buys things.

In particular, the project developed by the grandson-in-law is about to be completed. Every time he goes in and turns around, he will not be proud of it.

The old man and granddaughter chatted for a while before hanging up the video.

In the evening, Yuxi received a call and will be there tomorrow afternoon.

Yuxi felt that it was really inconvenient. The flight from the northwest had to go to the provincial capital. Fortunately, after a year of persistence, the airport in the city will be completed in another year. This is all brought about by development.

There are a lot of cars in the scenic spot. Yuxi and his wife personally went to the airport to pick up people. This time, only grandpa and third grandpa came. The little aunt and grandma couldn't get away. In addition, the second uncle, there were only three people in total.

Grandpa Lu sat in the car, "I'm used to seeing the loess in the northwest, but the scenery here is better."

Yuxi, "The northwest really needs to be managed. In the past two years, there have been many yellow sand days."

Grandpa Lu had a deep understanding, and then sighed, "It also costs money to plant trees."

Yuxi felt that Nian Junmin could talk about it this time and strengthen the greening, so that after the fall, the loess in the sky will develop, and the environment is also very important.

All the way back, Nian Junwen was familiar with this place and kept introducing it.

When they arrived at the residence of the scenic spot, the third grandfather exclaimed, "It's still a good place, where the gods live."

This comparison made Grandpa Lu worried, "Jun Min, your development in the northwest is about to be completed, so you won't lose money!"

Nian Junwen smiled, "A place has its own characteristics. Some people like the bamboo sea and mountains, and some people like the vast scenery. Don't worry, Grandpa, I know it."

Grandpa Lu was relieved, "It's fine if you don't lose money."

Yuxi didn't explain that in the first year, don't try to make money, the investment is too big, and you have to wait for the return.

Nian Junmin arranged the residence next door to where he lived, and the old man fell in love at first sight. Of course, it would have been better if there were no bad things about Uncle Lu's house~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Grandpa Lu said: "This time, I and I will Your third grandfather wants to move the grave back, and the others will not care, especially you, you don't need to help anything, and you won't be a relative in the future."

Yuxi didn't intend to do anything in the first place. The uncle's family is different from the third grandfather. At least the third grandfather and the little aunt have conscience. Although no one is perfect, there is a basic moral bottom line. The eldest grandfather's family is different. Look Investigating things, I did some good things out of the uncle's house in the lobby, and the others were doing abuse.

The third grandfather said: "We will do it with your second uncle, and the two of you should not show up, so as not to get into trouble."

Yuxi, "Okay."

The two grandfathers were thinking about Yuxi and his wife, and now the second uncle has been alone for less than two years, and he is full of style, which is enough to calm down the uncle's evil spirits.

In the evening, Yuxi cooks and Miaomiao helps, which reflects the benefits of a girl, a caring little padded jacket.

Early the next morning, Nian Junmin arranged a car, and the three of them left with the address.

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