90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 796: Shigeo Tsujijo

The Yuxi couple watched the children play, led them away, looked at each other, their eyes were full of affection, this was their happiness.

When I entered the village again, I was familiar with the road. This time I didn't go to the minority's house. I went directly to the boy's house. It was easy for the Han people to communicate. Yuxi also wanted to see who he looked like.

The Yuxi family entered the courtyard. The family had just eaten. A man in his 40s sat at the door. The man's feet were a little awkward. The Mandarin had a strong local accent, "What's the matter with you?"

Yuxi said: "We came yesterday and wanted to buy some vegetables."

The man was relieved to know what happened yesterday, and shouted in the national dialect. Anyway, Yuxi didn't understand, and the woman in the room came out, this time without a headscarf, holding the child in his arms, and handing the child to the man, " It's you, come in."

Yuxi looked at the woman, and this time she saw it clearly. They all said that the son looked like a mother and the boy looked like a woman. Looking closely, Yuxi knew who the woman looked like.

The woman has already poured the tea, "This is the tea picked on the mountain, the tea made by myself, and the taste is alright."

Holding the tea bowl, Yuxi could see the leaves of the tea leaves. The tea leaves were fried. It was rough, but it smelled good. He took a sip and said, "It's very refreshing."

The woman smiled, feeling that she had something she could get her hands on, "You guys are here to buy shrimp, ah, I'll go catch it, it will take a while."

Yuxi said: "We also want to buy some green vegetables. I think your yard is not small, can you sell some?"

Of course the woman is willing, "What do you want, I'll pick it up, the seedlings are full of water, don't get your clothes wet."

Yuxi wants a lot. This house has a lot of green vegetables. Yuxi wants some of each.

The woman's husband went, Yuxi was stunned, the man was at least ten years older than the woman, the age gap was too big, but it could be seen that the two had a good relationship.

The room was quiet again for a while, and soon the sound of pigs croaking came, and the woman stood up, "You people from the city must like pigs raised stupidly, and the pigs are killed on the opposite side. You can buy some, they are all food for feeding. , the feed is tasteless at all, by the way, it is still a black pig, which is particularly fragrant."

Yuxi knew that black pigs were delicious, not to mention the stupid ones. Nian Junmin had already stood up, and he went directly to the opposite side without the child.

The woman's husband also came in with the dishes, and Yuxi gave twenty dollars, which the woman felt a little too much.

Yuxi turned away, "Wait a while on the opposite side, let's talk?"

The woman is a little nervous. In her eyes, the people in the city are all high above, especially the woman on the opposite side. The clothes are beautiful and clean, and the fingers are slender and fair, unlike her. She hasn't bought new clothes for several years, and her fingers are even thicker. Black again, "Talk, what are you talking about?"

Yuxi, "Don't be nervous, just chat casually, let me introduce myself, my name is Lu Yuxi, how about you?"

The woman was stunned, "Your surname is Lu?"

Yuxi nodded, "Yes, elder sister's tone, your surname is Lu too?"

Brother Lu Lai, "Yes."

Then there was nothing else to say, Yuxi asked, "Eldest sister, what is your name? A surname is also fate."

Brother Lu Lai opened his mouth, "Brother Lai."

Yuxi is not unfamiliar with this name. There is a Zhaodi in her family. It seems that it is for her son, and Lu Lai’s younger brother is very resistant to talking about the Lu family. Yuxi wants to ask. If she doesn't know anyone, she won't rashly recognize each other.

Brother Lu Lai's surname is Lu, from the looks of it, he should belong to the uncle's family. The appearance of younger brother Lu Lai's elder brother and the younger one's third uncle should be correct.

The last time I recognized my relatives, Zhao Xue came to the door, but this time I encountered it myself.

However, Yuxi's current perception of the uncle's family is not very good. From the name, it can be seen that the uncle's family has implemented the preference for sons over women. .

Nian Junmin came back with pork in his hand, and he bought everything in a good place. The assistant went back to drive, and it was a little heavy to carry it back.

The eldest son of the family, A Shan, also came back, with a bucket in his hand. Fortunately, it was summer. Although it rained, it was not cold. The boy had a firm skin, and his bare feet were not too painful. Not only did he catch a lot of shrimp, he also Caught crucian carp.

Yuxi took a closer look and saw that he was not small in size, pure wild, and weighed half a catty. Yuxi bought it.

While waiting for the bus, Yuxi and Brother Lu Lai chatted for a while. As long as they didn't talk about the Lu family, Brother Lu Lai was very good at talking, and he also understood the situation of Brother Lu Lai's family.

Lu Laidi's husband broke his leg when he was a child, and later became lame. He got married in his thirties. As for how he got married, Lu Laidi didn't say. The legs and feet are not good, not from work, and the situation at home has not changed.

When the car came, Yuxi looked at the attic of Lu Lai's brother's house. The area of ​​Lu Lai's brother's house was not small. In the future, there will be more tourists. It can be turned into an inn.

However, Yuxi had to investigate carefully first. At present, Brother Lu Lai's character is all good.

On the way back, Yuxi explained the situation.

Nian Junmin, "This is also fate, and the vast sea of ​​people met."

"Yeah, how much fate does it take to meet, but considering the age, the uncle should have passed away."

She remembered that what grandpa said was that grandpa was the same age as grandfather's eldest son, seventy years old was a barrier, too few could pass, and she had no hope for grandfather's life.

Investigating is much easier. With Brother Lu Lai around, you can find out by following the vines, but it will take some time to investigate everyone clearly.

The Yuxi couple had a rare rest, and they lived a very comfortable day~www.wuxiamtl.com~ They also took the children to go fishing. It was not until Yuan Yuan's wedding day that the family went down the mountain again.

The wedding was held in a hotel in the county, and there were many special guests, and Yuxi did not go forward with the children.

Nian Junmin is a famous person. The local people know that the couple didn't come forward, and there were a lot of people coming and going. After the meal, Yuxi and his wife returned.

Back on the mountain, the assistant came with the information, "This is all the information I found."

Yuxi looked over and found that it was indeed the eldest grandfather's family. The eldest grandfather passed away. After looking at the information behind, Yuxi's face was not very good. The eldest grandfather passed away very early. After taking root, I finally bought a house, and left after my eldest son got married.

The big grandma is in charge of the family, and the big grandma is not under pressure. She is the master of the house, and she is a particularly patriarchal person. She gave birth to three sons in her life, and her waist is straight. Under the impression of the big grandmother, the son is more patriarchal. , The three cousins ​​don't take their daughters seriously, they want their sons wholeheartedly.

Seeing the back, Yuxi couldn't help laughing, it was really interesting.

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