90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 776: result

The next day, Yuxi used a computer to hold a meeting. The development of science and technology is good, and the meeting can be held by video. Because the ratings of the TV series are good, there is another TV series that has just been finished, and there is a satellite TV to talk about it. the meaning of.

Yuxi said: "Capital TV, we have cooperated with them twice, it has been very good, and the other party has shown sincerity, so let's do it!"

Huang Liang hesitated, "But other TV stations give more money, and we earn more."

"It's not the same. We're shooting a serious drama, and it's better to cooperate with Capital TV. No amount of money can sell it."

Huang Liang said: "Okay, I see."

Mother Liu knocked on the door and came in, and Yuxi said to the video: "I have something to do here. Let's do this first, and you can do the rest. Hang up."

After speaking, Yuxi stood up and said to Liu Ma, "Is someone here?"

Mama Liu nodded, "The police are here, but I didn't bring the husband and wife here, saying that there was something I didn't understand."

Yuxi turned around in her heart, "Let's go over."

In the living room, Yao Cheng and Meihua saw Yuxi, exhaled, and finally came, the two of them waited anxiously.

The policeman's face was relaxed, Yuxi knew it, and it was estimated that what she thought might come true.

The police handed the file bag to Yuxi, "This is the result of two identifications, absolutely accurate. The husband and wife from yesterday have no blood relationship with the child."

Meihua and Yao Cheng snorted, Yuxi opened the appraisal, and there was indeed no blood relationship. The stone in his heart fell to the ground, and he said to the police: "So the child is still in our house, and the child and the husband and wife are okay!"

The police were also relieved. Yesterday, they talked to the people in the bureau about the situation, but they were so angry that they were worried about the little girl, but they don't need it today. brain."

Yao Cheng's teeth were itching with hatred, "Scum, they're not human."

Plum Blossom, "Nowadays, people dare to move with any crooked thoughts. It's Xiaoxi who carefully thought about the appraisal. If there is no appraisal, the child will be trapped for a lifetime."

Yuxi put down the appraisal and looked at the police, "They just said that they had a crooked mind?"

The police nodded, "Yes, I have been yelling and admitting mistakes since I arrived at the bureau, until the identification results came out, and the two have a better attitude to admit their mistakes."

Yuxi felt a little weird. In yesterday's situation, the woman didn't seem to be fake, but she was already in the game, and she couldn't see it.

Mei Hua couldn't help but interject, "They can't be traffickers, or stolen children."

The police said: "No, we have investigated, the hospital has records, they did give birth to a daughter, the woman said, she gave the child away, it is difficult to check, there are no cameras on the street, just talking about the appearance, you can't find it human."

Moreover, the couple didn't even think about looking for a daughter.

Yao Cheng heard it clearly, and put his heart in his stomach, "You don't have to send my daughter away, it's still my daughter, that's great."

There are a lot of things for the police, so he stood up and said, "I'm going back, and the children will be entrusted to you."

Yuxi got up, "I'll see you off."

When he got to the door, Yuxi watched people leave, but didn't go back to the yard, thinking about the couple, it was windy at the door, and rubbed his forehead, the rest of the past two days was not very good, and he had to work again, and his head hurt, forget it, I don't think it has anything to do with them.

Yuxi went back to the house and changed his clothes, got up and went to the company. He didn't go yesterday, but he must go today.

When I came back in the afternoon, I didn't expect to see Lei Xiao. Lei Xiao came with her daughter, and the little girl sat and ate apple puree. "This girl looks more and more like Li Xiao."

Lei Xiao was a little flustered, "Well, yes."

Yuxi noticed it and sat aside, "You didn't go to the company today, why are you uncomfortable?"

Lei Xiao lowered his head, Yuxi saw that there was something wrong, and thought to himself, Lei Luo doesn't need to worry about it, people are so busy, the game is going to be launched, and Lei Yin doesn't need to worry about Lei Luo during various tests, "He Jiali? ?"

Lei laughed and said, "Mom, she's all right. Watching TV and listening to music every day, not to mention how comfortable she is."

Yuxi rarely asks about He Jiali. Unexpectedly, after two marriages, she has a good life. "It's not He Jiali, what's on your mind?"

Lei Xiao pursed his lips, "Recently, my family has been receiving inexplicable phone calls. I didn't say a word the first few times, it was weird, but after calling, I finally spoke, a woman, a very young woman. Yes, as soon as I asked who it was, she hung up."

Yuxi, "Did you talk to Li Xiao?"

"He's filming a TV series and filming is closed. I haven't answered the phone. I'm in ups and downs, sister."

Yuxi looked at Lei and smiled, "When did you start calling?"

"You mean woman?"

"I'm talking about you calling Li Xiao."

"It's been a week, and every time I call, no one answers, no, no, not only no one answers, but also hangs up."

Yuxi thought, Li Xiao is not such a person. If he really has an outside heart, he will not have no work for half a year to accompany Lei Xiao. This work, a historical drama, will cost 60 million yuan alone. Li Xiao took the lead. It stands to reason that if you are busy, you will not miss your daughter-in-law's phone call!

Yuxi asked, "Have you called Li Xiao's assistant?"

Lei Xiao was stunned, the recent phone call tortured her nerves, "I forgot."

Yuxi took out her mobile phone. She didn't know the assistant's phone number, but the manager's phone number. She quickly dialed the manager's phone number, "Are you following Li Xiao on the set?"

Li Xiao's agent is not only under Li Xiao, Li Xiao can be independent, and he hardly has to worry about it, "No, I'm running an advertisement recently, and Xiao Zhao is following!"

Yuxi asked, "When was the last time you talked to Li Xiao?"

"Yesterday, I had a call yesterday. I'll go over after I'm done with it."

Yuxi, "I see, by the way, you don't need to tell Li Xiao, I called you."

The agent was a little confused, and the boss rarely called. Today, he not only called, but also refused to tell Li Xiao. I felt uneasy, and I always felt that something was going to happen.

Yuxi hung up the phone and smiled at Lei: "You call Xiao Zhao."

Lei laughed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ quickly dialed it, Xiao Zhao didn't need to shoot, and quickly connected, "Sister Lei."

Lei smiled and exhaled, "Where's your brother Li?"

"Brother Li is filming, Sister Lei, what are you looking for with Brother Li?"

Lei Xiao paused, saying that Li Xiao didn't answer her phone? This is a family matter. Xiao Zhao is an outsider, but he feels uncomfortable. "I want to say, you should take care of your brother Li, he is very hard to shoot."

"Don't worry, Sister Lei, when you go back, Brother Li will never lose weight."

"Okay, I don't worry, I'll hang up first."

Lei Xiao hung up the phone, and the expression on his face became even worse.

Yuxi sighed with emotion, Lei Xiao's growth was rapid, and when he was in college, he had already opened his mouth to ask, and now he can calmly talk about taking care of him, time can really change a person.

Yuxi asked, "What are you going to do? Li Xiao's agent called yesterday."

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