90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 775: wait

? Yuxi has some conspiracy theories. The two of them will not see who lost their child, so they pretend to be. This idea is spinning in my heart, but it is not obvious on the face.

Wang Bin couldn't hold it anymore. The two fought together. The woman was really ruthless. She probably knew that if she didn't hold her husband today, she would not have a good life in the future, so she became tyrannical.

Xiao Jiang helped Wang Bin to separate the two.

When a woman is ruthless, a man has a false appearance, and his body is not good. Instead, he is pressed and beaten by a woman, and he does not dare to meet a woman's eyes.

When Yuxi saw it, her doubts were gone. She was in daily contact with actors, and no matter how good her acting skills were, she would never act so realistically. The couple didn't act.

Yao Cheng's hands were shaking, Yuxi patted it, and after a while, the woman calmed down, and then said, "Are you the ones who sent the children to our door?"

The woman froze, and her daughter's wealthy life was gone. She came here by accident. Once, she took the wrong bus stop. She saw a star, so she followed. Give the child, she thought, instead of giving it to a poor family, it is better to give it to a rich family, and give it away when she has an idea.

Later, she secretly went there and there were police officers, but she didn't dare to go there, and she was afraid that the police would take the child away, and the family didn't want it.

Until her confinement, she didn't know whether the child was here or not, so she thought about applying for a nanny, and applying for a job was also a job, and it would be better if the child was there.

Finally, I went in and saw my daughter, who was raised in white and fat. There are many sons in this family, and daughters must be rare. The good days of daughters are coming, but unfortunately they do not need a nanny.

She regretted it. She shouldn't have made clothes. She thought about sending it to the past and never giving it again. She didn't expect that the murderer would follow her. She couldn't count on her husband, she could only count on her daughter. Now that her dream was broken, she could is more hated.

Yuxi didn't wait for the woman to reply, "You don't have to tell me, I will call the police in a while, whether the child is yours, we will do the DNA, if it is yours, the biological parents have also been found, and the child will be brought back."

Yuxi felt in his heart that these two couples couldn't give birth to such a beautiful girl, and they didn't look alike at all. He thought it would be better to do an appraisal. Looking at Yao Cheng's pale face, what if it wasn't his own!

The woman knelt down with a thud, "I beg you, don't return the child, I beg you, the child is not having a good time with us, her father will give her to the person who gambles with, please."

Yao Cheng didn't want to give it either. Just as he was about to speak, Yuxi pulled a hand, "It's your own, really it's yours, or it's better to take it home."

The woman was stunned, "No, I can't take it back."

Take it back, who is she referring to for the rest of her life? She was miserable enough in the first half of her life, but no, she will rely on her daughter in the second half of her life.

Yuxi motioned Wang Bin to pull her and stop kowtowing.

The man also recovered, "Yes, yes, I can't take it back, we are not her parents, we are not."

The woman glanced at her husband, "We are not, we are not, the child is not ours, why should we take the child back."

"That is, why should your children give us, it has nothing to do with us, let's go."

The two have the same goal, and they say the same thing, but they are unwilling to take the child away.

Yuxi said to Xiao Jiang, "Go to the police, let the police come."

Then he said to the couple who denied it: "If the child belongs to your family, you will find out after checking."

The couple wanted to run, but Xiao Jiang and Wang Bin were there and couldn't get out.

With the clamor in the yard, the children in the room cried, Yao Cheng quickly turned around and went in, Yuxi no longer looked at the couples in the yard, and didn't even want to know their names.

The two couples denied it quickly, and it was clear at a glance what they were fighting. They were all for money. Women do have a mother's heart, but they are more for money. She can't bear it anymore. child.

Yao Cheng went back to the house, Plum Blossom came out, glanced into the yard, and saw Yuxi's sullen face, "Really let the child go back?"

"If they are really biological parents, if they don't send them back, they will find them again sooner or later, and there will be more troubles in the future."

"A man is not a good person at first glance, the little girl looks good."

The rest of the plum blossoms didn't say anything.

Yuxi was also worried about this. If it was sold or given away, the child's life would be ruined. He touched the teacup with his fingertips, "I'll ask when the police will come, but it's okay."

"But what?"

Yuxi hesitated and said: "Why do I think that the child is not like the two of them? There is no similarity at all. It stands to reason that even if it is like an elder, there will be a place for imagination, but there is nothing."

"Have you looked carefully?"

"I've seen it, Sister Mei, if you don't believe me, go and have a look."

Plum Blossom really went, and after identifying it carefully, she came back in a hurry, "Really not."

"Yeah, the genes that are mutated, and the genes that will not mutate have been changed, so I am confused!"

"These two people shouted that the child was not theirs. You said, when the police investigated, they knew it, so they pretended to be false on purpose."

Yuxi turned a few corners in his heart, "When the police arrive, the investigation will be clear, and we are just guessing."

The police came very quickly. There is a police station in this area. The police officer who came here last time came and learned about the situation when he came.

Yuxi didn't talk nonsense, "I hope to do DNA identification, it is better to be more cautious."

The police looked at the people in the yard who said they were not the parents of the child were men and women. It was hard to say anything. She handled the child's household registration, so she would naturally pay attention. I came here once during the period, and the child was raised really well. It was a blessing to come here. in the nest.

Unexpectedly, my father and mother did this, and if I lost it, I would lose it, and I even came to find it secretly. I couldn't accept it if I changed it, let alone someone with a head and face, and it's not that they didn't have children.

The only one who is pitiful is the child. The policeman sighed, "Let the child go here first, and we will take the two of them back~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Someone will come to collect blood in a while, and we will wait for the results to come out."

Yuxi has no objection. As for Yao Cheng, it is better to carry her behind her back, "Okay, I'll trouble you."

"No trouble, we should."

The couple in the yard were dumbfounded since the police came, and they knew it was over.

Yuxi looked at the couple's gray face, squinted, forget it, when the results came out, they were saying that when the child went back, the couple might get angry, and couldn't help but think maliciously, it's not how good they are, but it can be manipulated. Sex is just too much.

The police took the couple away, the couple wanted to continue tossing, but unfortunately no one was used to them, so they could only leave reluctantly.

What happened at home, Yuxi only told at night that the blood collection for the child came in the afternoon, but it would have to wait until the next day.

No one thought that there would be such a turning point. The TV series at night felt unappealing, and they were all waiting for tomorrow's news.

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