1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 96 X86 is about to be solved

Since everyone is here, let's have a small meeting. Su Yuanshan glanced at everyone. These guys had to come to witness him doing the test papers today, and they came very neatly.

Zhou Xiaohui was about to go out when she heard this and turned around and said, Do you want to call me Mr. Chen?

No, we are just casually discussing the technical progress.

Su Yuanshan was too lazy to go back to his desk. He sat on the sofa while the others stood or leaned on the table looking at him.

He first looked at Qin Weimin: Brother, Sony heard that they want a three-way meeting, right? What did they say?

The project cooperation with Sony has always been kept secret from the outside world. The design part that Qin Weimin led to improve is actually almost there, but Sony, as Party A, can't stand it and keeps changing its needs, which makes Qin Weimin very irritable. On the contrary, the GPU team on the Xinghai side did not make many modifications. I don’t know if Sony thinks Yuanxin is easy to talk to, or if Sony doesn’t dare to trouble foreigners.

Qin Weimin smiled and said: We have initially decided to meet up in Xiangjiang and work together for a while. The specific date has not yet been decided. I will let you know when it is decided - by the way, it has been half a year since Sister Sun left. I miss her so much. , how is she doing there?

Haha, she is doing well in Xiangjiang. It's just that some idiots have too much imagination and say that she is my father's mistress and the ancestor of their family. Su Yuanshan couldn't hold back the curse at the end.

Everyone couldn't help but smile.

Speaking of which, the media over there can indeed make up any rumors for you.

Senior Brother Tian, ​​where are you? Su Yuanshan said and looked at Tian Yaoming again.

Tian Yaoming's communications team has been established for a full year. Over the past year, Su Yuanshan has never asked them to achieve any results, and the staff has always been very supportive - now, Tian Yaoming's team is almost as many as Jiang Wanchao's in terms of number of people. With the same number of people, it is the second largest team of Yuanxin.

Such investment without considering the return is equivalent to Su Yuanshan supporting more than a hundred of them in vain.

Hearing Su Yuanshan's daily casual questions, Tian Yaoming also answered casually: The current progress should be a bit slower than that of our peers. The main reason is that we got the standards a little later, and it cost a lot just to eat the standards. Time. And we also recruited some people to work on 3G, which took some detours at the beginning.

Well, I will build a national laboratory for you next year, and then recruit three to five hundred people and take your time.

Facing the envious looks from everyone, Tian Yaoming nodded very reservedly.

Su Yuanshan looked at Jiang Wanchao again: Brother Jiang, how does Linux support the YX architecture?

As the number of people in the programming department increased, Jiang Wanchao divided a group to specialize in Linux.

I can get into the system, but the efficiency cannot be complimented. Jiang Wanchao said: After all, it is created by open source. No matter how awesome Linus is, the code level of the enthusiastic people is still uneven. It takes a lot of money for us to just solve small bugs. A lot of things have happened, and it will take time to actually develop a system that can be used commercially.”

Well, we have to work harder. After all, the open source license of this thing is GPL (compulsory open source for commercial use). The sooner we publish the version, the sooner others can accept our version, so that the YX architecture can be faster be recognized.”

... Jiang Wanchao glanced at Tian Yaoming and said angrily: Isn't that too partial? You never push Lao Tian.

At this time, the phone rang. Su Yuanshan stood up and walked towards the phone with a smile: Senior Brother Tian is slandering and walking, I have to urge him, he will easily walk into the ditch. Hello, hello.

Xi Xiaoding's voice came from the phone: Xiaoshan. Cyrix has agreed to sell it, and Carly is ready to conduct an asset appraisal.

Well done! Su Yuanshan clenched his fist and punched the table gently: What about the acquisition process? Are there any obstacles?

Xi Xiaoding smiled: Not yet, but this matter has spread in Silicon Valley. It can be said that some people are happy and some are sad.

Su Yuanshan laughed.

He could guess with his toes what he was happy about.

Needless to say, the two peers who were suppressed so badly must be ecstatic - because once Xinghai acquires Cyrix, it means that Yuanxin EDA will naturally become rivals with those CPU companies. So no matter how powerful and awesome FarCore EDA is, companies such as Intel, AMD, and MOTO will naturally take safety and support issues into consideration during the design process.

Just like it is difficult for a wafer factory with a design company to receive chip foundry - in the past few years, the professional foundry Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has become more and more extensive and has taken away a lot of business. It has even forced UMC to separate its businesses. IC department.

The ones who are worried are naturally AMD and MOTO, which have always been relatively die-hard allies with FarCore.

As for Intel, because it is a member of the Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Strategic Alliance, it has been helping Synopsys and Cadence upgrade. So it might be more happy - after all, it's suing Cyrix, and what if it wins? You must know that Xinghai is not a pauper like Cyrix...

Has Sanders already contacted you?

Yes, he came over and squirted at me and Carly... You know, our relationship with him is actually pretty good. He feels betrayed.

Haha, then have you told him that we will make EDA independent next year?

Xi Xiaoding smiled and said: I told you, every customer says so. As for whether they believe it or not, and what they will think about it, there is no way to control it.

Well, there's nothing you can do if you don't believe it. Speaking of these people...YX01 has already sold 10,000 units and they are not worried. If you buy Cyrix here, it will blow up the nest. How much do they look down on our structure?

That's different. Acquiring a CPU design company means aggressive expansion, so people will definitely be wary. Xi Xiaoding paused: When do you think you can come over?

You guys should contact Texas Instruments first, and I'll come directly to talk next week.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan shook his fists at several senior brothers.

Brothers, X86 is about to be completed!

Several people had been listening carefully. They were surprised when Su Yuanshan said that he had completed X86. Qin Weimin asked, Can the ownership be transferred?

Of course! Xinghai is registered in Silicon Valley, more than 70% of its employees are foreigners, and the president is also Carly - it is a Silicon Valley company protected and restricted by the laws of the Star Flag Country!

Su Yuanshan chuckled: Coupled with our involvement in Deyi, unless Washington issues a presidential decree to use security as a big stick, the lawsuit will not stop us from buying Cyrix.

Jiang Wanchao smiled and said: Isn't this true? Cyrix doesn't have any core technology.

Yes! Su Yuanshan breathed out softly.

To put it bluntly, Cyrix is ​​just an inconspicuous small company now. Yuanxin acquired it and thus voluntarily gave up the opportunity to unify the EDA market. I am afraid that in the eyes of many people, this is something that is desirable.

Maybe someone will help push it forward.

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