1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 95 Senior Brother from the Pig Factory

Su Yuanshan still remembers what his boss in his previous life said.

——“We must make practical changes in the disciplines of mathematics and physics.”

The semiconductor industry, in the final analysis, is an extension of the three major disciplines of mathematics, physics and chemistry. The top technology is the ultimate integration of the three.

Su Yuanshan didn't think he needed to learn again what he had mastered in his previous life. He is still young, and his waist is in great shape, so he can still work hard.

Seeing his son write about applied physics, Su Xinghe was suddenly surprised.

What are you kid doing? He bounced his butt, sat down and looked at his son from a distance.

Betraying the master. Su Yuanshan put down his professional application form, looked at his father and took a deep breath: Dad, in the end, the key to breakthrough in electronic circuits is mathematical physics.

When I went to Huajing this time, Mr. Wang sighed to me, saying that as the manufacturing process becomes more and more advanced, the talents needed become more and more specialized, and these majors come from basic disciplines. Su Yuanshan gritted his teeth and suddenly smiled: I'm still young and still have time to learn another craft.

Su Xinghe held his breath and looked at his son for a few seconds. With a smile, he slowly exhaled.

Okay, I support you! Anyway, your integrated circuit is already... very good.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said: Dad, let's be objective.

Su Xinghe burst into laughter: You brat, your butt is sticking up to the sky! But are you sure you have thought about it? The applied physics in the Department of Electrical Engineering is a bit less interesting than electronics.

Su Yuanshan thought that he was almost interested, but he naturally had a plan: When the time comes, we can think of ways to transfer to P University or take the postgraduate entrance examination.

Don't you consider studying abroad?

Su Yuanshan shook his head: We'll talk about it later. The undergraduate period is the foundation, and it mainly depends on the individual. After that, I plan to switch to condensed matter and focus on materials physics.

Su Xinghe knew that his son always considered the long term, so he stopped asking. He really wanted to say that if you don't understand anything about integrated circuits, you can ask me, but he found that he really couldn't say this. I had no choice but to pat my son on the shoulder, saying nothing.

By the way, Dad. I may skip a lot of class during class, so you have to help me accommodate. Su Yuanshan said seriously.

Pfft... Su Xinghe laughed: You brat, you are getting more and more excessive.



Lying on the bed, Su Yuanshan took out the physics textbook for the second year of high school and flipped through the knowledge points one by one. After making sure that he could understand and master them, he closed his eyes.

In the next few years, especially after entering the Internet in 1994, many turtles returned. In addition to those who came back to start businesses, some also entered major universities.

(Note: Internet is different from internet. The lowercase i refers to Internet. It is a general noun and can be composed of any network with any protocol. The uppercase I specifically refers to the Internet that uses the TCP/IP protocol, commonly known as the international network. Internet. Of course it’s no longer a distinction)

Among the scholars who returned home, there were many who had real abilities and some who wanted to come back to fish. But when it comes to guiding students, they are still competent.

Even if he is not competent, he will rely on material physics and pursue experiments, and his requirements for tutors are not high. The biggest role of finding a mentor is to find direction and resources, and I have both of these aspects - he has already studied physics, how dare Yuanxin not build a high-standard physics laboratory?

Recalling the contents of high school and college physics, Su Yuanshan slowly fell asleep.

In the days that followed, Su Yuanshan entered an ascetic life. During the day, he took Qin Weimin to discuss the X86 architecture, and at night he worked hard to teach himself professional courses in applied physics. From theoretical mechanics to atomic physics, from electrodynamics to quantum mechanics, he studied them one by one - thanks to the cross-fertilization of majors in his previous life as a graduate student, these professional courses were quite simple for him to learn on his own, except for certain majors in physics. Knowledge points are difficult to understand.

So the first thing he did every morning was to post last night's questions to the company's internal forum.

You know, Yuanxin currently has hundreds of people, about a quarter of whom are graduate students or above, and EDA also needs professional physics talents, so there will always be a few people who are good at physics.

Based on the mentality that it is a supreme honor to be able to show off in front of Mr. Su, everyone at Yuanxin is happy to help Su Yuanshan solve his doubts - everyone will even use the break time to focus on Su Yuanshan's problems.

In this way, Su Yuanshan ate a meal of hundreds of families. And the noon time when he taught classes for him every day was the happiest time in Yuanxin.




...That's enough for you. Su Yuanshan looked helplessly at the group of senior brothers who were guarding him while doing the questions, and rolled his eyes: Don't you just want me to say thank you to the senior brothers for their cultivation and help? I won't say that.

Jiang Wanchao laughed loudly. His undergraduate degree was in applied physics. He learned and learned that he still liked programming, and finally changed his major in computer science. Therefore, he was one of the people who tutored Su Yuanshan the most from Yuanxin.

But Mr. Shan, you are really good. I am convinced, old Jiang. Jiang Wanchao glanced at the computational physics and theoretical mechanics that Su Yuanshan had already studied and praised: I have studied two books by myself in half a month, and it is still time to rest. I will give you the final exam. You can get 90+ points in the test...

After all, Senior Brother Xi is full of praises. Qin Weimin, as the senior senior brother, sat next to Su Yuanshan with pride on his face: Xiaoshan, what's next?

Electrodynamics. Su Yuanshan rubbed his eyebrows: But I have to slow down a bit. If I continue studying with such high intensity, I won't be able to bear it.

Everyone looked at each other, laughed and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this guy still knows how to be tired, which is still within the category of human beings. He is just a bit smarter.

Over there, Zhou Xiaohui saw a group of fellow apprentices finishing their quarrel, so she found the right opportunity and asked, Mr. Su, let me ask you a question from the logistics side. Do we need a summer job here? It's the kind of summer internship.

Su Yuanshan threw away the book: Sophomore year? Junior year?

I'm a junior in the electrical engineering department. I heard that I want to come here for a temporary internship during the summer.

Since the first half of the year, Yuanxin has been the official counterpart internship unit of Electrical Engineering. You can come here with a dispatch certificate, and as long as you come here and don't mess around, you can usually get an offer.

Qin Weimin here heard that a junior student wanted to come over, and he became interested. He asked with a smile: So discerning. Which teacher does he work for? What major?

Zhou Xiaohui pursed her lips and smiled: I don't know about that. They came together with several people. I heard that the organizer is called Ding Lei - do you know him?

Qin Weimin, Tian Yaoming and others shook their heads.

On the contrary, Su Yuanshan was slightly startled. He looked at Tian Yaoming: Senior Brother Tian doesn't know either? This Senior Brother Ding seems to be your professional.

We have a lot of professionals. I know everyone everywhere. Tian Yaoming said with a smile: Besides, he is a junior and I am a junior...right.

Su Yuanshan chuckled.

Indeed, in the eyes of Tian Yaoming, the later Mr. Ding was really just a little junior fellow student.

It's okay. Give them internship wages. If they are capable and willing to sign a job contract after graduation, we can consider giving them a certain subsidy while they are in school. Su Yuanshan said casually, then thought about it: You can tell the logistics , draw up a talent training plan, the kind that you can apply for in your sophomore year. If you are a real talent, Yuanxin can provide certain funding and subsidies.

Since Senior Brother Ding took the initiative to come to his bowl, I guess he has no chance to raise pigs, right?

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