1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 89 Join them and defeat them

Carly considers herself a very adventurous woman, otherwise she would not have continued to expand after entering the Star Sea. At the same time, various departments were forced to jointly make a budget. In the end, they almost bought a piece of land based on the budget and started building an office park years ago. How could a company without its own office building dare to call itself a large-scale company rooted in Silicon Valley? enterprise?

To put it in the words of her peers, this woman always puts herself on the edge of financial crisis.

But when she saw the plan sent by Xi Xiaoding, she realized that her adventurous spirit was simply not worth mentioning.

Acquiring a company that has just been involved in a lawsuit is not taking a risk, it is seeking death!

No, Xi! We have no money and the risk is too great. Carly shook her head without even thinking about it. She knew that Xi Xiaoding and Su Yuanshan had a special relationship, but since Su Yuanshan handed over Xinghai to her, she must be responsible for Xinghai. She would never even think about such an act of seeking death.

Carly, let's not talk about money first. Let's talk about whether Cyrix is ​​willing to sell it. Seeing that this woman also gave in, Xi Xiaoding couldn't help laughing and said, And if they are willing to sell it, can we buy it? , and the issue of income after we buy it.”

Carly looked at Xi Xiaoding suspiciously, and nodded after a moment: You mean a simulated acquisition, right? You can take a look at that.

As she spoke, she lowered her head and looked at the document carefully.

This document was naturally sent by Su Yuanshan, and then Xi Xiaoding made revisions and printed it out.

Xi Xiaoding turned back, poured himself and Carly a cup of coffee, then dragged the chair over and sat across from the desk. He saw Carly's eyebrows frowning deeper and deeper, her mouth pursed tighter and tighter, and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.

After working together for two months, Xi Xiaoding already knew that the more Carly frowned and pursed her lips, the deeper she was thinking.

It's not a problem to convince them to sell. Finally, Carly raised her head and looked at Xi Xiaoding, her eyebrows already stretched: You know Klaus, right?

Klaus is one of the founders of Cyrix and is also the current CEO.

Xi Xiaoding nodded: After all, we are partners. He has been here a few times.

Carly also nodded: Klaus has been in a lot of trouble recently. If there is a strong company willing to help him tide over the difficulties, he will definitely be willing to give in. After all, their CPU has just been launched and has been sued by Intel. This In fact, it has a great impact on customer confidence and the market.”

Xi Xiaoding smiled: Then back to us, according to the current laws here, can we, Xinghai, complete the acquisition?

Carly was silent this time, and shook her head after a long time: It's a bit difficult. Professor Su is the most charming Xiaguo scholar I have ever seen, and his son is also a magical boy who has repeatedly created miracles. But whether it is the offshore star sea, it is still us Whether it’s Xinghai here, the nature of the capital determines that if we acquire it, it will actually be a cross-border acquisition.”

Xi Xiaoding could guess this result. He smiled bitterly and said, You won't alert the Ministry of Commerce, right?

That's not the case. Carly shook her head and smiled: As long as Xinghai adjusts its shareholding structure, introduces enough local capital and promises to go public - you don't really want to encourage Director Su to do this, do you?

Xi Xiaoding laughed: Carly, if President Su really agrees, he will even adjust the equity structure to complete the acquisition. Will you support it?

Carly was startled, she frowned quickly and looked at Xi Xiaoding sharply - this sentence meant that Xi Xiaoding seemed to have bypassed her and Su Yuanshan's discussion of such a big plan - this was a very dangerous signal and taboo.

Xi Xiaoding smiled and said: Carly, when I was chatting with Su Yuanshan, I casually mentioned the news here and joked about buying Cyrix. He was interested at that time, and then told me to make a plan first. You take a look at it, and if you agree, we will sort out the plan. As for money... If we really want to adjust the equity structure, then there will be no shortage of money, right?

Hearing Xi Xiaoding's explanation, Carly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Mr. Su is really a good boss.

Then Carly carefully checked the plan again. Having been in Silicon Valley for so long, she knew very well what kind of evil behavior Intel was - it was delusional to want to obtain X86 authorization through normal channels.

Moreover, buying Cyrix means siding with X86, but now, is X86 really a good choice?

In the 1980s, in order to fight against Apple, Microsoft and Intel, who were still younger brothers at the time, formed the Wintel alliance, commonly known as Wintel. As win3.1 has become a hot seller this year, not to mention Intel's status battle, at least the status of X86 seems to be stable.

However, where there is a market, there is competition or war. Seeing Wintel approaching fiercely, he gradually showed his domineering attitude. Apple, Motorola, and, belatedly, IBM—you know, IBM is the one who single-handedly cultivated Wintel—formed a new PowerPC alliance, intending to use the combination of Apple operations + Motorola processors to contain Windows Operating system + Intel processor combination.

Now both sides of the alliance have their younger brothers following them. On the surface, everyone is only competing fiercely, but in fact, they have already become red-eyed - which has objectively promoted the popularity of personal computers.

Are you also optimistic about the windows+X86 combination? Carly looked at Xi Xiaoding.

Our company's personal computers are all Windows systems.

Carly tapped her fingertips lightly on the table and pursed her lips into a thin line: We still have to take this into consideration. If we acquire Cyrix, it means joining the X86 camp. But you have to know that camps are camps, Intel We are not allies with AMD...

Frankly speaking, I don't really trust Klaus' ability. Even if Cyrix can win the lawsuit or settle the lawsuit and obtain the license, he may not be able to design a CPU that can keep up with Intel - you see, the CPU they released this year was just We can only count 80386, but that was Intel’s product 7 years ago.”

You forgot that there is Yuanxin. Xi Xiaoding looked at her quietly and reminded: You have also seen YX01, but Yuanxin hopes that YX01 will take another path and not participate in the competition in the desktop market, so that's why it didn't join The battlefield between X86 and PowerPC. Otherwise, we are fully capable of designing a new operating system based on open source Linux, coupled with the YX architecture, to form a new war machine to join the desktop PC market.

Carly took a breath for a moment.

She actually forgot that there was Wonder Boy and Yuan Xin.

You mean that in your plan, all the technical prospects include the support from the technical strength of Yuanxin headquarters, right?

Yes, and I was very conservative in my estimation. Xi Xiaoding said calmly, thinking that you have no idea how much that guy Su Yuanshan covets X86.

Very good. Carly smiled and narrowed her eyes, not caring about the crow's feet rising from the corners of her eyes. She waved her hand boldly: Then I agree! Join them and defeat them!

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