1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 88 This kind of thinking is unacceptable

The above ideas are very simple, very suitable for a big pot meal that benefits the public, and more suitable for the overall view that is always mentioned in people's mouths.

——But it is not suitable for industry, academia and research under the market economy.

Actually, Principal Zhou has to look further. He is still more inclined to agree with Yuanxin's plan, but the pressure from all aspects is relatively high... Li Gaoliang sighed.

Since last year when he and Su Yuanshan gave a report together, Li Gaoliang was alerted by Su Yuanshan's remarks, You don't care whether the people eat rice or not, but you scientists only care about science. Li Gaoliang has seen the problem at a higher level.

Li Gaoliang is clearly aware that if we want to implement the integration of industry, academia and research and truly produce meaningful results, we must put those projects that cooperate with enterprises to the test.

As for those areas that have no market and cannot produce economic benefits, what should we do? nonsense! Of course it’s the country!

Even in the west, areas with no economic benefits are still relying on donations and government support, and they are doing well.

But Principal Zhou does have difficulties. After Su Xinghe said this, he immediately looked at his son: I am not speaking for Principal Zhou.

He knew that his son hated hearing the word difficult the most. In the eyes of his son, there seems to be no difficulty that cannot be overcome. My son's mantra is It's okay, take your time. - You can take your time, but you can't give in and you have to come.

Su Yuanshan chuckled: I also know the difficulties that Principal Zhou has. Worrying not about scarcity but about inequality has existed since ancient times. But we are in the first wave of comprehensively deepening reforms. If you don't take responsibility, you still want to be the good old man of the past. , then you might as well become the director of the neighborhood committee, right Uncle Li.

Li Gaoliang chuckled, Su Yuanshan's newborn calf can be discussed by anyone. But he and Su Xinghe couldn't talk to each other.

How about we support the school by making an additional donation? Su Xinghe suggested casually.

It is only natural for a successful business and entrepreneur to donate to his alma mater.

Su Yuanshan glanced at his father and said with a smile: Dad, you just became the dean of the department. Then the whole school will say that your dean was bought with money. I'll see how you end up.

Su Xinghe immediately shut up, feeling very annoyed about his immature thoughts. In order to save face, he immediately asked his son: But the problem must be solved. What can you do?

Instead of letting professors wait for projects to drop from the sky, or waiting for funding for projects, it is better to look for money with ideas. Su Yuanshan smiled and said: Since we want to make it a pilot project for industry, academia and research, we should only focus on the long-term future. Do you think the Xin family thinks we are easy to talk to? We are willing to buy the MCU patents at a high price because we have the ability to make more profits after marketizing the MCU, rather than doing charity.

Of course, as a responsible company, Yuanxin will definitely assume certain responsibilities within its capabilities - after all, we are not capitalists, we get rich first and then get rich later!

So Yuanxin will also help some companies to connect with schools. At the same time, it will also launch programs similar to angel investment to invest in some projects that have no return yet but can be expected.

In addition, there is less money and more people. Can we learn from the microcontroller team, where everyone forms a team, becomes a rope, and first specializes in a promising or blank topic? We can even set up cooperative projects with other schools and colleagues. Any group will do. I think the current level of scientific research in China is not yet to the point where a graduate student led by a professor can independently complete a breakthrough in the top field.

The ministry can also arrange and adjust research projects based on the conditions of its affiliated enterprises. As long as the enterprise believes that a certain result can bring benefits, can it be done jointly by schools and enterprises?

If you are poor, don't think about change. Su Yuanshan said slowly, looking at his father and Li Gaoliang: It is unacceptable to only think about being a rich man.

The two professors' eyes became brighter and brighter as they listened, and finally they nodded at the same time.

Good boy, you have a way!

Su Yuanshan said in his heart that I can do more than just this.

Domestic scientific research is just a puddle of cement at the back. Let alone Su Yuanshan, even Sun Houhou can't stir it up.

He can only make full use of the influence of Yuanxin and the cooperation model with Dianke while it is still just a puddle of muddy water, and set a slightly more positive example for those returnees who return with knowledge in the following years.

For example, we should pay attention to the marketization of scientific research results, do less..., do less..., and squeeze less of our graduate students.

It would be great if we could learn from Yuanxin and standardize the funding review system from the beginning.



After seeing Li Gaoliang off, the father and son talked seriously about their gains from the trip.

At the exhibition, when Su Xinghe took out the product catalog that the 91 microcontroller had entered and demonstrated a simple and easy-to-use visual design program for burning in public, he immediately attracted the attention of people in the industry related to microcontrollers. Moreover, as the big boss of Yuanxin, Su Xinghe's appearance at the convention and exhibition center is a huge hot spot - Yuanxin's reputation has already spread.

During his stay on the island, he only stayed at the exhibition for one day, and spent the rest of his time meeting with the bosses of major partners on the island. For example, UMC and Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., of course, are indispensable for the big and small bosses of motherboard manufacturers, and Chen Daohua is indispensable as a partner.

Su Xinghe came from an academic background. He has a strong academic atmosphere and is also funny, which has left an excellent impression on major manufacturers. Even Carly, who came from afar, admired her as her boss.

Therefore, in favor of Su Xinghe, a company on the island that specializes in all-in-one cashier machines placed an order for 10,000 pieces of YX01. The 91 microcontroller was greatly favored by electronics factories that made handheld computers, and many signed cooperation intentions.

Dad, you are still better than me. Su Yuanshan flattered his father and said with a smile: I made so much noise last time, but I haven't even seen half a day yet.

Su Xinghe laughed and scolded: Go away, isn't it enough that you signed with Sony?

Sony's is confidential... and we can't show it off. Su Yuanshan pretended to sigh: Speaking of which, the people of Ni country are really vengeful. Seeing Kutaragi Ken's appearance, he is afraid that he wants to kill Nintendo - I heard feedback from Silicon Valley that the requirements they put forward were so bold that the GPU team there was worried about whether the CPU would be held back.

Su Xinghe didn't pay much attention to this and asked: Will it be delayed or not?

Your eldest apprentice designed it himself and specially optimized it. Of course it won't be delayed. The only thing I'm worried about now is that Ni Country doesn't have a good game engine and can't come up with games that can leverage the true power of PS.

Haha, you don't still want to develop an engine, do you? Su Xinghe looked at his son. He knew that his son had the habit of building houses and cutting trees by himself.

Unexpectedly, Su Yuanshan shook his head: I'm not interested, and besides, I don't understand.

Hahaha, I rarely hear you say you don't understand. Su Xinghe smiled happily, which gave him the idea that his son was okay and not too perverted.

But... Dad, I have to tell you what I understand next.

Su Yuanshan took the briefcase and handed his father the plan for the acquisition of Cyrix that he had done this week.

This is a plan to acquire Cyrix. It contains a detailed analysis of the current possibility of acquiring Cyrix, as well as the risks and benefits after the acquisition, as well as some subsequent coordination arrangements.

Su Xinghe glanced at his son in surprise, nodded and immediately focused on the document.

The document only had five pages, but Su Xinghe read it for a long time. From the completion of the acquisition of Xinghai's equity adjustment and avoidance policy, to the introduction of the wafer factory, his son made clear arrangements step by step.

He looked up at his son and saw the same look in his son's eyes that he had when he persuaded him to develop EDA.

Su Xinghe suddenly smiled.


This kid finally showed his claws.

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Of course, this is just my opinion as an outsider, so I won’t write it in the text.

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