1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 75 Three clever ghosts

Chen Jing took off her safety helmet, got into a jeep and left the construction site.

When Su Yuanshan got the land, he kept his promise and put Yuanxin's VCD factory and motherboard factory next to each other. He said that everyone is a family, and even if the factory is open together, they can take care of each other.

However, this kind of care looks like Mei Jie is taking care of Yuanxin - all the people coming from Yuanxin are a group of technicians, even interns! If it weren't for another partner of Yuanxin named Zhang Jianjun who would occasionally come over to take a look, we might not know what kind of factory this group of people would have built.

At this time, the Big Brother bell rang. After answering the call, the female secretary of the co-pilot covered the phone and said to Chen Jing who was driving: Mr. Chen, it's Mr. Su who is calling. He said he needs help if there is anything.

Chen Jing, who was a little annoyed by the two construction sites, frowned slightly and said softly: Just say I'm driving. Call my office phone number in 20 minutes, or I'll go back.

After the secretary repeated what he said, he immediately smiled bitterly and said: Xiao Su always told you to stop first and get in his car.

... Chen Jing thought for a few seconds and then parked the car on the side of the road. She took the big brother and rolled up the window at the same time.

On the phone, Su Yuanshan's voice was a little distorted: Mr. Chen, please help me.

Chen Jing's eyebrows raised and closed, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: Well, Mr. Su, please speak.

For a long time to come, Yuanxin will discuss a series of cooperation with Sony. Mr. Chen's eyes are sharp, and he can obviously see that Yuanxin is full of technicians from top to bottom, and there are only a few who are good at talking.

Chen Jing was slightly startled and immediately realized that the cooperation here was not about EDA: Is it about VCD?

Well, there are other things besides that.

Chen Jing bit her lip, and after a few seconds of silence she smiled and said, You are a master negotiator, who else do you need help from?

I can't. I'm only suitable for talking about technical matters, or it's a one-price deal. If you ask me to talk nonsense, why don't you just let me type a few more lines of code - Mr. Chen, please help me.

Chen Jing thought of Su Yuanshan's previous joke: In what capacity can I help?

After a few seconds of silence on the receiver, Su Yuanshan's laughter came: The domestic corporate structure of Yuanxin has not been sorted out, so I can only temporarily make you a deputy general manager.

Su Yuanshan added: The kind who can control me.

This last addition made Chen Jing sigh slightly, but she immediately calmed down and her eyes returned to clarity.

As a partner, she knows that the current corporate structure of Yuanxin is very traditional. The general manager is Professor Su Xinghe and the only vice president is Zhang Ke. But these two people don't care about specific affairs at Yuanxin. Even Qin Weimin, assistant to the general manager, doesn't care about administrative matters.

All matters of Yuanxin, big and small, are actually handled by Su Yuanshan, who holds the title of secretary to the general manager.

Do you consider this a formal invitation?

Yes, I formally invite Miss Chen Jing to join Yuanxin Technology Co., Ltd.

Chen Jing looked forward, thinking of the strength that Yuan Xin had inadvertently revealed, and an inexplicable heat surged out.

Although she has just graduated, she was born into a merchant family and has been familiar with economics and corporate structure since she was a child. After graduating from the university's trade department, she studied abroad and obtained a master's degree in economics. And because of her brother's company, she has a clear judgment on the future development of the computer industry.

The future must belong to the world of computers and networks.

Frankly speaking, if it hadn't been for the emergence of a distant core in the mainland, she would have looked down upon the mainland at all. Even though this is a special zone, even though various electronic and electrical appliance factories are being built in full swing - not to mention those are low-end industries, and most of them are even assembly plants for radios and cassette players - they are even lower-end among the low-end.

But the appearance of Yuan Xin changed her view.

A company can develop an EDA software that stands at the top of the entire semiconductor industry in such a barren land, and almost completes a monopoly... Such a company's future is destined to be bright.

Chen Jing rolled down the window to let in the wind, then put away the phone and exhaled softly. After a while, her expression and voice returned to calmness, with only a slight smile on her eyebrows: Then I will discuss it with my brother.

Okay, I'll ask my uncle to arrange a place for you. Bye~

Chen Jing's eyebrows that had just been raised suddenly froze: You are so sure...

There was a busy signal on the phone.



How are you sure she will agree?

Xi Xiaoding, who was listening to Su Yuanshan's call the whole time, asked with some confusion.

If she says she will think about it, then she really thinks about it. If she talks about discussing it with her brother... Su Yuanshan rested his head on his arm, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: Senior brother, believe it or not, if I could be a few years older , his brother is willing to be my uncle.

... Xi Xiaoding couldn't laugh or cry: I have never seen such a shameless person.

Haha! Su Yuanshan turned over and sat up and said sternly: Sending relatives to the cooperative company as senior executives is the most beneficial arrangement for the cooperation between the two parties. For this reason, those large family-owned companies even do this even if they are married.

The only thing he needs to consider is whether I mind. The question is, what do I mind? Mind about his small motherboard factory with an annual output of 800,000 pieces? And I still hold 53% of the shares of this factory.

Su Yuanshan laughed again as he spoke: But having said that, Meijie's motherboard design is still very good, especially certain functions are very bright.

Xi Xiaoding: ...

By the way, senior brother, is SGI our customer?

SGI, Silicon Graphics Inc. This company was not well-known in later generations, but it was a well-deserved leader in graphics workstations at this time and in later generations. It is precisely because of its graphics workstation that future generations will be able to see the excellent stunts in movies such as Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings, and Crash Landing on You.

But when Su Yuanshan asked, he naturally didn't want to buy a graphics workstation. Instead, a certain edge department of SGI will be packaged and sold to a company called Media Vision this year. The boss of this company is very talented. He recruited a group of excellent graphics engineers, but asked them to switch careers to audio. He also said, If you keep thinking about 3D graphics, I will twist your head off...

So the three buddies who loved graphics finally chose to leave the new owner Media Vision and start their own business.

But starting a business is not just about passion. They are just engineers, not executives, so how can they make money?

So three smart guys borrowed the graphics workstation of their old employer SGI and created a blinding DEMO to participate in the exhibition, falsely claiming that the graphics card they designed could achieve such 3D effects. At the same exhibition, NVIDIA also showed off its results, but was so angry that it vomited blood on the spot... and swore that it was not produced by a desktop graphics card.

The superior quality DEMO of these three buddies successfully captured the favor of investors, and the famous 3DFX was born.

Since Su Yuanshan has made up his mind to cooperate with Sony to build a console, he will do everything he can with the chip - the PS in the previous life actually used a special graphics chip developed by SGI to complete the graphics of 3D games. Effect.

Xi Xiaoding instantly understood Su Yuanshan's intention, and he nodded: He is our customer.

Have they made any acquisitions or sales recently?

Xi Xiaoding nodded again: I am very familiar with a buddy there. It is said that his department just sold Media Vision a while ago.

Su Yuanshan's eyes lit up: What's your buddy's name?


Scott Schillers

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