1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 74 Sony’s Shame

Cafe on the fourth floor of Hilton Hotel.

Although it is a coffee shop, they serve tea instead of coffee.

Sitting opposite Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding were Naoto Takeda, the director of Sony's home appliances division, and the manager of the Silicon Valley branch.

In fact, not long after Yuanxin suddenly launched a publicity campaign in the afternoon and caused a sensation, Yuanxin received invitations from major companies in the west, including AT\u0026T, Verizon, and the seven Bell companies spun off by AT\u0026T. Calabash baby and so on.

However, Su Yuanshan ignored him until Mr. Takeda Naoto came to the door.

Su Yuanshan looked at Naoto Takeda, who was less than forty and obviously a little tired, and smiled and said in English: First of all, thank you Mr. Takeda for taking care of our employees.

The employees here are naturally talking about the after-sales service personnel sent by Yuanxin to Niguo to be responsible for training and the technicians who simulate and interface with Sony's fab process.

Naoto Takeda smiled and was polite for a few moments, then looked at Su Yuanshan with a strange look, and sighed softly: Mr. Su is very powerful, I admire him.

Su Yuanshan knew that Sony had waited so long to find him, and it was obviously to check Yuanxin's VCD-related patents.

It's just that I was lucky and developed a product before a company did. Su Yuanshan smiled calmly: Since Mr. Takeda invited us, he must be hoping to reach a cooperation on VCD, right?

Takeda Naoto also said simply: Yes.

Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding looked at each other and laughed: Then what kind of cooperation do you want to achieve?

To put it simply, we definitely hope that Yuanxin can transfer all patents related to VCD. Naoto Takeda smiled and blew on the tea foam, then raised his head: But I know that is definitely impossible, right?

Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding enjoyed themselves at the same time.

so what?

So we want to know what Yuan Xin's bottom line is. Takeda Naoto looked at Su Yuanshan and said slowly.

Since Yuanxin EDA became popular last year, Yuanxin's background has been thoroughly investigated by these semiconductor-related companies. Naoto Takeda knew that Yuanxin was founded by Su Xinghe, a professor of electrical engineering, but the person in front of him who has been really handling affairs is the young man in front of him, who is called the Wonder Boy by his colleagues in Silicon Valley.

From the moment he entered the door, Takeda Naoto never treated Su Yuanshan as a young boy, but as an equal opponent. But even if he is an opponent again, as the head of Sony's most important department, Naoto Takeda still has a natural advantage. After all, his department is the most powerful home appliance department in the world.

So Naoto Takeda can come up and ask Su Yuanshan's bottom line.

Su Yuanshan narrowed his eyes, smiled softly, and slowly sat up straight: Mr. Takeda, do you really think that I turned down invitations from seven companies tonight and made a special trip to wait for you just to talk about a VCD?

Takeda Naoto's eyes narrowed slightly, he also sat up straight and said in a deep voice: Mr. Su, please speak.

My requirements for VCD are very simple. The patent can only be authorized, and the mainland market is mine. At the same time, we can formulate relevant standards for VCD, as well as the definition and development of subsequent upgrade standards for similar products.

Takeda Naoto opened his mouth, but Su Yuanshan immediately said: I can promise to purchase all optical drives and even necessary precision components from Sony, and promise that the total volume in five years will not be less than 30 million sets.

Takeda Naoto and his colleagues immediately shut up.

But in order to ensure smooth supply, Sony needs to cooperate with us to build an optical drive production plant in the mainland.


Well, that's not important.

Takeda Naoto and his colleagues looked at each other, both of their eyes filled with doubts.

This is a multi-billion-yuan business. He said it's not important?

Su Yuanshan lightly knocked on the table and said slowly: Mr. Takeda, maybe you didn't read the contents of our patent carefully, right?

Takeda Naoto was stunned when he was asked, and thought, who can read your hundreds of patents? But he could only nod his head honestly: Yes, there is no time.

Then let me tell you, we have many patents and technologies for heat dissipation, anti-interference and optical drive stability.

Takeda Naoto frowned slightly and looked at Su Yuanshan, wondering what he meant by this sentence.

Su Yuanshan sighed softly: Takeda-kun, you have just suffered a great shame and humiliation... and you have forgotten it so quickly? If you still have some ideas in the home game console market, we can actually cooperate.

Moreover, we have a reduced instruction set CPU architecture with a main frequency of 50MHz and an execution speed of 45MIPS. At the same time, it can be customized in various ways, such as adding a geometry change engine, etc.

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, he stopped talking.

The two senior Sony executives looked at him silently, looked at each other and stood up at the same time, said please wait a moment and left quickly.

At this time, Xi Xiaoding, who had been watching Su Yuanshan's performance quietly, asked curiously: What kind of shame and humiliation have they suffered?

A few years ago, they jointly developed the SFC-based Playstation-X disc game console with Nintendo. As a result, Nintendo kicked it away when it was about to be completed last year. Nintendo also suddenly announced that it would cooperate with Philips to produce the SFC-authorized console CD-I... …”

Xi Xiaoding immediately became interested: What then?

Haha, it is said that Ken Kutaragi, who was in charge of the game project, was shaking with anger, crying and shouting that he wanted to cut off the supply of audio chips to Nintendo. But then reason stopped him - Sony couldn't afford to lose money.

Xi Xiaoding made a sound and asked curiously: Then since it was Nintendo that broke the contract, why didn't Sony file a lawsuit?

Su Yuanshan laughed: I'm overthinking it. Since I dare to break the contract, how could Nintendo's legal department leave any loopholes in the contract? But it's hard to explain. According to Nintendo, Sony has invested a lot of enthusiasm. In fact, it's true. I wanted to steal the company and then kick it out, so Nintendo just kicked it out first, and there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Of course, a simple technical man like Brother Xi didn't know that in later generations, Nintendo's legal department had a famous nickname - the strongest legal department in the universe.

That is even more awesome than Nanshan Pizza Hut, and the only one qualified to compete with it is Disney.

After laughing, Su Yuanshan looked towards the direction where the two disappeared and said softly: Now we have handed over the patent and the customized CPU. It depends on whether they can live up to the expectations.

Of course, Su Yuanshan knew that Mr. Jiuduo must be up to date. Just this year, he will persuade the president of Sony to establish the console department SCE and serve as president, and decide to independently develop a disc-based home console-the famous PS.

Not long after, Naoto Takeda returned first.

Sorry to keep you two waiting. Takeda Naoto sat down and bowed slightly to the two of them.

Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding returned the gift at the same time.

Our preliminary opinion is that both parties can cooperate. Naoto Takeda carefully considered the English he was not good at, trying to express his meaning more accurately.

But the form and content of cooperation still require further consultation.

After speaking, Naoto Takeda looked at Su Yuanshan, waiting for a reply.

His words undoubtedly express Sony's attitude and tone.

I agree.

Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile.

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