1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 720 The Light of Treasure Island

Ye Rudai took a few steps forward. Although she was nodding, she still looked worried.

Yahoo started its business by doing classified indexing, and then moved from classified indexing to its current portal website. It currently ranks second among Internet companies in terms of market value. Although there is still a big gap compared to newbook, it can carve out a path among many portals and force Ding Lei to make targeted strategic adjustments one after another. This in itself expresses recognition of its status.

Yahoo's successful transformation has also made the current concept of portals deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. A website like eso, which has only one search box at the beginning and is ridiculously simple, is really going against the trend - which is why eso's road to listing is difficult.

How about not going public at all? Su Yuanshan felt a little distressed when he saw that Ye Rudai was so worried about the road show: If you are short of money, I will vote for you directly.

How is that possible? Ye Rudai refused without thinking and glared at Su Yuanshan: How about you buy the company directly? I can call back to teach science.

When Su Yuanshan heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

She still likes teaching so much...

In her previous life, she returned to the Department of Electrical Engineering as a teacher, and because she had an overseas degree, she came back with a high starting point... But later on, she had no desires and desires, and she was still an associate professor in her forties...

Just buy it! After a brief moment of astonishment, Su Yuanshan laughed.

Don't be kidding, I really have a headache. We have been in contact with Morgan, and they said that if we want to get a higher starting point, we'd better develop the Internet portal and follow Yahoo's example. Ye Rudai continued to frown: But this obviously goes against our philosophy.”

Morgan knows shit about the Internet. Seriously, Ye Zi, I'm not joking. If you can't reach an agreement, don't go public. Just grit your teeth, work hard on technology, improve user experience, and accept some small ads by the way. If you are short of money... Su Yuanshan paused: Let's put it this way, Sister Qin Si has ten thousand ways to invest in you without anyone noticing.


Su Yuanshan said seriously: Really, it's not that I deliberately helped you or anything, but there is no need to compromise in order to please a group of capitalists who have no vision. The Internet must have a search engine, and you did it. I am very happy. If you don't If you do it, then Yuanxin will end up doing it, or even I will do it myself - you may believe that I still have some skills.

Seeing Su Yuanshan's rare serious tone, Ye Rudai pursed her lips and nodded slowly after a long silence: I'll think about it - if investors touch our bottom line, then I will convince everyone that no Listed.

Yes! Su Yuanshan glanced at the sky and then at the dormitory.

He said cautiously: Well...why don't you go back to the city tonight?

Island, Hsinchu.

In an elegant teahouse, Chen Jing was chatting and laughing with a middle-aged man.

Regarding Chen Jing, the mentality of people on the island - of course limited to those who know and understand her - is very complicated, especially those who were the first to enter the Internet. Their evaluation of Chen Jing has gone through a huge stage of differentiation.

During the confrontation between the island and the mainland, the brothers Mei Jie and Chen, and even the engineers who were poached to Deyuan, were compared to traitors by the excited people on the island, and the island government even asked relevant personnel to Return to the island unconditionally... and the words are extremely harsh.

But with the rapid rise of Yuanxin and Deyuan, except for a few people who are still viciously attacking Chen Jing, the brother and sister, Zhang Rujin and others, most people have remained silent, and at most they are a little bit sour. That’s all.

Now, one is Yuanxin, the largest technology company in mainland China; the other is Deyuan, the world's largest professional wafer foundry. The CEOs of these two major technology companies are both people from the island - in a sense, both of them are People are the light of Treasure Island - it has been proven that only people from Treasure Island can lead mainland companies!

As for the government, it has long made no mention of letting Chen Zhangliang and others return, but has only increased its support for the semiconductor industry.

But once the semiconductor industry falls behind, it really cannot be supported in a short time. What's more, the advantages of mainland China's semiconductor industry are now extremely obvious. Just meeting the self-sufficiency rate is enough to support a large number of domestic wafer factories.

Now the semiconductor industry on the island can only look forward to seeing whether their beautiful father can take advantage of the opportunity of mainland China's entry into the WTO to complete technological invasion and suppression in the semiconductor industry in the next few years.

As a native of TW, Chen Jing understands the mentality of her peers on the island.

Therefore, this time she came back to break the unrealistic illusions of her peers.

Chen Jing looked at Jiang Wenxi, the head of Silicon Systems, took a sip of tea and smiled: Last year you launched a main chip that integrates 3D graphics acceleration. The market did not buy it. And it was quickly surpassed by NV. Even Intel has plans to launch a main chip integrating 3D graphics acceleration...

What about Yuan Xin? Jiang Wenxi nodded and asked with a smile while maintaining his grace.

As a veteran semiconductor design company with a history of more than ten years, he still has confidence even when facing giants like Yuanxin.

Yuanxin does not want to waste time on the chipset. Yuanxin has other plans for the integrated graphics core.

Jiang Wenxi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly became a little surprised.

As a chipset chip supplier, he has had a lot of dealings with Yuanxin. He himself has been to Yuanxin's Shanghai Science and Technology Park and knows both Li Mingliu and Gao Xiaodi. Since they are both in the technology field, he Very talkative.

Yuanxin also has a chipset team, but in Jiang Wenxi's view, Yuanxin's chipset team is indeed not very professional... but it relies on the advantage of adapting to its own CPU, so it is not bad.

Mr. Chen means... do you want to build a separate graphics core? Or is there another way to integrate it?

Both. Chen Jing looked at the other party with a smile: Mr. Jiang, to be frank, Yuanxin has officially launched the GPU project, and at the same time...

Chen Jing paused as she spoke, then used an internal code name: Sorry, I can only tell you the code name, the plan called the Neutron Star Project. After the plan is implemented, it will be able to eliminate all current integrated 3D chipsets. .”


Jiang Wenxi looked straight at Chen Jing. He couldn't think of any other integrated solution that could destroy the newly emerging integrated graphics card.

It can’t be integrated into the CPU!

Then there's no need to fight?

When Chen Jing saw Jiang Wenxi thinking about things, she couldn't help but sigh slightly - she had stayed at Yuanxin for so many years, and even if she didn't understand technology before, she could still understand a little bit - otherwise, how could she lead a company? Semiconductor technology company?

Yuanxin's neutron star project is naturally the nuclear display project that the YX architecture started to try out - this is also the demand that Sony is trying to promote.

For Sony's needs, Yuanxin will naturally meet them.

Sony has officially established a PSP plan, but the current PSP can only integrate the processor core and display core on a motherboard that is less than the size of a palm at the same time. This way, not only takes up space, but also generates heat and power consumption. The problem - either lower the standards and make it a handheld game.

But Sony's ambitions obviously don't stop there. Kutaragi hopes to create a high-definition game console that can be held in your hand and played at any time.

It is an extension of computer and console games in the palm of your hand, rather than a superior replacement for black and white handheld consoles.

To meet this requirement, only a high degree of integration is required.

Therefore, this year, Yuanxin took advantage of the opportunity to establish the GPU project and also established the nuclear display project - and to say the least, integrating graphics display into the YX architecture is also in line with Yuanxin's definition and interests of smartphones.

But the project team was established... but there was no one working on the graphics core at Yuanxin.

Meijie does have people, but Meijie himself is engaged in graphics cards. Besides, who is poaching Meijie, what does that mean?

Mr. Jiang, with all due respect, in the future environment, the road for third-party chipset manufacturers will really become narrower and narrower. Chen Jing said and sighed softly: Third parties want to make chipsets. You must obtain authorization from the processor manufacturer. And now, which processor manufacturer does not have its own chipset?

Although there are four processor manufacturers such as YCIA on the market now, one day, these four will have to compete. Even if there is no competition, when the market share stabilizes... do you think it will be solved? Will device manufacturers give up the fat piece of chipsets? Obviously impossible.

I am also from the island, and even my brother is the chairman of the board and card factory. I naturally pay attention to the situation of the semiconductor industry on the island. In addition to motherboards and graphics cards, downstream manufacturers that accept the conditions of upstream chip companies are currently developing well. , which of the upstream chip design companies has developed? Chen Jing paused and continued: The high-end is controlled by Silicon Valley, and the mid-to-low-end is controlled by China, Ni-Korea...

Jiang Wenxi felt disgusted, but he had to admit that what Chen Jing said was true.

The semiconductor industry on the island was not like this ten years ago, no, five years ago... At that time, the semiconductor industry was booming, and everyone believed that the island would become the semiconductor pearl of the East and Hsinchu would become the new Silicon Valley.

But in the past few years... it has suddenly turned from prosperity to decline, and it has gotten worse.

On the contrary, the mainland has the rise of Yuanxin, the rise of Deyuan, the rise of professional foundry Hongyuan, and the rise of lithography machine company Hongxin...

As for the central processing unit that the island had always dreamed of developing, the mainland seemed to have easily developed it, and even built two of them at once! A reduced instruction set YX and a complex instruction set X86.

Mr. Jiang, we will soon establish a holding company specializing in graphics display core in Cyberport. Let's think about it.

Chen Jing looked directly at the other person, picked up the teacup and greeted him slightly.



After sending Ye Rudai away, Su Yuanshan moved his office directly to Shanghai Science and Technology Park.

How's it going? Do you like this office?

For ordinary people, it would be extremely scary for a boss to come to his department permanently, but for Gao Xiaodi and others... Su Yuanshan is like a sweet man - a genius boss who is the best among them all. Is it worthy of the broad masses of the people if we don’t pull them out to “mandate” them?

So he finally snatched Su Yuanshan from Li Mingliu and placed him next door to him.

Not bad. Su Yuanshan glanced around, smelled the human energy inside, and said with a smile: Who are you driving away? Lao Zhu?

Su Yuanshan looked at Zhu Hongbin who was standing behind Gao Xiaodi - this was the person in charge of taking over the cache job left by Li Mingliu.

His office is next to Gao Xiaodi, which shows how important cache is in the Yuanxin processor department.

Hehe... It's voluntary! Isn't that right, Lao Zhu! Gao Xiao first touched the shoulder of the host Zhu Hongbin and smiled.

Zhu Hongbin smiled and shook his head: Yes, yes... I volunteered very much - you guy, do you believe I will file a complaint on the spot?

After a few people laughed and laughed for a while, they sat back on the sofa in the reception area.

Wen Xiaoqian carefully closed the door for them, and then began to go to the desk to pack and organize Su Yuanshan's files and office supplies.

Brother, without joking, the future of the CPU department is in your hands. Su Yuanshan picked up the tea cup, took a sip, looked at Gao Xiaodi, and said seriously: Although I participated in the early stage of the architecture design, but now if you ask me to come in and take charge of the overall situation, I will definitely not be able to do it.

Gao Xiao became anxious when he heard it: I'll wipe it, don't...why can't you do it? Who said you can't do it?

Don't do this. I'm here this time just to follow your arrangements. Su Yuanshan raised his head and looked at Wen Xiaoqian: Xiaoqian, bring over the technical documentation of the processor.

Opening the technical document - it was written by Gao Xiaodi himself, Su Yuanshan pointed at the technical items one by one and said: The only thing I can be sure of now is that if all the technologies in this technical document can be implemented, then we will There is hope that we can defeat Intel - or, even if we cannot defeat Intel, we can directly defeat AMD and Xinghai.

Zhu Hongbin laughed at the side and said: It's okay to fuck Xinghai down.

But Gao Xiaodi did not smile, but frowned in a rare way.

As the head of the FarCore processor department and an architect under his command, he has always been on the front line of architecture design. Because of this, the FarCore processor department is a truly technology-driven department.

It is precisely because of this that Su Yuanshan can accept the failure of the processor department in marketing and marketing - because he, Gao Xiaodi, is not a market person.

Now, I just need you to give me an answer, which of these technologies have encountered difficulties, and which of them have been fully implemented - you know, I have not been exposed to your specific technical progress throughout last year. and plans. And you are quite a bit like reporting good things but not bad things...

Su Yuanshan looked around and said, This is unacceptable.

Gao Xiaodi bit his lip and took two heavy breaths.

We have not been able to effectively solve the communication protocol between dual cores.

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