1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 719 The future of eso

Ye Rudai understood Su Yuanshan's busyness and directly waved her hand and told him to do what he should do and not delay watching the movie. Then Su Yuanshan exited the cinema with a sneer on his face, and went to the tea room upstairs with Wan Yongliang.

Wan Yongliang brought three variety show plans.

The three plans are daily dialogues between celebrities - we plan to restart the original Undefended Tonight. Of course, the scale must be grasped, but the team will mainly invite big names in the Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment circles.

Then there is the interaction between celebrities. We thought about it for a long time and decided to start by inviting celebrities to show off their cooking skills. Show off their cooking skills and promote food.

The third one is a talk show, with some in-depth conversations, from Southeast Asia to Asia and even the world, from economy to finance to technological development... basically everything is covered.

After finishing speaking, Wan Yongliang stared at Su Yuanshan nervously.

These three variety show plans are projects that he formulated completely according to his will after he took over ATV. ATV's future route will change the previous route of relying on TV series to win ratings. You know, TV series The ratings it brings can be easily snatched away.

For example, this time, ATV relied on Huanzhu to steal TVB's ratings championship.

Of course, in Wan Yongliang's vision, TV dramas must not be given up, but they must be mainly high-quality.

His real treasure lies in variety shows.

To be precise, it was on a celebrity variety show. Rely on celebrity variety shows to bring stable ratings, and then slowly promote Yuanxin's values.

This is what Wan Yongliang realized, Su Yuanshan's true purpose for ATV.

Su Yuanshan was silent for a long time after reading it. His move made Wan Yongliang even more nervous.

Okay, Lao Wan. Su Yuanshan raised his head and smiled: I don't watch TV, but I will consider issues from the perspective of ordinary people.

Wan Yongliang was startled: What?

I said that variety shows are no better than TV series. Movies have a core - if they do, the only core is to make the audience happy and meet the audience's needs. And I look at the problem from the perspective of an ordinary audience.

... Wan Yongliang glanced at Su Yuanshan several times: Mr. Shan, don't be ridiculous, are you an ordinary person?

Su Yuanshan was amused: Why am I not an ordinary person?


Su Yuanshan shook the document and said with a smile: Why are Next Weekly and Apple Daily so popular? Do you know? The fundamental reason is to satisfy readers' curiosity - as we make programs, we just want to directly satisfy the audience. In the future, we will do more real-life celebrities show.

Celebrity reality show? Wan Yongliang was startled again, and then slowly savored the word.

Yes, it means that celebrities put aside their celebrity baggage and enter the program as real people and with their true temperament - these programs are not just about cooking and chatting, they can also have celebrities as guests, or they can also have celebrities on a big stage. Play games or something. In short, it is to let the audience see the side of celebrities that they usually don’t see! If you grasp this idea, then variety shows will be invincible.

... Wan Yongliang took a deep breath, and then gave Su Yuanshan a thumbs up without any scruples: Mr. Shan, I really admire you.

...Stop doing this. Su Yuanshan put down the document: The dialogue program you mentioned is very good. Although it is suspected of plagiarizing Phoenix TV, in terms of exporting opinions and expanding influence, there is no doubt that this is the best way. .”

Then he thought for a while and said: In this case, you should improve the ratings first, and then talk about the show... Let's do this, in the middle of the year, when the first phase of the Cyberport project is completed, I invite Gates and Mr. Qiao to come and do it for you In the first period, pull up your pussy first.

!!! Wan Yongliang immediately clenched his fist and became excited: That's great! This is probably the highest-profile interview in the entire technology circle, right?

What do you think?



After sending Wan Yongliang away, Ye Rudai also happened to finish watching the movie.

The two of them were walking in the winter-filled Science and Technology Park, chatting casually while watching the sunset.

ATV is not only Yuanxin's layout in traditional media, it is also responsible for stabilizing HK. I have nothing to do, and I want to find an opportunity to get in touch with female stars. Su Yuanshan tilted his head and looked at it, wrapping himself in a down jacket Ye Rudai, who only showed a small face, smiled and said: Besides, how can they be as good-looking as you?

... Ye Rudai glared at him: Can you tell me something serious?

The business she talked about was naturally related to eso's future.

Technically, eso has unparalleled advantages. It is currently providing eso search engines for major portals, including domestic portals such as Zhalang.com, Sohu.com, and 188.com, all of which use eso. At the same time, eso academics have been promoted, and the full-text search and comparison functions of papers have been initially formed.

According to eso's technical white paper, eso will be able to provide paper comparison functions for all paper authors around the world by the end of this year at the latest.

This is also true in China.

Such a monopoly position naturally brings monopoly benefits. ESO is one of the few Internet technology companies that has achieved profitability so far.

However, in the capital market, profit has never been the first choice favored by capital. The most important thing is to see whether you can tell stories and whether you have a future - frankly speaking, if it weren't for the technical white paper given by eso that can bind global paper authors, eso would not even be able to tell stories in the first step of going public. Can't finish.

In the eyes of capital, there is an upper limit to the development of eso, a low-level technology enterprise oriented to Internet companies. As long as the portal website emerges as a dominant player, the good days of eso, which is dependent on the portal website, will be over.

Okay, let's get down to business...wait. Su Yuanshan stopped smiling and gently brushed away a piece of leaf stem that fell on her shoulder: How is the eso user system completed?

It's done well. The next step is to carry out personalized recommendations and settings. Ye Rudai twisted her neck and sighed: But I still can't see the future - we are just the entrance to the Internet, Brother Xiaoshan ! We were beaten by Yahoo in the Chinese Internet market. The most fundamental reason is that we only need to open a Yahoo page to meet all the needs of users...

And we...although technically speaking, the search results are more accurate, but...in the eyes of the general audience on the Internet, we are indeed unable to compare with that kind of navigation website that does not cost a dime.

Su Yuanshan shook his head and said seriously: The wave of the Internet is far from its peak. It can even be said that it is not even the mountainside! Why are you so anxious? With the popularity of the Internet, the increase in content, and people's interest in information and knowledge As demand increases, sooner or later you will become the most powerful Internet company!

So, just wait.

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