1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 699 Engine electronic anti-theft

Su Yuanshan is the kind of person who is best to stay still if he can, but if he really starts to move... then he will cherish the situation that he finally managed to establish and take a good walk around.

So I went from the Special Economic Zone to Shanghai, then flew directly from Shanghai to the capital, and then went to Tianjin for a tour before heading back home. When we returned to the Science and Technology Park, it was already November.

At the same time, a formal inspection team organized by Singapore also arrived in the provincial capital and conducted a half-month inspection of the software park.

Ye Mingzhu Road, Tianju Automobile Research Institute.

Since Yuanxin took over Tianju Automobile, Ye Mingzhu Road, which was originally extremely depressed, has gradually improved. Not only have the shops on both sides reopened, but there are also some new modern shops.

For example, this Internet cafe called Daystar.

And thanks to Tianju's reorganization, this Venus Internet cafe, which only has about 20 computers, was able to connect a DDN dedicated line early, which can meet the needs of multiple people connecting to the Internet at the same time.

A black Audi slowly passed through Ye Mingzhu Road. When passing by an Internet cafe, the Audi car suddenly stopped, and then a young man stepped out of the back seat. He looked at the Internet cafe's signboard and the High-speed Internet, one hour below with interest. Fifteen yuan charging standard.

Boss, are you online?

The Internet cafe owner’s surname was Xu. Although he didn’t see the license plate number just now due to the angle of view, the car seemed to have an extraordinary status... Those who could get down from it were probably either rich or noble.

Oh, I just want to take a look. The young man took two steps forward and looked inside through the half-closed glass door. He saw that more than half of the computers inside were occupied by customers, and most of them were playing games. The most popular online game.

Amidst the crackling sound, it seemed that several game players formed a team and were shouting and yelling - several of them were actually foreigners.

The young man looked back and smiled at the boss: Boss, how is business?

Haha, it's not bad. Boss Xu saw another young and beautiful girl get out of the car from the passenger side and stood behind the young man. He began to mutter about this person's identity in his heart - obviously, the car can drive to The person who comes here must be related to Tianju.

Well, I wish you a prosperous business.

The young man nodded to the boss and went back to the car to sit down.

When Boss Xu saw this, he quickly came out from the counter and happened to see the Audi's butt and license plate number.


Seeing this license plate, Boss Xu breathed a sigh of relief and immediately hit his heels.

As long as you are from the provincial capital, no one knows that in order to commend Yuanxin for its contribution to the provincial capital, a number of license plate numbers were specially released to Yuanxin.

YX001 means that this is Yuanxin’s No. 1 official car!

Is this, the big boss of Yuanxin is coming?

Three seconds later, Boss Xu immediately turned around: Brothers, the CEO of Yuanxin is here for inspection.



More than a year has passed since the acquisition of Tianju, and this is the first time Su Yuanshan has come to inspect the work.

Previously, Tianju's integration and coordination work had always been left to Zhou Xiaohui.

As Zhou Xiaohui went to South Korea to take up a post, Yuanxin no longer arranged a similar person in charge - after all, Zhou Xiaohui had been busy for more than half a year, and all the integrations that needed to be integrated were completed. The rest is nothing more than regular cooperation with the TI team, which can be handed over directly to the external cooperation department of the science and technology park.

Li Junyou and Sun Xiaochuan, as well as Donald, the leader of the Texas Instruments cooperation team, Wang Xiaochun, the navigation project leader of the Yuanxin Capital Design Center, and Chen Jianfeng, the analog chip leader of the Provincial City Science and Technology Park, stood at the gate to welcome Su Yuanshan's arrival.

——It can be seen from the composition of these people that today's Tianju Automotive Research Center is a real research center with high-tech content and even cross-department and cross-enterprise cooperation.

Compared with now, the kind of people who only played around with modifications and tinkered with the chassis and exhaust pipes were really a bit unpopular.

After a while of greetings, Li Junyou led Su Yuanshan to the conference room. After Yuanxin took over Tianju, he immediately carried out drastic renovation and decoration work. In addition to renovating and upgrading the original workshop, a new ten-year-old workshop was also built. A two-story laboratory building and a dormitory building.

These two buildings will be officially put into use next month.

Mr. Donald, can you understand Chinese?

After sitting down, Su Yuanshan smiled at Donald - he had met him once when Deyi went to visit and greeted him very friendly.

NO! So-so. Donald shrugged, spread his hands, and said in English: Chinese is too difficult for me.

Oh, then Xiaoqian translate it for him.

When Wen Xiaoqian sat behind Donald, Su Yuanshan smiled at everyone: I came here today to help Mr. Wang set up an outpost - before I came back, Mr. Wang from Suoxin told me good news, saying that it was almost solved. Most of the problems with automotive power batteries should then go into actual R\u0026D investment.”

Of course, Su Yuanshan spoke in Mandarin. After he finished speaking, everyone remained silent, without even the slightest reaction.

Only Wen Xiaoqian was quickly translating English for Donald.

Just as Wen Xiaoqian finished translating, Donald shouted instantly, and a string of words quickly emerged.

Mr. Donald asked, is Yuanxin going to build electric cars? Wen Xiaoqian glanced at the people around her, especially Li Junyou - she knew that Tianju, the nominal person in charge, probably didn't understand English.


Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile.

With his confirmation, the expressions of Li Junyou and Sun Xiaochuan changed instantly - it was not that they couldn't understand Su Yuanshan's words, so they needed Donald to ask in English. But they didn't expect...this day would come so quickly.

Yes, Su Yuanshan told them during the acquisition last year that Tianju must build cars in the future.

However, in the past year, Tianju’s original engineers and technicians have not done anything related to car building.

——In the past year, Yuanxin bought no less than twenty cars of different models and brands and drove into Tianju.

The prices of these cars are generally on the expensive side, and most of them are imported.

Then, before the technicians could test the cars for a few laps, the cars were driven into the workshop and dismantled into pieces...

Then, the pile of parts is handed over to the design engineers and chip engineers.

In this way, one year has passed, and it seems that Tianju has produced nothing and is all burning money.

Li Junyou boasts that he has seen the market, and he also knows that developing cars costs money. After seeing the research and development of chips, he realized... that he really had never seen the world.

——In September, only a fraction of the 340 million R\u0026D funds allocated by Yuanxin were left.

Now, Mr. Shan finally said he would build a car?

And it’s an electric car?

But before electric vehicles, the technological research and development of fuel vehicles cannot be stopped. Su Yuanshan said and looked at Chen Jianfeng: Old Chen, please introduce your current progress.

Okay Mr. Shan.

Chen Jianfeng glanced at Li Junyou and Sun Xiaochuan and sighed slightly in his heart.

To be honest, sometimes he couldn't understand why the Mountain Federation chose to buy such a shabby workshop and let two people who knew almost nothing about chips lead this automotive research center.

“Our focus over the past year has been the third generation—or rather, the fourth generation—of engine anti-theft technology.”

Chen Jianfeng looked at Su Yuanshan and pursed his lips: To put it bluntly, we have been able to realize that except for the car owner, the probability of being able to drive the car away is infinitely close to zero.

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