1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 698 The economy depends on the East

An hour later, the meeting ended.

Chen Jiashen sent Su Yuanshan to the door of the study, and Li Xiangyang sent Su Yuanshan out of the door on his behalf.

About a quarter of an hour later, Li Xiangyang returned to the study.

Obviously, he and Su Yuanshan chatted for more than ten minutes in the meantime.

Did you get it to the car?

Getting in the car.

Chen Jiashen picked up the tea cup again, thought silently for a few seconds, then shook his head and sighed slightly: This young man is not simple.

How can it be easy to get a double doctorate at the age of 24? Even if the mainland's degree is heavy... Li Xiangyang suddenly stopped and chuckled.

After all, it's not good to talk about people behind their back.

And as he said, no matter what the reason is, since Su Yuanshan dares to wear two doctorate titles on his head, he is not an ordinary person.

Chen Jiashen smiled: Mr. Xiao Su mentioned just now that the two words 'harmony' are important for the development of Nanyang. These two words... summed it up too accurately.

As he spoke, Chen Jiashen smiled self-deprecatingly: Peace and cooperation. Isn't that the fundamental development of our country that relies on trade?

Mr. Xiao Su also had a brief chat with me just now. He mentioned...

What did you mention? Chen Jiashen looked at the other party: Did you mention Singtel?

Yes. Li Xiangyang nodded. He was not surprised that Chen Jiashen could guess what the two people could talk about in just a quarter of an hour: Mr. Xiao Su said that if Nanyang is regarded as a giant enterprise, or in other words, Yuanxin If viewed as a small regional economy, Yuanxin and Nanyang are actually moving in parallel.

Chen Jiashen frowned slightly, understanding the meaning of Su Yuanshan's words.

After a few seconds, he nodded slowly: Yes, it is indeed and keep going.

Chen Jiashen sighed secretly, but still explained: Yuanxin is trying to get rid of the shadow and influence of the mainland, actively expand the market, and integrate into the world. And we also hope to seek long-term development and peace through cooperation with all parties.

It means, can Singtel and Yuexin cooperate?

Yes. Chen Jiashen nodded slowly: In the ASEAN telecommunications market, if Yuanxin joins, it will be more conducive to the expansion of Singtel.

——Singtel, after all, bears too much of the Nanyang state-owned brand. Excessive participation in the telecommunications business of other countries will always arouse suspicion.

But if Yuanxin joins, some of the colors behind Singtel will naturally be diluted, thus expanding opportunities for cooperation.

What's more, Yuanxin comes with technology.

But...will this hinder our relationship with those giant Western companies?

Chen Jiashen glanced at the other party: The Western giants are here to make money from us, and Yuanxin is here to make money with us. How do you choose?


The Strait of Malacca has given us the best answer so far.



Ask me, I have never been involved in politics... Chen Jiashen is so contemptuous of others.

On the rooftop garden of the hotel, Su Yuanshan smiled at Liang Yongtai.

In the rooftop garden, in addition to He Wei and Wen Xiaoqian, there was also Liang Yongtai, the head of FarCore's Nanyang office. Liang Yongtai is a local Chinese in Nanyang. He graduated from Nanyang National University and speaks excellent Mandarin.

In the past few years, due to various reasons, and because FarCore Center prefers Thailand as a breakthrough point and has completed many cooperations with Thailand Telecom, FarCore's branches in Southeast Asia have always been established in Thailand. On the contrary, the centers in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand have only set up an office with less than 20 people.

Moreover, the main task of this office is to actively promote the construction of Yuanxin direct stores.

However, as Farcore, Temasek and AIS jointly entered Malaysia Telecom and actively expanded the Java market, the status of the Nanyang office has become increasingly important.

It was precisely because Liang Yongtai realized this that he finally chose to become the director of this small office.

Su Yuanshan's joke caused a burst of laughter.

Chen Jiashen probably thinks that smart people should shoulder greater responsibilities. Liang Yongtai smiled slightly and flattered Su Yuanshan without leaving any trace: Economically speaking, our country needs to be bigger. For enterprises, it is natural for Chen Jiashen and Mr. Shan to reach a consensus.

Yes. Su Yuanshan looked at Liang Yongtai with admiration: So, we estimate that Singtel will probably be the first to reach an equipment and technology cooperation agreement for 3G business with us. By then, the office here will also be upgraded to a regional company.

Liang Yongtai was moved when he heard this. He suppressed his excitement and asked after hesitating: Mr. Shan, are you in charge of the Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand business?

Su Yuanshan shook his head with a smile and reached out to pick up the tea cup.

At this time, He Wei pursed her lips and smiled: Mr. Liang, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand are not separated. The Thai branch is now responsible for the business of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

Seeing that Liang Yongtai was slightly startled, Su Yuanshan couldn't help but smile and said: Mr. He is here, where do you think the Nanyang Branch's business will be directed in the future?

Liang Yongtai was startled again and immediately realized that he had made a big mistake - who was He Wei? He is the new vice president of marketing department of Yuanxin. In the past few years, he has been famous for his strong market promotion ability.

Although she is only the vice president, she has been actually in charge of the overall work of the marketing department in the past few years.

Now that she's here...it's obvious that the status of Nanyang's branch is not comparable to that of the Thai branch.

After all, Nanyang is the core of ASEAN and has a strong influence politically. Now Chen Jiashen hopes to have a higher influence economically, and Yuanxin meets this condition at the right time... So in the future, here It will be the center for business throughout Southeast Asia.”

Although in theory, Southeast Asia business belongs to Yuanxin's overseas business, its importance is no less than that of the European and American markets. Therefore, in the future, the Southeast Asia branch will have extremely high autonomy - I even hope that it can develop into a Separate, Southeast Asia-focused group.”

This is our confidence and planning for the Southeast Asia region.

After listening to Su Yuanshan's words, Liang Yongtai realized that these words were not simply meant for him.

These words should also be spoken by myself to the various forces in Southeast Asia.

After taking a deep breath, Liang Yongtai nodded heavily: Understood, Mr. Shan.

Well, by the way, do you have anything delicious in Nanyang? Su Yuanshan raised his wrist and glanced: It's almost noon. I didn't even eat breakfast today because I wanted to see Chen Jiashen.

In the next two days, Su Yuanshan visited various technology companies in Nanyang one after another, and the day before leaving, he was received by the current leaders of Nanyang.

During the conversation with the leaders, investment projects in Nanyang were inevitably discussed. Su Yuanshan also frankly said that Southeast Asia can have a technology park and software center, but it may be difficult to fully replicate the provincial software park and HK, but Yuanxin will still do it. Lead by example and set up a R\u0026D center here first to take the lead.

After his trip to Southeast Asia, he flew directly to Thailand and met with Mr. Qiu. The two parties easily finalized a contract for 3G equipment and technology.

Finally, he diverted from HK to the SAR.

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