1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 67 Super fierce woman

Ever since Li Mingliu led his team and Qu Hui to the Chengguang Institute, and Xiao Shouping led his team to Shenzhen, the VCD decoding chip project team existed in name only. Only one veteran, Gao Xiaodi, was left with a dozen interns. In his words, he was giving these juniors a second military training.

I've said it several times, develop good annotation habits! Why don't you understand? Do you want to spend your whole life just writing about projects and not letting others read them? Then you might as well carry your computer on your back.

Gao Xiaodi is a native of Shancheng. He came here from the Electrical Engineering Department last year to support EDA development, and then graduated here with a master's degree. After the first grouping, he claimed to be one of the three giants in the chip design team--except of course Su Yuanshan.

Li Mingliu and Xiao Shouping left, but Gao Xiaodi couldn't be happy. When he saw this group of fresh graduates from the electrical engineering department clumsy, he became so angry that he scolded them mercilessly. These interns can't help it - who makes him a senior in this department?

Senior Brother Gao. Su Yuanshan greeted and rescued a group of graduates.

Xiaoshan. Gao Xiaodi came up to him, not forgetting to click on the monitor of an intern next to him before turning back.

In Yuanxin, in view of Su Yuanshan's special age and status, there is an unspoken agreement on how to call him - the first batch of master's and doctorate students from the Department of Electrical Engineering who came to support all called him Xiaoshan, and then Xiaoshan, and then Xiaoshan, such as Li Mingliu and Jiang Wanchao. If you are an outsider, call him Mr. Shan or Mr. Yuan. Those who joined later, such as logistics and finance, were not technical, so they called him Little Mr. Su.

Su Yuanshan doesn't mind what these people call him. Anyway, when he meets everyone, he calls them senior brother and sister.

Entering the office, Su Yuanshan sat on the guest sofa and asked Gao Xiaodi for the internship list. After reading it carefully for a while, he took out a pen and ticked five names: Brother, look at your notes, are you sure these people are... Do you want to stay in Yuanxin?

Well, coming to our internship is a voluntary choice. They all hope to join the company after the internship - otherwise, why would I bother? Gao Xiaodi trimmed his hair, revealing his high hairline.

Okay, you can help these five people with their work. Just arrange for them to go to Shenzhen to learn the design of computer motherboards.

Gao Xiao was stunned when he heard it for the first time, and then he jumped eight feet high: Hey! I am no longer a polished commander if you do this? And they haven't graduated yet... you want them to study motherboard design?

Su Yuanshan had already guessed this result, and said with a smile: It's because they are newcomers that they have strong plasticity. As for our EDA, of course there are people from Pan Xiaojun over there to teach them, and Xiao Shouping is also there.

Gao Xiaodi shook the paper and found that Su Yuanshan had checked off all the good prospects that he liked, and he was even more depressed: You must be too cruel, can I start working here?

Su Yuanshan adjusted his sitting position and looked at him with a smile: First, take the rest of the people to work on the stored value card system last time - all major and middle schools in the country are preparing to replace IC card meal cards, even if we use each chip I only earn one or two yuan, which is a big deal.

Just these few people? Do we have to wait until 2020?

Of course not, let's train them slowly first... Wait until May when we go to the capital campus to recruit. How about we directly add a team of 100 people to you then?

It took some talking to calm Gao Xiaodi down, otherwise this guy would probably go crazy. However, Su Yuanshan did not lie to him. There will be a wave of IC card craze in China, and there will also be demand for campus cards. The reason why IC cards were not gradually popularized until after 1995 in the previous life is because it was not until 1995 that Shougang NEC's 6-inch production line, a joint venture between Shougang and NEC, was expanded, and the related chip costs were reduced.

As for bank cards... I guess we still have to let people use magnetic cards for a while. After all, the cost of chip cards is there. Both banks and ordinary people are very willing to spend every penny. It is a bit difficult to get it right in one step.

When the interns from Yuanxin set off here, Xi Xiaoding from Europe also finished attending the exhibition and went to the Berlin branch to contact the people from Meijie. In addition, as expected by Su Yuanshan, even with the endorsement of Yuanxin EDA, the newly launched UESTC91 microcontroller still did not make any waves. Only a few small businesses expressed interest and took development materials.



When he received the page from Chen Jing, Su Yuanshan was in the conference room on the tenth floor looking at the newly made sand table model with his uncle - his uncle went to several places to ask someone to make it. It is said that he specializes in military projects. of.

The sand table is naturally the planning map of Yuanxin's 500-acre science and technology park. In addition to a wafer laboratory, there are also several additional high-rise buildings - these are the research centers and laboratories of the science and technology park.

Su Yuanshan certainly did not forget to build employee dormitories.

Picking up the phone, Su Yuanshan dialed Chen Jing's eldest brother: Mr. Chen.

Chen Jing's voice was calm, but even a deaf person could hear her anger: Mr. Su, why do you have the nerve to send me a few interns? Don't forget that your shares are the majority!

Well... the landlord's family doesn't have any food left. Su Yuanshan said with a smile: The main reason is that you asked for people in advance and disrupted Yuanxin's deployment - for example, it will be at least a few months until the factory is built, right? Then Maybe my number one general will be back by then.

Chen Jing didn't speak on the other end of the phone, but took two heavy breaths.

Well...Mr. Chen, really, if you don't believe it, I welcome you to come and have a look at Yuanxin.

Okay, I'll bring the engineering drawings.

Su Yuanshan was stunned when the phone was hung up. He looked up at his uncle and asked humbly: Uncle, you have a lot of experience. Have you ever seen that kind of woman... who is willing to suffer even if she is beaten to death?

Other than your wife, who wants to suffer an open loss? My uncle, who had been admiring the sand table with his chin in his hands, replied casually: But this kind of woman usually suffers a hidden loss.

But my uncle immediately came to his senses: Huh? Who do you want to take advantage of?

A woman with a master's degree in economics from a foreign country. She looks very quiet, and her name also has the word jing, but she refuses to give in during negotiations. Su Yuanshan squinted, thinking of Chen Jing's first impression of him - she was still in Qing Dynasty at that time. Smiling brightly, pretending to be innocent.

Super fierce.

When my uncle heard about the female master's degree in economics, he immediately felt a little scared: Then let's just do business honestly...

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and suddenly smiled: The more fierce, the better. If she is really good, it would be a waste to set up a motherboard factory.



The speed with which Chen Jing arrived surprised Su Yuanshan. She didn't talk to Su Yuanshan until ten in the morning, and then used a public phone at five in the afternoon to say that she had arrived at the provincial capital airport and asked Su Yuanshan to send someone to pick her up.

——If he hadn't heard the provincial accent on the phone, Su Yuanshan would have thought that this woman was teasing him so that he could avenge her by sending an intern there.

After calling his uncle who was manning the paging booth at Jiangdu Building, Su Yuanshan decided to go there in person to prevent her from being betrayed - I heard that she came alone, which was really brave enough.

Forty minutes later, Su Yuanshan arrived at the airport. He saw Chen Jing standing next to the public phone in the airport canteen from a distance, and with just one glance, he knew that his worries were unnecessary.

This woman he described as extremely fierce was wearing a beige windbreaker, high leather boots, and her hair was tied into a bun on the back of her head. He pursed his lips, wore sunglasses, tilted his chin slightly to reveal his smooth neck, and stood upright while holding a trolley suitcase.

She looks like a female agent in a movie who is not easy to mess with at first glance.

Door: Recommended Ticket

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