1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 66 The spring breeze of reform blows everywhere

Su Yuanshan could guess that Wang Chaoxin's call was purely to bring good news to him.

Although Wang Chaoxin has strong market insight and courage, he will still discuss major issues with Su Yuanshan - even if Su Yuanshan tells him that as long as the direction is right, even if he occasionally makes mistakes, it is still experience.

For example, when it comes to fully expanding production capacity, Wang Chaoxin believed in Su Yuanshan and invested all his funds in expanding production capacity. At the same time, he also built his own paging station chip and expanded overseas markets - Siamese engineers are here. A separate development department next door develops Thai decoding chips with the IC designers of Yuanxin.

But until the truth finally comes to light, Wang Chaoxin's heart is still panicked. At this time, the dust has settled, which means that all decisions have been stuck at the most correct point, and he will naturally be ecstatic.

Su Yuanshan did not chat much with Chaoxin, nor did he interfere with the other party's layout of the pager market. Compared to Chaoxin, he could only be considered an outsider now.

Hello, Director Zhao. Su Yuanshan turned to look at this famous director in later generations, and stretched out his hand with a smile: I have long admired your name.

Director Zhao stretched out his hands and shook his head with a smile: I don't dare, I just made a small film.

Director Zhao's works must be high-quality, and his small films must be popular. Su Yuanshan smiled, then looked at the young woman who stood up with Director Zhao: Who is this?

This is the editor, Miss Wang Yuping.

This time Su Yuanshan did not exchange pleasantries for a long time. After shaking hands, Su Yuanshan quickly got to the point: My brother-in-law should have roughly told Director Zhao and Miss Wang that the surface of this drama is to praise the spring breeze of reform. In fact, our selfishness is It is to promote technological entrepreneurship and at the same time promote our new products.”

Director Zhao glanced at Miss Wang and nodded: In the past half month, Miss Wang and I have already had a rough plot idea.

Wang Yuping immediately took out a document bag from his briefcase and handed a handwritten manuscript to Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan quickly glanced at the outline and the brief outline of the twenty episodes. It was roughly the same as what he imagined, but in the early stage of the plot, there were many descriptions of the chronic diseases of collective enterprises and the factory's loss situation, and there was relatively little in the subsequent development part.

He pondered for a few seconds and then said: Director Zhao, it's like this. Although it is destined to be reopened now, it is best... not to use traditional methods to highlight the losses of enterprises and the difficulties of people's lives. . After all, the theme of this drama is not exposure and criticism. The concept we want to convey is that only technology is the direction of future development and the direction that makes people rich.

Therefore, the play can show more how the protagonist assembles a team, overcomes difficulties and finally completes the results.

Su Yuanshan paused as he spoke, remembering the pretentious face-slapping routines in online novels that young colleagues in later generations talked about, and couldn't help but smile: You can arrange an opponent for the protagonist, and the opponent can be a dealer of home video recorders, or even Arrange foreigners. They look down on the protagonist’s team and mock him, saying that foreigners can’t figure out why you want to eat swan meat...

When Su Yuanshan saw that Wang Yuping had been writing quickly with a pen, he paused again and slowed down his speech: But one thing must be paid attention to, don't make the audience feel too depressed, let the audience see hope, and constantly show the results to the audience, such as chips The design has reached the register stage and will be tape-out soon... Uh, do you understand?

Director Zhao smiled and shook his head: Mr. Su, please continue. The conflict in this story seems to be stronger.

Well, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. We will send professionals to guide you when the time comes. At the same time, don't be so rigid when showing it to the audience. For example, you can explain it a little bit by using the protagonist's dialogue with other people. If it is difficult to understand, just say it directly. 'You don't understand even after I tell you', in short, just let the audience know that the protagonist is doing awesome things.

In the end, we must focus on handling the villain's attitude change, from contempt to shock, and we must find a good actor to play it well.

Su Yuanshan finished speaking in one breath. Director Zhao was full of admiration and praised: Mr. Su's understanding of the conflicts in the script is really profound.

Su Yuanshan smiled - he didn't understand the conflict, he just knew a little bit about pretending to slap in the face.

But in this era when the people are extremely short of entertainment, using the most popular routines of future generations is equivalent to directly stimulating the audience's dopamine.

Let the logistics arrange for the two of them to stay in Yuanxin to gather ideas and adapt to the environment. Su Yuanshan returned to his seat, holding his chin with both hands and thinking about the layout of Europe.

Xi Xiaoding has already participated in the CEBIE exhibition, and according to the feedback, the format is very good. In addition to the several large companies that have been settled before, some small chip design companies and electronics factories have also expressed their intentions. The only troublesome thing is that I am not familiar with the place and the expansion of the branch is a bit slow.

Hello, Mr. Chen?

Picking up the phone, Su Yuanshan dialed Chen Jing's big brother.

As expected by Su Yuanshan, this master's degree in economics came back to help her brother expand his business, and he had already worked as an intern at a computer company in the west for half a year before returning. Coupled with the fact that Chen Daohua has been running a family business, she has a very deep understanding of the motherboard factory. It was her decision to enter the country this time that prompted Chen Daohua to make the decision after extensive analysis, and she is also the person in charge of the company here.

Hello, Mr. Xiao Su, please speak.

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: Don't be so businesslike.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Jing, who was directing the construction site, smiled silently: Isn't Mr. Su calling because of official business?

Uh... Yes, yes, no. Su Yuanshan smiled: We opened a branch in country D - I remember it seems to be in the same city as you, both in Berlin.

Our marketing office is in Berlin.

Su Yuanshan coughed: Well, you must have rich network resources over there. So I would like to ask you a favor. Let's cooperate more and share resources.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and then a chuckle suddenly sounded: Okay, but I also want to ask Mr. Su for a favor.

Su Yuanshan took the phone and looked at it for a few times, then smiled quickly and said, Please speak.

It will take time to build a dust-free workshop here, but the mainboard design cannot be neglected - can Xiao Su help send a few engineers over? The principle of the mainboard is very simple, and you can learn it once you learn it.


Chen Jing didn't have the soft tone unique to the girls on the island. She sounded very calm: Besides, the cooperation in the first place shows that you will send engineers.

Su Yuanshan squinted his eyes and lay down in a comfortable position: But that will be after it is put into production, okay?

Your engineers cannot understand the motherboard design instantly after it is put into production.

...Actually, you're right. It's not difficult to learn that. Su Yuanshan sighed: Okay, I'll send a few people over for you.


After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan suddenly smiled and cursed: This little girl...

Zhou Xiaohui's ears were very pointed. She raised her head and chuckled: It's so strange. It's the first time I hear you curse.

It's not a curse, it's a compliment - please make arrangements and find a few newly hired designers to come over.

Su Yuanshan grabbed the pen and played with it in his hand, sighing softly.

Why don't I have a sister who talks about business like this and is not willing to suffer at all... uh, where is my sister?

Door: Recommended Ticket

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