1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 618 Deep Blue’s Challenge

Today, in China, with the long-term and unremitting publicity of the Yuanxin Brand Operation Department and market operations, the brand value of Yuanxin has been established.

But abroad, Yuanxin is still far from adequate.

On the one hand, in relatively mature markets, users are relatively rational. On the other hand, Yuanxin has not invested enough in overseas publicity, and overseas users do not know enough about Yuanxin.

It is precisely based on this that Wang Rui recommended Carter, a native of North America, to serve as the overseas vice president and actual person in charge of Yuanxin after falling ill. After all, the North American market is now the largest market and also the consumer electronics market of Yuanxin. The market that the product is mainly targeted at.

But... this is still not enough.

To sell your products well, you must have faith.

At a time when the Internet is not as developed as later generations, it is indeed a good move to start building Yuanxin direct stores in advance as a window to promote Yuanxin.

So, after the National Day holiday, He Wei brought a complete set of plans to the quarterly summary meeting and won the approval of all the leaders present.

In mid-October, Chen Jing went to Siam to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony of Taian Electronics in a low-key manner.

Su Yuanshan took advantage of the hard-earned free time and spent a few days in the laboratory seriously to gain an in-depth understanding and grasp of the progress of his laboratory team.

Then, a paper on Methods for Preparing Graphene by Oxidation Reaction for which he was the corresponding author was delivered to Nature via email.

The reason why Su Yuanshan can shamelessly serve as the corresponding author is of course because he is the boss and the boss of two Nature articles. It was because he remembered that the method used by this group of people looked familiar - in later generations, it was called the Hummers method.

Now that the Hummers Method was accidentally discovered by Yuan Xin and his gang, I can only say that he was lucky.

Pandora Labs.

Who told you it depends on luck?

In Yuanxin, Mr. Xi is probably the only one who can speak to Su Yuanshan in this tone.

Why doesn't playing chemistry rely on luck? Su Yuanshan didn't mind, lying happily on the sofa, almost paralyzed by Ge You.

Generally speaking, whenever there was any good news in the laboratory, he would come to Mr. Xi's place to sit and chat.

Xi Xiaoding couldn't laugh or cry: You guy, you don't know how much money they have wasted and how much supplies they have consumed - oh yes, you really don't know.

Uh... you are the boss of the laboratory, and everyone is under your control. Of course you know that. Su Yuanshan chuckled and stretched: It's almost time to get off work, why don't you go out for a walk?

Xi Xiaoding glanced at the alarm clock on the table, stood up and nodded: Okay.

The two of them walked side by side in the shade of the trees in Pandora Laboratory. It was already late autumn. These big trees that had been transplanted for four or five years were already extremely dense and acted as a natural temperature-regulating air conditioner in summer. But in autumn, it becomes a bit cold.

Xi Xiaoding's physical condition has never been very good - he was always pale at the beginning, and Su Yuanshan dragged him to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with him, but that he had a deficiency of qi and blood.

This thing about Qi and blood deficiency will be endless if you pursue it. So Su Yuanshan ordered the kitchen to prepare pigeon soup for Mr. Xi. After making up for it in the past two years, Mr. Xi finally looked a little better.

Well, it is said that he will get married by the end of the year and have a child next year.

By the way, IBM sent an email two days ago, saying that it would invite us to have a talk. Did I tell you?

The two stopped at a pavilion. Xi Xiaoding saw a magazine on the stone table, took it and sat down on a stool, and asked Su Yuanshan.

Huh? No, tell me. Su Yuanshan became interested immediately after hearing this: How did you make an appointment?

Their Deep Blue achieved two wins, three draws and one loss in its duel with Garry Kasparov in May this year - do you know Garry Kasparov?

Su Yuanshan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: I know, the chess champion, a great person.

Yes, that's the guy. After defeating Kasparov, they made adjustments again. It is said that they were already crying that they had no opponent and were ready to retire and seal it up.

Xi Xiaoding chuckled: Then, I don't know where I found out about our Blue Star, and those people came to our door and asked us to compare our two supercomputers.

How? Compared to computing speed?

Of course not...more than logic, more than learning ability. Xi Xiaoding paused: To put it simply, we initialize at the same time, then input the data to see whose machine learning ability is stronger, and then conduct 1V1 based on the results. Duel—this is probably our plan, but IBM hasn’t responded yet.”

The impact of hardware is still huge. We don't have a professional chess supercomputer, so we are afraid we will suffer a loss? And...how to compare? Compare through the Internet?

As Su Yuanshan asked, his mind was filled with how to use this game to enhance Yuanxin's influence.

You know, that's IBM!

No matter how miserable he is, he is still a blue giant, an existence written into the textbooks.

In a sense, IBM is the representative of modern computer technology. If Yuanxin's supercomputer can defeat IBM...even if it cannot defeat, as long as it is a tie, it will be a great honor.

Thinking about Su Yuanshan, he felt a little hot. He simply stood up and looked at Xi Xiaoding with burning eyes: Do you have a high chance of winning?

Seeing this guy's anxious look, Xi Xiaoding knew what he was thinking and shook his head with a smile: Can you stop being so utilitarian?

I can't help but be utilitarian...

...Well, we guess that the reason why IBM did not respond immediately is that they know that their learning model is not as good as ours.

Xi Xiaoding said with a conceited smile: We don't have time to research dedicated supercomputing processors, but the model is still fine. As long as the hardware conditions are the same, they... can't.

Hearing this, Su Yuanshan laughed loudly: That's right! If they accept the move, we will have a global live broadcast!

...Have you passed? Xi Xiaoding hesitated: Where are you going to live broadcast globally?

Then do the domestic live broadcast! I'll go find the TV station! Su Yuanshan clenched his fist hard, and the impact if Yuanxin beat IBM in AI quickly flashed through his mind.

——For Mr. Xi and Pandora, this is really nothing, and it may not even mean much to Yuan Xin.

The greater significance lies in the series of self-confidence caused by defeating IBM.

You should know that the computer software engineering experimental class currently set up by Mr. Xi has the flavor of the Yao Class of T University in later generations, and is called Xi Class. In the Department of Electrical Engineering, not only is it the class with the highest scores, but it is also the class that enjoys the highest benefits of various resources.

If Mr. Xi's team can defeat IBM, then the status of Xiban will be unbreakable and become a golden business card of Electronic Technology.

In addition, Chinese people don’t need to know what a learning model is or what AI is. They only need to know IBM and Yuanxin defeated IBM.

That's it.

At the very least, it can make ordinary people's knees a little harder.

At this moment, Mr. Xi's cell phone rang. He took the call and listened to a few words before spreading his hands to Su Yuanshan.

Yes, as you wished, IBM's reply is here.

What happened?

It means there will be a showdown on June 1 next year.



At the end of October, Chen Jing traveled around Southeast Asia and then returned to Yuanxin with Sun Xihui.

Her return also brought about the conditions in various countries in Southeast Asia - although the big storm gradually subsided, the aftermath of the storm did not end.

Among these affected areas, the more prosperous the surface, the greater the impact.

Especially in the two countries of Java and the Philippines, the financial crisis seemed to have turned into a physical storm, and the entire country declined rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the past, those industrial areas that were bustling with people and busy with cars have now become deserted and extremely decayed. The streets are no longer as busy as they used to be, and there are even fewer cars.

Especially the capital of the Philippines, Metro Manila, an international metropolis known as the New York of the East in the 1960s - yes, the Philippines was once the second largest economy in Asia, second only to Japan - although It continued to decline in the past, but before the financial crisis, it was still able to maintain a certain respectability.

But after the financial crisis, countless slums and tin shacks popped up seemingly overnight. Homeless vagrants and beggars can also be seen everywhere on the streets.

At the same time, HK finally ushered in the first wave of international hot money offensive.

It's very simple. This time it's just a test.

In Su Yuanshan's office, Chen Jing, Sun Xihui, and the newly arrived Chairman Yang Weichang were sitting around the coffee table drinking tea leisurely.

Although it was Su Yuanshan's office, he had always been lazy, so he had to resign himself to Chen Jing, the landlord, and be responsible for serving tea and water.

A week ago, international hot money began to launch a resolute attack on HK. Large-scale short selling of Hong Kong stocks and foreign exchange markets.

In order to maintain the linked exchange rate system, the Hong Kong Financial Supervisory Authority saw that the situation was wrong and directly sold US dollars on the market to absorb Hong Kong dollars to avoid the depreciation of the Hong Kong dollar.

At the same time, as Su Yuanshan expected, the Monetary Authority directly raised interest rates, raising the prime rate from 8.75% to 9.5%.

The overnight interest rate increased from 9% to 300%.

Such a result will certainly play a significant role in preventing short selling of the Hong Kong dollar and maintaining the exchange rate.

However... although the linked exchange rate system was preserved, the tightening pressure caused by interest rate hikes had to be borne by the stock market.

Under pressure and following the lessons learned from Southeast Asian countries, the Hang Seng Index fell by 10,000 points from 13,000 points in just one week, directly falling by 3,343.2 points, a drop of 27%.

The cumulative loss in Hong Kong stock market value exceeded HK$700 billion.

Testing? Yang Weichang raised his eyebrows: Is such a big battle just a trial?

Of course. Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: HK's foreign exchange reserves are sufficient, and international hot money is just a false shot to test the policy in order to make a comeback.

What about the real goal?

Su Yuanshan squinted his eyes and looked northeast.

Of course it's a great country.

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