1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 617 A warrior without weaknesses

Once the issue of mission is involved, the topic becomes slightly heavy and serious.

After a long silence, Su Xinghe let out a long sigh.

Su Yuanshan knew that his father was still struggling.

After thinking for a while, he asked: Dad, where is your main direction now?

Su Yuanshan has not paid attention to his father's scientific research progress since he completed the microcontroller project. I only know that my father and a group of people from the Electrical Engineering Department are working on supercomputing, and they have succeeded. As for which direction his father is now, he really doesn't know.

Supercomputing parallel processing architecture. Su Xinghe paused and explained: To be more specific, it is data exchange and processing - all computing nodes can be built with money, but technology cannot be done with money. of.

Hmm... Su Yuanshan nodded, indicating that he understood - the computing power of supercomputer can of course be improved by stacking CPUs and increasing the computing power of a single CPU, which means it can be done with money.

But under the same hardware conditions, whoever can better maximize the performance of these processors will be the real NB.

But dad, you just have to keep an eye on this job, right? Just set a goal and let other team members complete it. Su Yuanshan said with a smile.

Su Xinghe glanced at his son and said in surprise: Can this be compared to realizing it with my own hands and witnessing it with my own eyes?


Hearing his father's remarks about his outstanding drilling skills... Su Yuanshan didn't know whether to feel relieved or not.

This kind of pure pleasure brought by the pursuit of technology is a pursuit that Su Yuanshan longs for, but now has to put aside temporarily.

Therefore, he can understand his father very well.

The father and son fell into silence again.

Su Xinghe stared at the tea cup on the table. The mist rose and gradually intertwined, just like his mood at the moment.

Forget it, let me think about it. Su Xinghe finally sighed and smiled at his son: You are back today, let's not talk about this now.

No, Dad. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and pushed the tea cup to his father's side: I think we'd better consider what the attitude above is.

What attitude can the higher-ups have? Su Xinghe asked back: Of course the higher-ups must respect Lao Zhou's opinion first. We are a professional college, not other comprehensive universities. We cannot let someone who does not understand technology lead our school. Right?

Yes - but what I mean is, how much do you think the higher-ups value our school?

This... Su Xinghe pondered, and thought seriously for a while before replying: It is indeed very important. In recent years, except for some schools in the capital, in other provinces, the most important schools are probably only Our electronics department. Of course, we can understand that this is related to our strategic development direction.

That means that even if President Zhou does not recommend you, if the country hopes to develop an electronics university that is in line with the national strategic development direction, then this responsibility may still fall on you. Right?

When Su Yuanshan saw his father stunned, he smiled slightly and continued.

For a university to truly rise, it is not as simple as just throwing money at it. Take professional colleges as an example. First of all, they must have technological accumulation, and they must also have subject leaders - the ability and influence of this subject leader. It can still be on par with the world, and it also needs scientific research resources, output capabilities, employment advantages, and an excellent source of students. In comparison, throwing money at it is simply the easiest thing.

And besides that, you are the best candidate for principal. Why? Because you have no weaknesses and you can stand firm.

If a person cannot stand firmly, there are only two issues. Either economics or style. As for being stubborn, not paying attention to unity, suppressing colleagues, etc., it can be said on the other hand that it is courage, determination, and no favoritism. Affection.

Do you have a style problem?

Su Xinghe was listening carefully to his son's analysis, and suddenly heard him ask this question, and suddenly he couldn't laugh or cry: You brat, please stop making trouble.

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: Of course there will be no economic problems.

You don't have the worries of others. If others fail to push forward, there may be nothing left, so you are hesitant.

And dad, what about you? Don't forget, you have one hundred thousand employees of Yuanxin behind you, and among your students is the father of domestic CPU. Let me ask you, who can do anything to you? Who dares to do anything to you? Really? I, Su Yuanshan, am a vegetarian?

Su Yuanshan laughed as he spoke: You only need to think about running the school well, and there is no need to think about other external matters at all.

So, Dad, you are a warrior with no weaknesses and an extremely sharp weapon!

If I were you, I would choose to lead the Department of Electrical Engineering out of the thickening quagmire and move towards the university of our dreams.

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, he looked at his father quietly.

Su Xinghe fell into a long silence.

Su Yuanshan was not in a hurry, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

After a long silence, Su Xinghe suddenly took a long breath and slowly read out a poem.

Hey, that's right. Su Yuanshan breathed out softly.

But what you said was very enthusiastic... But if we really have to leave, I don't have the slightest idea how to go. Su Xinghe glared at his son: You said it so nicely, do you have any suggestions?

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly.

Dad, I don't have any suggestions...you know more than me.



Su Yuanshan only stayed at home for three days before returning to the Science and Technology Park.

The five-day long holiday made Yuanxin suddenly feel much quieter.

Not to mention the employees who have settled in the provincial capital, many employees who live in other places have also taken various means of transportation to return to their hometowns.

For a while, Yuan Xin felt a little empty.

However, while ordinary employees are on holiday, leaders of some departments are still working overtime.

In the conference room of the marketing department, He Wei is presiding over the mid-term feedback on this year's National Day promotions.

In addition to the marketing department, the marketing department also merged and participated.

Su Yuanshan attended the meeting - yes, he just found a seat and sat down by himself, and made up his mind not to say a word, only with his ears.

As of last night, the data from various channels have been summarized and placed in front of you. The second page is here. He Wei lowered her eyes and flipped through the documents.

Compared to the same period last year, although our sales have increased, according to feedback, the overall market share has declined. The increase in sales is just an illusion given to us by the expansion of the overall domestic market.

——I hope everyone will clearly realize this and not be deceived.

Then, this shows that although our brand value has been recognized, the strategies of foreign brands in the mid-to-high end still have an impact.

He Wei said and turned another page: But based on the data of the past six months, especially the May Day data. The increase in shipments during this period exceeded the increase from May to October in the same period last year - of course, We also need to subtract the incremental change from overall market expansion.

The data obtained has still doubled, which means that in the past six months, compared with last year, our brand marketing strategy is effective, and this event plan is also successful.

Su Yuanshan took the lead in applauding from the opposite side.

Everyone also laughed and applauded - since being encircled and suppressed by international brands in May, the people present have hardly been able to spend a good weekend. The Marketing Department, the Marketing Department, the Brand Operations Department, one by one, everyone’s spirits were tense.

Now seeing the remarkable results, everyone can't help but heave a long sigh of relief.

But Vidoo is not the only brand that Yuanxin needs to pay attention to. We are also the vertically integrated solution provider for most domestic brand mobile phones. Their success or failure is related to the success or failure of YX chips. So, everyone goes back to page five.

The news from our friends was delayed a bit, only for two days, but judging from these two days, the effect was also excellent - we successfully held our position through the central flowering strategy of foreign brands and domestic puppet companies. , now it has become a stalemate.”

And in the next step, our goal is to move from the stalemate stage to the offensive stage while stabilizing the existing market share, complete the two-sided encirclement, and completely occupy the market!

As He Wei spoke, she touched her fists in the middle, smiled at the people around her and asked, What is it called tactically?

Pincer Offensive

Su Yuanshan added to her with a smile.

Yes, a pincer offensive! He Wei pursed her lips and smiled, then raised her eyebrows: Everyone, let's discuss it. Especially in terms of price layout.

The reason why Su Yuanshan attended this meeting was naturally because the mobile phone market was so closely related that there was no room for any mistakes.

During the meeting, except for the phrase pincer offensive, he said nothing and kept listening quietly. Perhaps in order to earn performance in front of him, some middle-level managers were a little restrained at the beginning. Later, when they started to speak freely, everyone relaxed completely.

One plan after another was thrown out by these people.

For example, some people suggested that Yuanxin could try to launch a few more products at the current price range, trying to cover all current mobile phone models and achieve differentiation.

In addition to differentiation, some people have suggested that Yuanxin can launch concept phones that only a few big players are currently testing, or commemorative mobile phones to stabilize the brand value.

Su Yuanshan listened and memorized it.

He Wei raised her hand and glanced at the time.

It's almost time, so that's it for today. I'll remember all the ideas you mentioned. After everyone goes back, we will carefully consider and discuss which ideas are feasible. If they are feasible, we will come up with a plan - everyone knows the old rules. We are the collective wisdom, and completing the plan is the most important thing.

Meeting dismissed.

As He Wei dismissed the meeting, Su Yuanshan also closed his notebook, greeted his colleagues around him, and prepared to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

Unexpectedly, He Wei stopped him: Mr. Shan... wait a moment.


I have something to report to you.

After everyone left, He Wei sat on the chair one seat away from Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan leaned sideways, crossed his legs, and held a tea cup - very much like a teacher educating students.

Mr. Shan, didn't I say last time...that I had an immature idea? He Wei put her legs together, really like a student.

What? Now the idea is mature? Su Yuanshan joked.

He Wei said at the beginning that she was inspired by the model of Chengdian High-tech. Su Yuanshan wondered at that time whether she was thinking of a specialty store.

Well, it's not that the idea is mature, but I think... the time is ripe. He Wei smiled, pursed her lips, and said seriously: Mr. Shan, we can also open a brand-operated store.

As soon as He Wei finished speaking, she saw a smile blooming on Su Yuanshan's face.

Then...Su Yuanshan's smile actually made her a little nervous.

Well, keep talking. Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded, and at the same time raised the tea cup and took a sip: It's similar to a brand-name machine, right?

Yes, but not entirely.

He Wei put away her nervousness and got into work: That's it. To establish a brand-operated store, or a specialty store, or a flagship store - the most important thing is the product line.

If a brand store only has a few mobile phones, then even if you fill the counters with mobile phones, it will only make people laugh.

Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile: Yes, you continue.

So, our brand store cannot be positioned as a mobile phone store, but a store for all Yuanxin products.

Before, we were immature because our product line was not enough. But now, in addition to mobile phones, our Yuanxin consumer electronics products also include MP3 players, as well as video cameras, laptops, and even various OEM products that will be released soon. Excellent accessory for workmanship.”

Coupled with the concept mobile phone that Lao Xiao talked about today - I think the product elements that constitute a specialty store are almost complete.

After He Wei finished speaking, she looked at Su Yuanshan, waiting for the answer.

Somehow, she had a feeling... Su Yuanshan would definitely support her idea.

Su Yuanshan always kept smiling, even when he was thinking.

After a moment, He Wei seemed to remember something and added: By the way, this store will continue Yuanxin's consistent style. It won't be like other mobile phone stores that pop up everywhere... It will serve more image and publicity functions.

For example, the store decoration and style must conform to and reflect our Yuanxin philosophy - because not every user can recognize Yuanxin. In addition to the products, they only see it from advertisements... But the advertisements are It’s going to be a lie.”

Our exclusive store is a channel and a window for users to learn about Yuanxin. At the same time, it can also undertake after-sales...

Before He Wei finished speaking, Su Yuanshan's voice sounded.


He Wei suddenly stopped talking. Two seconds later, she took a deep breath, then tightened her mouth, and her eyes began to shine.

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded again.

You should also attend the quarterly meeting after the holidays. We will prepare a plan by then and we will try to finalize it directly.

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