1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 56 A prosperous new year (please vote for recommendation)

The question What if I don't want to sell it? stopped my uncle in his tracks. Although he is the second boss of Yuanxin in name, he is a pure businessman at heart. It is hard to believe that there is no business to be done. And now that the great northern country has collapsed, Batumi has also lost its meaning. As long as the country does not reverse course, how can it not be sold? Motors are not military supplies, and they are not high-precision products.

Su Xinghe, on the other hand, understood the voice of his son's words. He was someone who had experienced the blockade and the so-called honeymoon period. He knew that as long as there was no such thing in the country, he would be controlled by others. And he also agreed with what Su Yuanshan said in his last report - Ni Guo is the son of the West, but even so, the West still has to hold Ni Guo's head to sign the semiconductor treaty, and use administrative power to support the domestic industry. Semiconductor companies.

It can be seen that if technology is not in your own hands, you will always feel uneasy.

The main reason is that the country is lagging behind across the board. Su Yuanshan looked away and bit his lip: The demand for precision parts, precision equipment, machine tools, and precision materials is spiraling and restricting each other. After so many years of industrialization abroad, the chicken industry has long been Laying eggs and laying chickens has accumulated too much technology.

That's why you keep saying that you are determined to stick to one or a few directions, right? Su Xinghe looked at his son. Although he also lamented the current situation in the country, looking at his son, he was always more proud than frustrated.

Su Xinghe smiled and continued: Actually, we don't need to be so pessimistic. Take microcontrollers as an example. As long as we insist on improving the architecture and launch 16-bit microcontrollers, we will inevitably cultivate a large number of embedded microcontrollers based on UESTC91 in China. This is our advantage. In foreign countries, it is difficult for us to have the opportunity for the entire country to study and study the microcontroller system of a certain architecture. At present, the program control technology has not yet reached the ceiling. If we can develop embedded systems If we accumulate experience and technology in the fields of conventional systems and PLC, then machine tools can be used for technology exchange.”

At the same time, the RISC architecture of Yuanxin can also be used for 32-bit embedded systems, so our product line will be complete.

Su Yuanshan couldn't help but nodded, very happy with his father's current vision.

In fact, the key to high-end motors is also the driver chip. And I'm really anxious. Domestic laboratories can still pile up some materials by stacking them up. So the key lies in the manufacturing technology - Chinese people have always been able to copy the products at a glance, which is one of the reasons why high-end machine tools are not sold.

Zhang Ke smiled bitterly: Yeah, I can't understand you at this point.

The father and son looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

The next day, my uncle's family of three returned to my grandfather's house. Before leaving, Su Yuanshan repeatedly asked my uncle to find a screenwriter as soon as possible. At the same time, he also asked him to be prepared, because it is very likely that when the spring breeze blows back to the capital, private paging stations will be fully opened.

On the day of the Spring Festival, Su Xinghe took Su Yuanshan upstairs to pay New Year greetings to Li Gaoliang. After seeing Su Yuanshan, Li Gaoliang was so happy that he quickly asked his daughter Li Xiao to come out to receive her - Li Xiao was almost two years older than Su Yuanshan and had taken Su Yuanshan everywhere when he was a child. toss. I just got admitted to P University last year.

However, Su Yuanshan immediately called Li Xiao a traitor from the Electrical Engineering Department, which made the two professors extremely happy.

In the next few days, Su Yuanshan stayed at home and either read books or lay on the sofa like Ge You to empty his head.

Until two days before the holiday, Qin Weimin returned to the provincial capital early and brought a lot of local products to visit his mentor.

Senior brother... you are so gentle. You are a doctor after all, why are you carrying a snakeskin bag? Su Yuanshan flipped through the woven bag in the corner and found that it was filled with bacon sausages and some mountain products: Your family is not from a mountainous area, right?

It was a gift from relatives in the mountains. I thought you don't have any poor relatives, so I just brought it over. Qin Weimin was as casual as the master of the Su family. He made tea himself and made another cup for the teacher.

Su Xinghe smiled and scolded: You are scolding me for being out of touch with the masses.

I don't dare to mean that. Qin Weimin smiled and put the teacup in front of the teacher and sat down.

Su Xinghe looked at Qin Weimin with a smile. He was very satisfied with himself as the founding disciple: Don't you still have two days off? Why did you come back early?

The main reason is that I perfected the instruction set during the holidays. Qin Weimin took out the floppy disk sheepishly: I just don't know if there is any problem.

Su Yuanshan stood up immediately.

Let's go! Let's go take a look.

Well, let's go! Since Qin Weimin had already taken out the floppy disk, he obviously planned to show it to Su Yuanshan as soon as possible.

Entering the study room, Su Yuanshan turned on the computer, started EDA, loaded the project and checked it carefully.

Master and apprentice Su Xinghe stood behind him, also staring at the monitor motionlessly.

After checking the code and design, Su Yuanshan took a long breath: Very good, senior brother. My computer here is too slow. When I go back to the company, I will directly generate the circuit and then run the simulation. If there are no errors, it can be taped out directly!

Qin Weimin took a long breath and clenched his fists to suppress his excitement.

It seems that senior brother is still senior brother after all. Su Yuanshan laughed as he looked at Qin Weimin, who had not gained weight during the New Year.

Qin Weimin patted Su Yuanshan on the shoulder and turned to look at Su Xinghe with a smile: Teacher, how about a draw this time?

Okay! Let's call it a draw. Su Xinghe remembered the bet he made with his disciple. He held his son with one hand and Qin Weimin's shoulder with the other and laughed.

Two days later, Yuanxin opened the door for work on time.

As the nominal boss - although his office on the ninth floor has been transformed into a conference room - Su Xinghe naturally wants to come to the company to hold an annual meeting.

Su Xinghe was not verbose at the meeting. He was full of praise and encouragement throughout the meeting, without even a pretentious but.

After the meeting, everyone returned to the office and workstations. Su Xinghe waited in the workroom until the YX01 simulation was successful before leaving with satisfaction.

Su Yuanshan also returned to his office. He turned on his computer and connected to the mail server.

There were three emails from Xi Xiaoding lying in the mailbox.

The first letter was a New Year's greeting according to custom, and the second letter was to tell Su Yuanshan that he was planning to open a branch in Europe to facilitate European business.

The last letter is that the chip for the cordless phone has been designed.

The specifications are 50 meters, strong penetration, and anti-interference. After Yuanxin provided chip and PCB design ideas, the size of the phone is larger and smaller than that of the big brother. At the same time, because it does not need to be kept on standby for a long time, it can also be done. light.

In short, for foreigners who live in big houses, this is an absolute artifact!

And if you are lucky enough, you will be able to catch up with the International Radio and Television Technology Exhibition, which will also be held in Las Vegas on April 20.

Just when Su Yuanshan smiled and closed the mailbox, Zhou Xiaohui also told him with a smile on her face that Siam had decided to send a designer to cooperate next week.

Su Yuanshan curled his fingers and could no longer suppress the joy on his face.

Have a great start to the new year, Sister Xiaohui!

Zhou Xiaohui also smiled and replied: Good luck and good luck.

Su Yuanshan blinked: Then let's eat chicken tonight!

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