1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 55 Cheng Guang asked for help (please vote for recommendation)

Su Xinghe and Zhang Ke laughed. Both of them were used to treating Su Yuanshan as a mature adult. Seeing Su Yuanshan's rare expression of excitement at this time, they both had the feeling that this was their son or nephew.

My uncle spoke in a long voice, like a conciliatory old cadre: Young man, don't be so impatient, it's the Chinese New Year.

Your uncle is right, it's the Chinese New Year. Su Xinghe looked at his son and smiled: We can't talk about big things until the Chinese New Year - and you see, there is no news at all on TV right now.

Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head and sat down. He also knew that he was too excited just now. But there is a reason for his excitement, because he knows that the spring breeze will blow and will say, Be bolder and walk faster. Now that I have this foresight, it makes no sense not to do something.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. After opening the door, I saw Professor Li Gaoliang holding two bottles of wine in his hand, and a middle-aged man of about the same age standing behind him.

Su Yuanshan was stunned by this posture - Li Gaoliang lived upstairs, so it was not unusual for him to visit, but it was unusual for him to bring two bottles of wine. He is my father’s department chair!

What? Xiao Su, don't you let Uncle Li in? Li Gaoliang joked when he saw that Su Yuanshan was confused.

No, no, Uncle Li, what do you mean by this wine? My house is not a sales store. Su Yuanshan quickly opened the door, turned around and shouted: Dad, Uncle Li is here.

Su Xinghe heard the sound a long time ago, walked quickly to the door, and welcomed the two people in with a haha.

After introducing his identity and exchanging pleasantries, Su Yuanshan moved a stool and sat next to his uncle, with an uncontrollable smile on his face - not polite, but a real smile.

Zheng Zhenchuan, deputy leader of the opto-mechanical project team of the Institute of Optoelectronics Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is also a classmate of Li Gaoliang.

The wine was naturally brought up by Zheng Zhenchuan.

The aunt came out of the kitchen, made tea for the guests, then took the little girl into the kitchen, leaving the living room to the men.

Lao Su, you two are welcome. My old classmate's project is encountering some difficulties now. How can Yuanxin help? Li Gaoliang touched his head and said to Su Xinghe, and finally looked at Su Yuanshan.

He knew that the clever Su Yuanshan was actually in charge of Yuan Xin.

Su Xinghe smiled and nodded: Well, Mr. Zheng, please tell me.

Okay, our Institute of Optics and Mechanics has been doing imitation and research and development of lithography machines. The problem now is that we are OK with the light source part and other hardware, but the embedded system is very difficult. Zheng Zhenchuan said at the Provincial Capital Optoelectronics After working in the Institute of Computer Science for many years, he had already learned a Sichuan accent. He shook his head and said with a wry smile: Looking at the country now, Professor Su's Yuanxin has the ability to develop an embedded system suitable for lithography machines, so I will worship the Bodhisattva right away. .”

Haha, what did Zheng Gong say? Su Xinghe said haha ​​and kept praising him. He turned to look at his son: Xiaoshan, can we get a team over there?

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and smiled broadly.

Since Uncle Zheng has spoken, we have to help even if we stop EDA!

Everyone burst out laughing. Zheng Zhenchuan looked back at his old classmates and was relieved when he saw Li Gaoliang nodding decisively - Li Gaoliang told himself at home that the person in charge of Yuanxin Company was actually Su Xinghe's son, and this The child is a genius truly famous in Silicon Valley.

Next, Su Yuanshan briefly asked Zheng Zhenchuan a few questions about the lithography machine, which made Zheng Zhenchuan look at him with admiration.

After agreeing to work out the details after the New Year, Li Gaoliang and Zheng Zhenchuan stood up and left, refusing to stay for dinner.

After closing the door, Su Yuanshan high-fived excitedly again.

Dad, do you know what it means to be given a pillow when you want to sleep? That's it!

Su Yuanshan laughed loudly as he spoke and jumped onto the sofa.

Domestic photolithography machines, or optical precision machinery, actually started not late. As early as the 1950s, the Changchun Institute of Optics and Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was established. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Changchun Institute of Optics and Mechanics assisted in the construction of the Xiguang Institute, the Shangguang Institute, and the Chengguang Institute in Xijing, SH, and the provincial capital respectively.

Since they are blooming everywhere, they naturally focus on different directions. As the grandfather, the Changguang Institute dominates the overall situation. The Xiguang Institute mainly studies the fields of space optics, optoelectronic engineering, etc.; the Shanghai Institute of Optics focuses on the fields of strong lasers, information optics, photonic materials, etc.; the Chengguang Institute, the provincial capital institute of optics and mechanics, As early as the 1970s, it was proposed that the future main direction of research would be optical measurement equipment and large-scale integrated circuit equipment research projects. (Ignore Anguang Institute here)

But Su Yuanshan knew that these research directions of the Chengguang Institute had failed.

It is now the beginning of 1992, and Chengguang Institute will launch next year the first g-line lithography machine, which is known as one of the top ten scientific and technological achievements in electronics - a 1.5-2 micron step-repeat projection lithography machine. However, because the yield rate is so low that it can only be used as a prototype...

Later, Chengguang Institute continued its efforts and developed a 0.8-1 micron distributed projection lithography machine, claiming to be the only independently developed lithography machine that has produced components.

Listen to this word, made components - there is stubbornness in the sadness.

Since then, domestic lithography machines have been around for a century when we look back.

As a practitioner in related industries, Su Yuanshan certainly knows the history of domestic lithography machines. In fact, the machine developed by Chengguang is a copycat of NEC's 2-micron lithography machine, but the hardware can be copied, but the embedded system cannot be helped. Especially various fine-tuning, which requires the dual blessing of the system and experience.

Su Yuanshan's plan this year is to use the advantage of being in the provincial capital to attract this wave of people from Chengguang Institute to gain experience. Before he could figure out how to find an excuse to cooperate, the opposite party came to his door. Didn't he want to sleep and someone gave him a pillow?

Seeing Su Yuanshan's excitement, his father calmed down: Don't get too excited yet. The lithography machine has tens of thousands of parts in total and is an extremely precise instrument. To develop an embedded system, you must have a certain understanding of its system and structure. That’s it. Do we have such people?”

Of course we don't, but we can learn from each other. Su Yuanshan said with a smile: Also, the lithography machine sounds complicated. In fact, the most difficult thing about embedded systems is the alignment system. To be more specific, it is the stepper motor. In terms of cooperation with motors such as torque motors and servo motors...

Speaking of this, Su Yuanshan suddenly stopped.

Zhang Ke, who was listening with interest, was stunned: Why don't you say anything anymore?

Su Yuanshan sighed softly: Because these motors don't seem to be made in China.

In fact, domestic laser light sources have not lagged far behind, and are even leading in some fields. However, photolithography machines, which are high-precision machines that integrate various top technologies, are the most affected by the barrel effect.

Just import it, the cost will be higher at worst. My uncle said nonchalantly.

Su Yuanshan smiled and looked out the window with squinted eyes. It was a cold winter outside the window.

Yes, but what if they don't sell it? Su Yuanshan asked softly.

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