1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 403 The old nobles and the nouveau riche

After putting down the phone, Su Yuanshan quickly saw the relevant news released by Intel on the website and news groups.

Maybe they really can't find a good page design, or maybe it's just for fun - the test format and even the wording of Intel's early release are similar to what Xinghai originally created.

The so-called disgusting opponent is, the richer the chips in hand will be.

Just like what Claude said, Intel has not released all the test results released this time, and has reserved a few - which must be a great advantage. And the core code name, manufacturing process and other data have not been announced. It seems that everything is learned from Yuanxin, so we must first whet everyone's appetite.

And judging from the test results of some software that have been published, the floating point operation that leads the most is just over 30%.

Floating-point arithmetic, from the beginning when an external floating-point arithmetic unit was required, is now integrated inside the core, which shows its importance - especially for games and scientific computing.

As the first company to integrate a floating-point arithmetic unit, Intel's leadership in this aspect is normal.

But in other calculations, the smallest one is also ahead by about 10 percent.

And just like Xinghai, they did not announce their CPU model, nor did they directly announce who their competitors were.

But everyone can guess with their toes that it should be the high-end CPU currently known as the most cost-effective. Xinghai has just been released and is preparing to seize the Thunder 100MHz in the Intel market.

It's a bit much.

Su Yuanshan stared at the page, frowning. From Intel's attitude, he saw the pride and disdain of an established aristocrat facing a farmer who had just been promoted to a nouveau riche.

If Xinghai used this method in an appetizing way as a gimmick, then Intel's response would be a bit humiliating.

Does this mean Intel is secretly holding back its ultimate move? Zhou Xiaohui couldn't help but feel worried when she saw Su Yuanshan's rare caution.

Now it seems like this. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and closed his eyes again.

He planned to examine himself first.

But soon, he realized that he had done nothing wrong - if he had to say that he had not done anything well, it was probably because he did not pay attention to Intel's activities at all times.

But this is not his problem. Intel's CPU business is only one of Yuanxin's businesses. It's not even the highest priority in terms of priority. Even if he is anxious, it should be Gao Xiaodi who is anxious.

However, Su Yuanshan had to admit that he did make an empirical mistake. In other words, he still underestimated Intel's mobility and innovation capabilities before it became the absolute king.

He has been completing the layout according to the path Intel took in his memory, just like sniping ARM, taking the lead in using excellent architecture and future popular designs to complete the sniping.

But Su Yuanshan didn't expect that ARM was just a small company. After discovering that the future of the ARM architecture was blocked by Yuanxin's YX architecture, they simply surrendered. Intel is different. They are already a dominant player in desktop CPUs, and their technology and talent reserves are far beyond what ARM can match.

After being hit head-on by Xinghai, it is only natural for Intel to come up with new technologies or come up with new ideas in advance.

After understanding this, Su Yuanshan opened his eyes, exhaled slowly and said with a smile: It's okay, after all, I never thought that a Thunder series CPU alone could defeat Intel, and the days ahead are still long.

Seeing that Su Yuanshan's expression returned to normal, Zhou Xiaohui breathed a sigh of relief and smiled softly: Yes, no matter what, the fact that they chose the same release method as Xinghai's originally shows that they at least recognize Xinghai as their opponent.

Well, yes. Although... I think this is Intel deliberately trying to disgust people. Su Yuanshan chuckled.

The news that Intel was going to release new products and return to the performance throne soon spread throughout the industry.

Su Yuanshan also received several calls throughout the day, and even Xi Xiaoding greeted him.

The reason is simple. Desktop CPUs, with millions of transistors, represent the most advanced design and technology in the entire semiconductor industry.

Although Yuanxin only has one team working on it and has only now completed the tape-out and sent it for packaging and testing, everyone knows that desktop processors will be Yuanxin's brand in the future.

Su Yuanshan's answer to everyone was similar - let the bullets fly for a while.

This was also a decision he made after discussing with Claude, Gao Xiaodi and others.

Now Intel must have developed newer and stronger CPUs, that's for sure. But what the specific parameters are, what micro-architecture design is used, and what kind of extended instruction set is used, these will not be known until after the official launch, or even after it is officially launched and purchased.

But before that, all you can do is do your own thing well.

After all, both Xinghai and Yuanxin are pursuers. No one dares to expect that a single product and a series of CPUs with one architecture can defeat Intel.

While waiting for the Intel press conference, good news also came from Zhongxin. The closed beta test is over and it is officially offline.

Su Yuanshan hurriedly went to Shanghai with Wen Xiaoqian - now Zhou Xiaohui is getting busier and busier, and has begun to truly perform her duties as assistant to the chairman, fully responsible for coordinating the work of Yuanxin's various departments in the special zone. Therefore, the clever and lively Wen Xiaoqian began to take over some of her responsibilities.

Well... at least it's a duty in life.

The plane arrived in Shanghai, and Wang Chaoxin, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, personally greeted him at the airport.

Have you tried it? What's the result? Su Yuanshan asked Wang Chaoxin impatiently as soon as he got into the Audi.

How should I put it? Wang Chaoxin chuckled and touched his scalp: If there was no such thing as Intel, this CPU would be the current performance king.

That's good. Su Yuanshan breathed out softly.

Yuanxin's CPU has been honed for almost three years. Although the architecture used is the same Sol architecture as Cyrix, Yuanxin has done more optimization and processing in terms of details.

Moreover, the remote core is also more radical in terms of frequency, directly going up to 100MHz.

Audi headed towards Zhangjiang Industrial Zone. In order to cooperate with the Shanghai Stock Exchange's strategy, Wang Chaoxin established a packaging and testing factory next to Deyuan in the industrial park as early as last year, and in order to cooperate with the development of Yuanxin, he is gradually shifting his focus here.

But I heard that your X86 is not authorized by Intel. Will it have any impact? Wang Chaoxin thought for a while and asked.

Um... let's talk about this separately. Su Yuanshan chuckled, with a bit of helplessness on his face.

Intel's big move caught him off guard, and it also added some variables to Yuanxin's exchange for Intel's authorization certificate.

Now Su Yuanshan's only hope is that Intel's new CPU uses Yuanxin's patents.

Only in this way can we be qualified to sit at the negotiating table.

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