1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 402 Good News and Bad News

After sending Li Keqing away, Su Yuanshan immediately contacted Qu Hui and told her the results of the communication between the two parties. Qu Hui was silent on the phone for several seconds before saying with emotion that although Lao Li liked He Xini, at the critical moment Still not losing the chain.

Are you relieved now? Go back and integrate the team. Sister Qu Hui, you are an old man from Yuanxin, and everyone must give you face. If Director Li is He Xini, then your identity is actually more convenient for the team. of.

Qu Hui smiled on the other end of the phone and said, I can't get along with you.

Haha, this time you are going to overthrow it and start over again. Of course, it will be based on whose idea is better. Everything will depend on technology.

Well, that's okay, I'll hang up now and pack my bag.

Su Yuanshan also hung up the phone, and Zhou Xiaohui smiled at him and said, Two years have been wasted, and you don't seem to be in any hurry.

Why aren't you anxious? I just didn't show it. Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head: But there is no need to be anxious about this matter. Yuanxin has always been very smooth. It does not mean that every field Yuanxin is involved in, every time All friends will be so successful...

You still say it's okay? The CPU that was supposed to be tape-out at the end of last year has not been offline yet... Zhou Xiaohui dismissed Su Yuanshan's optimism.

At this time, the landline phone on Su Yuanshan's desk rang, and Zhou Xiaohui walked over and picked it up for him.

After saying hello, Zhou Xiaohui listened to the other party say a few words and handed the phone to Su Yuanshan with a smile on her face: The CPU has come out and will be on the sealing and testing line immediately.

Su Yuanshan stood up: Holy shit?

Haha, I take back what I just said. Zhou Xiaohui smiled and shook her head.

Seeing Su Yuanshan striding towards the desk, she stood aside quietly and waited.

As the person who has been with Su Yuanshan for the longest time, she is the only one who knows how deeply Su Yuanshan is obsessed with the CPU - yes, it is the X86 architecture central processing unit.

The architecture adopted by Yuanxin is exactly the same as the Thunder series processors already on the market in Xinghai, and it even does better in some details.

The reason why the successful tape-out has been delayed until now is that on the one hand, features such as multi-processing and power management have been added, and on the other hand, Su Yuanshan is determined to use his own CPU to achieve far higher yields in order to quickly convert the wafer fab. Get it started.

Yeah, okay! I'll come over in a week. Then we'll choose a date to hold a press conference, and Intel will also discuss it together and see what we say...

After Su Yuanshan hung up the phone, he closed his eyes, made fists with both hands, and took a long breath.

Don't get excited, we have to wait until we pass the testing line. Su Yuanshan opened his eyes and warned himself with a smile.

Zhou Xiaohui smiled and shook her head: What if Intel insists on not granting authorization?

Cold salad.


Actually, I can't guess what Andy Grove is thinking. It's been more than half a year since Xinghai released the Thunder series at the end of the year, and I haven't seen any movement from them.

Su Yuanshan shook his head as he spoke.

Intel seems not to have been affected by Xinghai's Thunder series release. It has remained silent since the last decision to make a comprehensive recall, and only launched the second-generation Pentium high-frequency series step by step in April.

It has to be said that the advantages brought by high frequency are still obvious. At the very least, it will be able to compete with the Thunder series after its release.

Since Intel chose to be low-key, Carly was not merciful. Xinghai also released the second 100MHZ processor of the Thunder series in May, once again suppressing Intel in terms of performance.

But now it's August...According to Intel's tone, it should have responded long ago.

I guess you are holding back your energy and preparing to give us a powerful blow?

From chip design to tape-out, if it is a brand-new architecture, these few months will never be enough. Su Yuanshan shook his head again: And chip design, the more anxious you are, the more likely it is to cause problems, so you can't rush it.

He is very clear about Intel's technological development path, because judging from the products launched in the past few years, Intel's design has not been affected by butterfly wings.

The pitfalls that should be stepped on have been stepped on without anyone pushing them.

That means that if it weren't for Cyrix, Intel would have launched Pentium Pro step by step, then Pentium MMX, and finally Pentium 2, Pentium 3, Pentium 4...

And it just so happens that historically, Pentium Pro was launched this year.

In the past, the Pentium Pro held the throne of performance as soon as it was launched. The reason is very simple because it added a second-level cache for the first time, and it was also very large... reaching 256KB or even 1MB.

The performance improvement brought by the ultra-high L2 cache is extremely obvious, but the cost is also obvious, so that it has become a CPU that only exists in legends. And it was quickly replaced by the Pentium MMX that followed.

As for Xinghai and Yuanxin, Su Yuanshan actively learned the lesson. Although Cyrix was set to be high-end from the beginning, and it showed that it wanted to kill Intel. But in fact, the cost and price are still very well controlled - since Intel is trying to seize the market, making money is the second priority.

Nowadays, Su Yuanshan obviously does not believe that Intel can directly upgrade the architecture and technical indicators of Pentium Pro to Pentium MMX and even Pentium 2 in just half a year.

But no matter from which aspect, it is impossible for Intel to remain indifferent in the face of Xinghai's aggressive offensive.

I'll call and ask. Su Yuanshan glanced at the time. It was exactly seven o'clock in the evening in the West 8th District of California.

He made a call directly to Claude's cell phone.

After the phone rang for more than ten seconds, Su Yuanshan shrugged: This guy probably muted his phone after get off work - this is the advantage of the lighthouse country, they can make money easily and leisurely, and they still make money. Big head.”

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

After being connected, Claude's voice was a little cautious: Su, I also want to inform you that Intel has deliberately leaked the test results of their latest CPU today.

Huh? Su Yuanshan raised his eyebrows!

Is there such a coincidence?

But Su Yuanshan immediately adjusted his mood and asked in a deep voice: What's the result?

Judging from the results they have released, the performance exceeds ours by about 30 percent.

Holy shit? Su Yuanshan jumped up as if his butt was on fire: Did they post the technical parameters?

No, everything is kept secret, and according to the news from the media, they will hold a product launch conference on the last day of the month.

Claude paused and said as if he was comforting Su Yuanshan and himself.

They haven't fully adopted our testing procedures, and I think ... they may be inferior to us in some aspects.

Su Yuanshan was silent, his eyebrows wrinkled.

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