1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 370 Su Yuanshan’s sigh

The evening was arranged by Zhang Rujin. After arranging Vincenti and others, he went straight to Su Yuanshan's guest room.

Zhou Xiaohui knew that the two had something to discuss, so she hung a do not disturb sign at the door before making coffee for them.

What do you mean by the president? Zhang Rujin stared at Su Yuanshan and asked eagerly.

Under the current cooperation framework between the two parties, what he can do is very limited and can only rely on negotiations between Su Yuanshan and Deyi.

I admire Mr. Vincenti very much. After Su Yuanshan pondered for a few seconds, he carefully considered the words: He has all the qualities of an excellent entrepreneur, and he also has the generosity and kindness of a Christian.

Zhang Rujin laughed when he heard this: Your evaluation is very high.

Haha, it's just that TI is an old listed company after all, and to put it more bluntly, it is conservative... Therefore, even if I convince Mr. Vincenti, if I want to meet our demands, We still have to put in a lot of effort. Su Yuanshan took a sip of the coffee as he spoke, and handed the document on the side to Zhang Rujin: This is Yuanxin's follow-up shareholding increase plan and some business considerations.

Zhang Rujin put on his eyes, picked up the document and read it carefully.

Su Yuanshan also stared at Zhang Rujin silently, feeling a little sorry for Lao Zhang in his heart - he told Zhang Rujin that he would not interfere in the specific business of Deyi Semiconductor.

But Su Yuanshan was afraid that Lao Zhang would take the wrong path.

A person's style of doing things will not change easily. Lao Zhang's strength lies in building factories and expanding, so his style must be expansion - which also coincides with the overall demands of the domestic semiconductor industry.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Lao Zhang is given enough support, he can plant red flags in every corner of China!

However, this is not Su Yuanshan's most important request.

Su Yuanshan knows that this ghost industry will definitely lead to winner-take-all!

Then, when resources are limited, the idea of ​​capacity expansion must give way to the idea of ​​technological upgrading.

That's why Su Yuanshan sent his senior brother in as a representative of the technology upgrade faction from the beginning - as Chen Jianguo, he first set up the technical team, and Zhang Rujin was always embarrassed to stop it.

Uncle Zhang, it's mainly because I'm a little scared about the process and craftsmanship this time. Su Yuanshan has been calling Zhang Rujin Uncle Zhang in private to show his intimacy: So I think the focus of Deyuan's future is still to give priority. investment in technology.”

Zhang Rujin was silent for a few seconds without looking up. He nodded slightly and said softly: It's a bit troublesome, but the demand in the domestic semiconductor market is huge, and the cooperation between wafer factories and chip design companies is generally very stable... If It cannot quickly seize the market and seize users.”

As he spoke, Zhang Rujin raised his head and looked at Su Yuanshan, and said seriously: When the domestic chip field develops, I'm afraid we will be in trouble if we try to win over users. And the improvement of technology... To put it bluntly, it will also require users to spend money. Just use the money to help burn it.

Zhang Rujin's thinking is very clear. He wants to be the best professional foundry. The first step is to capture the domestic market.

I have considered this issue. Su Yuanshan explained patiently: But we have remote cores and multi-cores. Our shipment volume alone can support the wafer factory first. When we break through the technical barriers, we can achieve When it reaches the internationally advanced level... we will then turn our attention to foreign markets.

Professional foundry must have professional technology. If we don't have technology, everything is just talk. Su Yuanshan saw that Zhang Rujin didn't know whether it was possible or not. He thought for a while and said: Uncle Zhang, you know, Yuanxin is already very big now. …Whether it’s in terms of scale or the areas involved, it’s so big that I have to consider the issues that I have to consider because of the size.”

Su Yuanshan's words were convoluted, but Zhang Rujin understood.

So...the country supports Huajing this time, so I will let the country support it. We don't have to compete with the country for interests in the era of technological explosion, and...Uncle Zhang, you have to believe me, within ten years, we will definitely enter the The real golden age in the semiconductor field. By then, whoever has leading technology will be qualified to survive.

What's more, it's not that we won't expand - for example, in the negotiations with Deyi, I must stick to Deyuan's bottom line of manufacturing memory chips, whether it is memory particles in the future or flash memory particles where we have gained a big advantage. Well, these are hot areas in the future and are worthy of establishing professional production factories.

Zhang Rujin pursed his lips, nodded slowly after a moment of silence.



The next day, Su Yuanshan and Vincenti finally formally sat at the negotiating table.

Su Yuanshan did not have too much entanglement with the other party, and did not even give the opposite directors a chance to find fault. He directly offered the conditions that Yuanxin could provide.

Yuanxin will directly increase its investment by US$150 million and use technology from Lin Benjian’s team in Silicon Valley as capital. In the same way, Texas Instruments uses the breakthrough technology of 0.5 micron process technology and related node processes as capital, and the equity interests of both parties will remain unchanged after the capital injection.

In addition, Yuanxin also promised to provide chip foundry business with a value of no less than one billion US dollars in the next five years, but the relevant processes need to be unconditionally transferred to Deyuan Semiconductor.

To put it bluntly, Su Yuanshan gave Texas Instruments a super gift package.

The only thing they want is to bring Deyuan Semiconductor's technology directly to the same level as Texas Instruments.

Su, you can't do this. During the break after lunch, Vincenti found an opportunity to sit next to Su Yuanshan and said to Su Yuanshan seriously.

Why not? Su Yuanshan asked in confusion: Sony can do it, why can't you?

Vincenti was speechless for a while.

Today, in the provincial capital, Sony CEO Norio Ohga and Yuexin CEO Chen Jing signed a strategic cooperation agreement, announcing that the two parties will jointly establish Soxin Energy Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd.

The two parties will conduct comprehensive and in-depth cooperation in lithium batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, solar energy and other fields, and work together to enter the energy field of the new world.

Although this news is low-key, it is undoubtedly a bombshell for some people who are concerned about the two companies, as well as the lithium battery field and future energy.

For Su Yuanshan, it was a good band-aid to stop Vincenti's mouth.

Su, the chip is different.

Why is it different?

To put it bluntly, Vincenti just couldn't say We can't let you also have all the high-end technologies - how politically incorrect this is for a beacon that claims to be free and fair and advocates fair trade!

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